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1、1 自考学士学位英语考试模拟试题自考学士学位英语考试模拟试题 Part I Dialogue Completlon (15 points)Part I Dialogue Completlon (15 points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part , each folLowed by 4choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the diatogue and markyour answer on the ANSWE

2、R SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. W: So, are you going over to Cindys after class? M: Id like to. But she has a pet cat and Im very allergic. W: _ C . A. Oh, so sorry to hear that B. But what do you mean by allergic C. It doesnt matter. Maybe we can go somewhere else 2. M: You know,

3、Ive been watering myplants regularly. But they are still not doingwell in my new apartment. W: Maybe instead of keeping them in the corner, you should put them directly infront of the window. M: D A But the plants can grow well everywhere.B. Oh, yes. Youre welcome. C. But what about putting them ind

4、irectly in front of the window? D. But the area in front of my window is too cold for plants. 3. M: Look at all those.peopl.elining up at the box office. There must be fifty ahead of us. W: I thin, k our chance of getting a ticket C A. will be more B. is very thick C. is very slim D. is anything but

5、 none 4. W;If I am not mistaken, your birthday is coming up. Has your brother sent you anything? M: Not yet C A. I expect so B. Afrer 411, heii buy something for me C. He never forgets though D. No, I dont like it 5. W: Would you like to give me a ride to the library tonight? M: _ B But Im heading i

6、n the other direction Im meeting Jean tonight. A. Sorry, I cant help you B. Id like to C. No, I wouldnt D. Sorry, it cant be helped 6. M: This scarf is nice, but Debbie really wanted a sweater for her birthday. W: I know. But I didnt know her size C A. Per haps let me ask her herself B. So I got thi

7、s one for her C. So I got this as an alternative D. Then, let mo think D. Yes, I agree with you 7. M: The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background? W: Im afraid Ijust ran out of film. Have you checked with Peter? _ D . A. Peter is over there B. He is a

8、 man of nice character C. Peter is an amateur photographer D. He may be able to help 8. W: Bob, A ? M: You must be kidding. Last time you almost made me bald. 2 A. shall I cut your hair for you B. are you going to have a hair cut C. you look really smart in such a style of hair D. can I help you wit

9、h your hair 9. W: Th e supermarket down the street is selling everything half price because _ D M: Sounds like an ideal time to stock up on coffee. Tell you what, what about we go there after class? A. it is rather cheap for us B. it is high time that we started to prepare for Christmas Day C. they

10、want to make more money D. they are going out of business 10. W: Ijust saw an ad on television that said mens suits were on sale today and to-morrow at Conrads mens wear. M: Great! Thats B A. a wonderful time B. just what Ive been waiting for C. just what I want to watch D. what you want to tell me

11、then 11. M: Do you have any idea what itII cost to send this little package to Australia? W: Youve got me. The farthest Ive ever sent a package is Canada. M:_ C A. But I neednt send any package to Canada B. But Canada is not the place I like to send my package to C. Thats OK. Let me ask Jane. Shes f

12、rom Australia, you know D. Oh, yes. Australia is beyond me 12. M: Would you like to c. ome with us for coffee a little later? W: Im off caffeine, medical restrictions. M: A A. Then , what about a cup of Pepsi? B. Then, what about going to the cinema? C. Then, may I ask you for a dance?D. If so, lets

13、 have it right now. 13. M: I just called the travel agency. Its all set. On June first, lm heading for themountains for an entire week. W: _ C ? Because my classes arent over till the seventh. A. Oh, it is so early, isnt it B. Are you heading for the mountains C. But have you checked the academic ca

14、lendar D. But what about an entire week 14. M: Oh! I turned all of my white socks pink. I threw a red T-shirt in by accident. W: Have you tried running them through again with bleach? M: B A. But I dont believe it .B. OK. Let me have a try. C. But why should I have a try? D. But Im afraid not. 15. W

15、: Could I get a ride with you to the concert tonight? M: I cant go, _ A . I think shes leaving around 7: 30. A but you might ask Betty B. neither can Betty C. and Betty is going to D. but I dont know if Betty will go Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

16、Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 3 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET -with a single line through the center. Passage OnePassage One In 1789 the U. S. government passed a law, which said that theland of the American Indians could never be takenfrom them without the



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