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1、Everyday English,1.Follow me! 跟我来!/跟着我! 2. Take it easy. 放松点!/慢慢来! 3. Have a try! 试一下!,英语音标(一),i: me i excuse is this it e yes handbag thank a: pardon much,英语音标(二),/ /或 / / sorry watch / :/ daughter / u / book cloakroom / u: / school suit / : /或/:/ shirt skirt sir / / umbrella here number teacher,圆唇

2、音,Effiel Tower,艾菲儿铁塔,薰衣草,French,Japanese,Chinese,German,Korean,如何表明国籍呢?,I am French/German/Japanese/Korean. He/She is Chinese/Japanese/German.,Lesson Five,Nice to meet you.,Mr. mist 先生 good gud adj.好 morning m:n n.早晨 Miss ms 小姐 new nju: adj.新的 student stju:dt n.学生 nice nas adj.美好的 meet mi:t v.遇见 too

3、 tu: adv.也,French frent adj. 德国人 Japanese dp ni:z adj.在发音以元音音素开头的词前用an。,谈论国籍时 She is French.她是法国人。 英语中,表示国籍的名词前通常没有冠词。 He/She is +国籍 E.g: He is German. 他是德国人。 She is Japanese. 她是日本人。,This,is Hans .,Sophie ,He,is German.,Nice to meet you .,见到你很高兴!,Nice to meet younice 美好的 ;meet 遇见 很高兴见到你。用于初次与他人见面等非正

4、式场合。对方的回应一般应为: Nice to meet you,too(我也很高兴见到你)。还可以说:glad to meet you!人们在正式的场合初次见面时常用:How do you do?相应的回答也是:How do you do?这是一句问候语,并非问话。,And this is Naoko. She is Japanese. “Nice to meet you .”,6.And this is Naoko.这位是直子。 And在本句中不是”和” ,”又”的意思,它是一个转折词,没有任何意思。 E.g: I am a student,and my sister is a teache

5、r.我是一个学生,我的姐姐 是一个老师。,And this is Chang-woo.Hes Korean. “Nice to meet you .”,hes = he is hes 是 he is 的缩写形式shes = she is shes 是 she is 的缩写形式its = it is its 是 it is 的缩写形式,And this is Luming.Hes Chinese . “Nice to meet you .”,And this is Xiaohui .Shes Chinese , too . “Nice to meet you .”,5. too也 通常放在肯定句

6、或者疑问句的末尾,和句子的主干部分用”,”隔开。 She is French. Iam French, too. 在否定句中用”either”表示”也”,也是常常放在句末,和句子的主干部分用”,”隔开。 I am not Japanese, either.我也不是日本人。,Chant :,主格代词顺口溜: 我是I ,你是You ; 男他He ,女她She ,动物的它是It; 我们We ,你们You ,他们They. Who are you ?,瑞典的 法国的,德国的 日本的,韩国的 英国的,美国的意大利的,如何询问汽车的品牌呢?,What make is the car ? Its a Ger

7、man car . What make is his / her / your car ? Its an American car .,Here is your pen .Heres your pen .,1.It is not American . 2.It is English . 3.He is Italian . 4.She is not Japanese . 5.That is a teacher . 6.He is not French . 7.She is German .,Write these with short forms :,Written exercises . Us

8、ing He, She, It , a , anPage 12,选择疑问句,在两者或三者中进行选择,在一般疑问句后用or进行连接。 选择疑问句词调一般是前升后降。 回答必须要用完整的句子回答。 例如:-Is she a teacher or a worker? -She isnt a teacher. Shes a worker.,Chant :,系动词Be顺口溜:am 、 is 、are “是” I am , He is , She is , It is , You are . This is , That is ,补充内容 国籍 国家 German Germany French Franc

9、e Japanese Japan Korean Korea Chinese China Swedish Sweden American America English England Italian Italia,Grammar 冠词是一种虚词,不能单独使用,通常像”帽子”一样戴在名词的前面,帮助说明名词的词义。冠词在用语中只有三个:a ,an ,the 。 a ,an 不定冠词,表示”一”,”一个”的意思,通常用在可数名词的单数形式前,用法如下: 1)an只用在以元音音标开头的单词前,读作n。 比如:It is an umbrella.它是一把雨伞。 This is an old car.那

10、是一辆旧的汽车。,2)其他情况下一律用a,读作 。比如:Sophie is a new student.苏菲是一位新同学。 This is a nice handbag.这是一个不错的手提包。,1. greet somebody 2. introduce somebody 3. nationality 4. article (冠词),Revision,1.Look!_ eraser is on your desk. A . A B.An C.The D./ 2.Joe is from France. He is _. A.France B.French C.a French D.The Fre

11、nch 3.Good morning, Miss Read. _. A.Im OK. B.Im fine. C.Thank you. D.Good morning.,1.B.,2.B,3.D,4.How do you do? _? A. How are you ? B. How old are you? C. How do you do? D. Thank you very much.,5._ !Are you Mr.Chen? No .Im not. _. A.Hello;Good B.Sorry;Excuse me C.Hello;OK D.Excuse me;Sorry,4.C,5.D,The end !,Goodbye!,


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