unit six A woman can learn anything a man can全新版大学英语(第二版).

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1、A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man Can,Key phrase,Come to (When it comes to sth. /doing sth.),印度总理尼赫鲁的女儿,铁蝴蝶 贝布托 巴基斯坦前总理,“铁娘子”玛格丽特撒切尔,美国国务卿赖斯,一个好男人背后一定有个好女人,玛莎华盛顿,埃娃.庇隆,米歇尔奥巴马,杰奎琳肯尼迪,femininity,阿根廷国家电台宣布:“艾薇塔庇隆国家灵魂,民族的精神领袖逝世。”,年仅33岁。 失去艾薇塔的庇隆也不再是庇隆了。1955年,庇隆政权遭到推翻,他本人则被流放,“庇隆主义”也成了过眼云烟,只有艾薇塔依然如绽放的玫瑰一般

2、开在人们心中,这就是庇隆夫人的神话,多年以来不曾淡灭。“如果我为阿根廷而死,请记住:阿根廷,别为我哭泣”艾薇塔生前的豪言壮语,曾经感动过阿根廷民族。庇隆夫人至今仍在阿根廷人民心中占据重要地位,堪称阿根廷精神的杰出代表,femininity,乌克兰总理季莫申科,摩纳哥王妃格蕾丝凯利,femininity,摩纳哥王妃,格 蕾 丝 凯 利,femininity,F e m i n i n i t y,男性气质(masculinity) 女性气质(femininity),femininity,Masculinity femininity,The term feminism can be used to

3、 describe a political, cultural or economic movement aimed at establishing equal rights and legal protection for women.,A Brief Introduction to Feminism,1:,2:,3:,It is also a movement that advocates gender equality for women and campaigns for womens rights and interests.,The first feminist wave was

4、in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which refers mainly to womens suffrage选举权,投票权 movements of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (mainly concerned with womens right to vote).,The second was in the 1960s and 1970s, which refers to the ideas and actions associated with the wome

5、ns liberation movement beginning in the 1960s (which campaigned for legal and social rights for women). The third extends from the 1990s to the present.,Feminism and Womens Liberation,西方女权主义分三个阶段:1。第一代女权主义 ( 19世纪下半叶至20世纪初) 2。 现代女权主义( 20世纪初至60年代) 3。后现代女权主义 ( 20世纪60年代至今) 第一代西方女权主义:西方女权主义起源于法国资产阶级革命和启蒙

6、运动以后,19世纪下半叶出现第一代,和欧洲工业革命同步。 五四时,传到中国,定为女权主义。在西方,最初是指追求男女平等,首先是争取选举权。,Three Famous Feminists,Betty Friedan,Bella Abzug,(Beauvoir,Simone de),Betty Friedan 贝蒂弗里丹,The Feminine Mystique 女性的奥秘,Oh, my God, a witch!,Betty Friedan is often called “the mother of the modern womens liberation movement.” Her fa

7、mous book, The Feminine Mystique, changed America. Some people say it changed the world. It has been called one of the most influential nonfiction books of the twentieth century. Friedan re-awakened the feminist movement in the United States. That movement had helped women gain the right to vote in

8、the nineteen twenties. Modern feminists disagree about how to describe themselves and their movement. But activists say men and women should have equal chances for economic, social and intellectual satisfaction in life. Fifty years ago, life for women in the United States was very different from tod

9、ay. Very few parents urged their daughters to become lawyers or doctors or professors. Female workers doing the same jobs as men earned much less money. Women often lost their jobs when they had a baby. There were few child-care centers for working parents. Betty Friedan once spoke to ABC television

10、 about her support for sharing responsibility for the care of children. “If child-rearing was considered the responsibility of women and men or women and men and society, then we really could pull up our skirts and declare victory and move on.”,Friedan completed more studies. She talked to other wom

11、en across the country. She met with experts about the questions and answers. She combined this research with observations and examples from her own life. The result was her book, The Feminine Mystique, published in nineteen sixty-three. The book attacked the popular idea of the time that women could

12、 only find satisfaction through being married, having children and taking care of their home. Friedan believed that women wanted more from life than just to please their husbands and children. The book said women suffered from feelings of lack of worth. Friedan said this was because the women depend

13、ed on their husbands for economic, emotional and intellectual support. The Feminine Mystique was a huge success. It has sold more than three million copies. It was reprinted in a number of other languages. The book helped change the lives of women in America. More women began working outside the hom

14、e. More women also began studying traditionally male subjects like law, medicine and engineering.,Bella Abzug 贝拉艾布札格,Wow! Woman ? Man?,Today, we tell about Bella Abzug. She was a member of the United States Congress in the nineteen seventies. She also was a well-known activist for and womens rights.

15、 Bella Abzug was well known for many reasons. She was a lawyer and activist. She New York City in Congress. She spoke in a loud voice. And she always wore large hats.,civil rights,represented,_,_,Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.,存在主义学者、文学家、社会活动家,19岁时,她发

16、表了一项个人独立宣言,宣称我绝不让我的生命屈从于他人的意志。波娃头脑明晰、意志坚强,具有旺盛的生命力和强烈的好奇心。当她还是名不见经传的穷教师时就开始写作,决心成为名作家。由此她终身不断努力,勇往直前,沿着成功之路成为了20世纪思想界的巨星。 ,(Beauvoir,Simone de)西蒙波娃 (法) (19081986),第二性作者,西蒙波娃是双性恋, 虽然她自已没有承认过我 看过她的不下三本传记她在三十年代与萨特和她自已的学生奥尔嘉 尝试过组成一种特殊三人关系萨特和她们两人都是情人而她和奥尔嘉也是同性情人不过这个三人关系很快解体后来她又与一个迷恋她的犹太女学生 发生过感情(名字忘了)不过她不太诚实又把这个学生送给了萨特她死后这个女学生写了一本回忆录 一个被引诱的女孩的回忆写的主要是他们三人的关系这本书现在是研究波伏娃的重要资料波伏娃这个女人相当强无论智力还是能力不过也太会说谎 她的自传是最不可信的,Truly liberated


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