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1、.,IELTS SPEAKING,主讲人-沙鸿昌 Brian,.,Describe a famous person,Describe a family business,Describe a house you visited,Describe a time when you forgot something,Describe an item of clothing,Describe a place you would like to visit,Describe a course,Describe something that is produced in your country,Desc

2、ribe a positive experience,Describe an intelligent person,.,人物类 地点类 事件类 物品类 抽象,Describe a famous person,Describe an intelligent person,Describe a house you visited,Describe a place you would like to visit,Describe a time when you forgot something,Describe a positive experience,Describe an item of cl

3、othing,Describe something that is produced in your country,Describe a family business,Describe a course you learned at middle school,.,Describe an occasion when you had to be polite. You should say: What the occasion was Where it was Who was with you and explain why you had to be polite. 关键词 时态,审题,.

4、,关键词,前置定语(形容词,名词),后置定语(定语从句, 介词短语),话题类别,A sports event you took part in or watched,.,时态,动词,后置定语(定语从句),分问题,Describe . that you have visited when you visited it how you first found out aboutAnd explain why you think it is useful,.,Describe an occasion when you had to be polite. You should say: What th

5、e occasion was Where it was Who was with you and explain why you had to be polite.,.,人物:With whom do you need to be polite?,Brainstorm and making notes,年纪,身份,自身特殊性,.,地点: Where do you have to be polite?,.,What the occasion was school interview Where it was wangfujing Who was with you other job applic

6、ants and explain why you had to be polite. leave a good impression,如何流利讲两分钟?,.,引言描述,一般描述,重点描述 (个人看法),What is it? 讨论内容 What are the effects?/what is it like now 现状或者导致影响,What activities do you do? (事件) 时间地点人物 (where, with who, when) What attitudes do people have? 人们观点 (ordinary people, experts, your

7、family),Whats your opinion? 你的观点 Why do you have such an opinion? 为何有此观点(个人,家庭,社会角度),描述事件,.,讨论内容 Im going to speak about.(my cousins wedding ceremony) 问题现状 nowadays, people pay close attention to.(such an important occasion) 导致影响 it makes people feel.(the new couples true love by witnessing见证 .) 人们活

8、动 Normally, people tend to.(hold a wedding ceremony in a hotel) 自己观点 As for me,.(I should show my good manner) 为何有此观点 The principal reason .(why I have to be polite) is that . (the ceremony proceeded in a solemn atmosphere 隆重的气氛),.,讨论内容 1) I am happy/delighted/glad to talk about 2) Please allow me t

9、o speak about. 3) Well, the speech Id prefer to make is about 问题现状 1).has become a sensitive issue in cities 2) Todays people pay great attention to the issue of. 3) In my experience, 4)Actually, none can ignore the problem of . in our society 人们活动 1) Normally, people tend to 2) On the special occas

10、ion, people enjoy 3) People frequently attend/participate in/take part in/are in on 4) The activities people are most interested in are 自己观点 1) As for me, 2) I think/guess/believe 3) In my opinion, 4) As far as Im concerned, . 5) I cant agree more with 重要原因 1) Its quite different because 2) The majo

11、r/main/principal reason I enjoy it is that 3) Ill never forget it since 4) It made a very deep impression on me because,.,Note 1 Note 2,polite,where哪里 CBD,why?为何 1st interview impression,what occasion?场合 job interview,with who?和谁 alone, with other candidates,when何时 6 y ago,.,Sample Answer Band 7,Wel

12、l, the speech Id prefer to make is about a blind date 相亲 arranged by my parents My mother took me to a restaurant near my home to see my dating partner with his parents. It seemed both parents felt very satisified with the possible marriage. While there was no chemistry 没有化学反应 between us. I was out

13、of picture置身事外during the dinner. I didnt want to let my mom down 让她失望 and tried to show my good manner by picking up food for them. So contrived做作 of me! I wished I couldve vanished as soon as the dinner was finished. Finally, they had a happy dinner and expected us to keep in touch. My mother consi

14、dered the man as a perfect match 门当户对 in terms of family and social status, though in my opinion it was so ridiculous and impossible to get along with someone I was not interested in. The main reason I had to be polite is to take care of my mothers feeling since both families had maintained a good r

15、elationship for a long time. Despite a failed date, my mom still felt proud of me as I showed great parenting and good manner. And the best thing is she said she would never interfere with my love affair.,.,Band 6,Im glad to talk about my school interview two months ago, I went to the office offor U

16、niversity of Arts London in Beijing for the interview. Normally students tend to feel nervous as its the best art school. As for me, i also nervous and I have prepared for the interview for a long time. I brought my portfolio and my ps. So I took the taxi to get there. But I arrived inat the building on time. The building is near yonghegong subway station. Its on the fourth floor



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