dictation 专四听写技巧总结课件

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1、短文听写 (Dictation),考试时间:15分钟 总分:15分 共一篇短文,长度约150个词,含15个左右意群,每个意群一分。共朗读四遍:第一,四遍以正常速度朗读,语速为每分钟120个词;第二三遍朗读时意群,分句间会留出15秒,(一)主题分析,文体 :说明文(exposition) 题材: 介绍某物体或事物 介绍某事物发展演变过程 介绍某类人 介绍某现象 介绍节日 介绍语言或技巧,介绍某物体或事物,7/19(1992-2010) 40% 1992 Paperless World 1995 Unidentified Flying Objects 2002 Disappearing Fores

2、ts 2003 Salmon 2005 The Wrist Watch 2006 The Internet 2007 Advertising,介绍某事物发展演变过程,3/19 18% 1994 Change of the American Family 1998 The Railways in Britain 2004 Money,介绍某类人,2/19 12% 1996 The Medicine Man 2001 Characteristics of a Good Reader,介绍某现象,3/19 18% 1993 Package Holidays 1997 Legal Age for Ma

3、rriage 2008 Choosing a Career,介绍节日,2/19 1999 United Nations Day 2009 New Years Eve,介绍语言或技巧,2/19 2000 Language 2010 Freshmens Week,(二)错误分析,A. 由音变现象而导致的错误 正确:More energy arrives at the earths surface in an hour than is consumed in the world in a whole year. 错误:More energy arrives at the earths surface

4、 in a how than is consumed in the world in a whole year. 正确:It is up to the tour operator. 错误:Its up to the tour operator. 正确:Can you imagine how difficult life would become. 错误:Can you imagine how difficult life will become. 正确:Everywhere we turn, we find paper. 错误:Everywhere we turn, we fine paper

5、.,常见音变现象:连读,连读,即语速加快时,两个或多个分属不同单词的相邻音连在一起读出的语音现象。常见的连读分为以下三种: 辅音+元音 即第一个单词以辅音结尾,下一个单词以原因开头时,两个词连读。 如:out and out sit up look out of 辅音+h音 即第一个单词以辅音结尾,下一格单词以清辅音h开头,前一辅音将击穿清辅音h,直接与h后的原因相拼。 如:giver her miss him is he busy 字母r+元音 即第一个单词以字母r或者re结尾,下一个单词以原因开头,原本不发音的字母r或者re发辅音r,并与后面的元音相拼。 如:are in there ar

6、e more and more where am I,2004,Flight 5125 scheduled to take off at 11:30 will be delayed for 20 minutes. Please check in half an hour prior to departure.,常见音变现象:同化,英语口语中,某些音,特别是辅音连读通常发生音变,称作音的同化现象。 常见的同化变音有四个 t+j not yet last year d+j did you could you and you z+j because you seize you s+j suit is

7、sue,常见音变现象:弱音,弱音指元音的弱化,即一个单词中的元音在口语中,由于说话速度快或在句中处于次要位置而不发标准读音,变为弱化元音的现象。常见的弱音现象: 长原因弱化为短原因 he been 元音前的辅音省略或辅音前的元音弱读 his have 元音弱化成? us for,常见音变现象:失去爆破,/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/是英语中的6个爆破音。(爆破音是指发音器官 在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。)在 某些 情况下,发爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍 ,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍做停顿,即做好发出这个爆破音的准备,但不要发出音来。这类情况就

8、叫做失去爆破或不完全爆破 。,不完全爆破的几种可能,1. /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/这6个爆破音中的任何两个音素相邻时,前者发不完全爆破音,后者则要完全地,彻底地进行爆破。 I has a ba(d) col(d) today. You shoul(d) ta(k)e care of the children. Gla(d) to meet you. 2.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/t?/, /d?/, /?/, /?/的前面时不完全爆破。 Have you rea(d) the book about tha(t) child

9、? The thir(d) chair is broken. 3.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/m/, /n/, /l/, /s/的前面时不完全爆破。 Goo(d) morning, sir. Goo(d) night. They are very frien(d)ly to us.,2009,For many people in the west, New Years Eve is the biggest party of the year. Its time to get together with friends or family and welco

10、me in the coming year.,B.由英美两种发音差异而导致的错误,The fees and ceremonies vary (very) greatly from state and state. Todays family, however, can be composed of diverse combinations.(cambinations) There are carefully scheduled (.)stops.,英音和美音的几大区别,美音中除了Mrs.中的“r”不卷舌之外,只要含有“r”字母的单词均要卷舌。 spare burglar purpose cha

11、irman horse dirty ladder lecture weather,字母a的发音,ask cant dance fast half path chance advantage answer .,字母o的读音,bottle popular odd shop box crop hot polish spot .,美音中/t/ 出现在两个元音之间且处于非重读位置的时候,发音近似/d/,letter matter city better pretty waitor winter chapter .,字母u在l, d, n, t 之后,发音不同,due produce attitude s

12、tudent opportunity supermarket tune stupid .,ile的发音不同,fertile hostile missile textile .,特殊的单词,either neitheri record dictionary factory laboratory history .,C.同音词与近音词,同音词 air-heir,aisle-isle,arent-aunt, bare-bear, brake-break, bred-bread, buy-by, cell-sell, cent-scent, cereal-serial, coarse-course,

13、complement-compliment, dam-damn, dear-deer, die-dye, eight-ate, eye-I, fair-fare, father-farther, flour-flower, for-four, forth-fourth, groan-grown, hair-hare, heal-heel, hear-here, herd-heard, hole-whole, hour-our, idle-idol, knight-night, knot-not, know-no, knows-nose, knew-new, made-maid, mail-ma

14、le, wring-ring, meat-meet, one-won, pair-pear, passed-past, peace-piece, plain-pear, poor-pour, pray-prey, principal-principle,profit-prophet,real-reel, right-write-rite, root-route, sail-sale, scene-sen,sea-see, seam-seem, sew-so-sow, sight-site,steal-steel, sun-son,tail-tale, there-their,threw-thr

15、ough,tire-tyre, two-to-two, way-weigh, wear-where, weather-whether, week-weak, weight-wait, wood-would,wore-war, worn-warn,近音词,lead-lid, deed-did, peek-pick fool-full, pool-pull cart-cut, heart-hut mass-mess, bad-bed, dad-dead fight-fat, bike-back, lack-like veil-whale, vest-west, vet-wet sign-shine

16、, sigh-shy, same-shame course-cause,fuss-fuzz,house-house,loose-lose worth-worse,path-pass,think-sink thin-thing, sin-sing, ban-bang, right in-writing lace-race, collect-correct, light-right need-lead, night-light,nine-line,D.单词评写错误,容易混淆的词尾 visitor-visiter builder-buildor distributor-distributer resistance-resistence independence-independance license-lisence .,词性转换引起的错误,explain exhibit complex sympathy,拼写小结,注意数字的书写,避免数字表达法引起的错误 认



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