高中英语 U3 travel journal课件 新人教版必修1

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1、Unit 3 Travel Journal,1. _ n.日记;杂志 2. _ vt. ride a bicycle 3. _ vt.说服;劝说 4. _ n. 费用 5. _ n.(山)谷;流域,一、单词识记,valley,journal,cycle,persuade,fare,6. _ adj. fit to be trusted 7. _ n. 12 oclock at night 8._ adv. eventually;at last 9._ prep.在下面 10. _ n.风景;视野;观点,view,reliable,midnight,finally,beneath,11.atti

2、tude n. _ 12.determined adj._ 13.graduate vi. _ 14.schedule n.& vt._ 15.shortcoming n. _,缺点,态度,看法,坚决的;有决心的,毕业;大学毕业生,时间表;为某事安排工作时间,16.altitude n. _ 17.insurance n. _ 18.forecast n.& vt._ 19.stubborn adj. _ 20.disadvantage n. _,不便之处,不利条件,海拔;高度;高处,保险,预测,预报,顽固的,固执的,1.determine vt.决定,决心,确定,测定,二、词汇拓展,_n.

3、决心,毅力 _ adj. 坚毅的,下决心的 _同义 v.决定,decide,determination,determined, She is a girl of great _ (determine). He is determined _ (face) out the situation. There is a _ (determine) look on his face.,determined,determination,to face,_adv. 类似地;同样地 _n.类似;(可数)相似之处 _搭配类似于,与相似 _近义与相同,2.similar adj. 类似的,相似的,the sam

4、e .as.,similarly,similarity,be similar to, My opinion is similar _ yours. The _ between them has often been remarked on. (similar) Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. _,our minds are developed by learning. (similar),to,similarity,Similarly,_n.组织,机构 _n.组织者 _adj. 有组织的,3.organize v.组织,organ

5、ized,organization,organizer, The _ (organize) of such a large-scale party takes a lot of time and energy. The _(organize) think of various ways to amuse the athletes. I will take part in an _ (organize) activity to improve the condition of disadvantaged people in society.,organization,organizers,org

6、anized,_adj. 感到惊讶的 _adj. 令人惊讶的 _adv. 惊奇地,惊讶地 _adv. 令人感到惊奇地,4.surprise vt.使惊奇,使诧异n. 惊奇,诧异,surprisingly,surprised,surprising,surprisedly, Everybody here was surprised _ the news. I was _ (surprise) at the change in him. _ (surprise),he was so frank that he told me all of his secrets.,at,surprised,Surp

7、risingly/To my surprise,1. 自那以后 _ 2. 照例,像往常一样 _ 3. 屈服,让步 _ 4. 关心,忧虑,惦记 _ 5. 喜欢,喜爱 _ 6. 改变主意 _ 7. 劝某人做某事 _,三、词组互译,persuade sb.to do sth.,ever since,as usual,give in,care about,be fond of,change ones mind,8. 梦想做某事 _ 9. 在落日的余辉里_ 10. 流经某地 _ 11.make camp _ 12.stay awake _ 13.at an altitude of 5,000 meter

8、s _ 14.graduate from college _,大学毕业,dream about doing sth.,in the setting sun,flow through,扎营,保持清醒,在海拔5000米的高度,15.get sb. interested in doing sth. _ 16.put up a tent _ 17.can hardly wait to do sth._ 18.have sth./ sb. for company_ 19.enter the sea _ 20.make use of sth. _,利用,使某人对某事感兴趣,搭帐篷,迫不及待地想做某事,有某

9、人/物为伴,流入大海,1.今年,Chris将大学毕业。他一直梦想能成为一名优秀的CEO。(graduate from,dream about)。 2.他迫不及待地想要找到一份自己满意的工作。(can hardly wait to do sth.;),四、词组运用,2.He can hardly wait to find an ideal job.,1.Chris will graduate from university this year. He has dreamed about becoming an excellent CEO.,3.在被几家公司拒绝之后,他改变主意,说服自己从一个普通

10、员工做起。(change ones mind,persuade sb.to do sth.) 4.自那以后,Chris明白了应该找一份适合自己的工作并充分利用自己在大学学到的知识。(ever since;make use of),4.Ever since then,he has been trying to find a suitable job. Above all,he will be able to use the knowledge he has learned at university.,3.After he was refused by several companies,he

11、changed his mind and persuaded himself to start from an entry level.,5.像往常一样,Chris一边忙于毕业论文,一边找工作。(as usual) 6.同时他也不忘锻炼身体,使自己更强壮。(keep.strong) 7.最近,深圳一家大公司决定接收他,并准备派他去美国进修半年。(decide),7.Recently,a big company in Shenzhen has offered him a chance and decided to send him to the USA for further study for

12、 half a year.,5.As usual,he goes on searching for a job and working on his graduation essay.,6.In the meanwhile,he does exercise to keep himself strong.,Chris, who will graduate from university this year,is dreaming about becoming an excellent CEO,and he can hardly wait to get his ideal job. But not

13、 offered a job by a few companies,he changed his mind and persuaded himself to start from an entry level. Ever since then,he has been trying to find a job which is suitable for him,and above all,,连句成文:,he will be able to make full use of his knowledge learned at university. As usual,he goes on searching for a job while he i



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