【高考四元聚焦】高三英语一轮复习(自主复习 考点演练 真题集训)语法篇 非谓语动词类(3)课件

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【高考四元聚焦】高三英语一轮复习(自主复习 考点演练 真题集训)语法篇 非谓语动词类(3)课件_第1页
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【高考四元聚焦】高三英语一轮复习(自主复习 考点演练 真题集训)语法篇 非谓语动词类(3)课件_第2页
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【高考四元聚焦】高三英语一轮复习(自主复习 考点演练 真题集训)语法篇 非谓语动词类(3)课件_第3页
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【高考四元聚焦】高三英语一轮复习(自主复习 考点演练 真题集训)语法篇 非谓语动词类(3)课件_第4页
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《【高考四元聚焦】高三英语一轮复习(自主复习 考点演练 真题集训)语法篇 非谓语动词类(3)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【高考四元聚焦】高三英语一轮复习(自主复习 考点演练 真题集训)语法篇 非谓语动词类(3)课件(73页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、非谓语动词类 (3),考点一:动词不定式 1动词不定式的语法功能(句子成分) (1)作主语。如: To help them is my duty. 帮助他们是我的职责。 动词不定式作主语时,通常用“it”作形式主语代替“to do”作主语。如: Its not easy to master a foreign language. 精通一门外语不容易。,(2)作表语。如: His wish is to be a doctor. 他希望当一名医生。(不定式说明主语的内容) I was about to leave when he walked into my room. 我正要离开房间时,他走了进

2、来。(不定式表示将来),(3)作宾语 不定式作宾语常接在一些及物动词后。如: Mr. Brown wants to understand further what the author meant. 布朗先生想进一步了解作者的意思。 不定式作tell,show,understand,explain,teach,learn,advise,discuss,know等动词的宾语时,前面常带有疑问词。如: He showed us how to do the work. 他向我演示怎么做这项工作。,(4)作定语 不定式作定语必须后置,即放在所修饰的名词或代词的后面,通常要注意以下几种情况: 被修饰的名

3、词或代词是不定式的逻辑宾语。如: Have you got anything to say for yourself? 你有为自己说的话吗? Mr. White is a worker, but he has got a large family to support. 怀特先生是一个工人,但是他有一大家子的人要养。,被修饰的名词或代词是不定式的逻辑主语。如: Captain Cook was the last one to leave the sinking ship. 库克船长是最后一位离开正在下沉的船的人。 He is always the first to come to school

4、 in the morning. 早上他总是第一个来学校的人。 不定式说明它所修饰的名词或代词的内容。如: Her wish to become an artist came true at last. 她最终实现了想成为一名艺术家的愿望。,不及物动词构成的不定式作定语要加介词。如: They got a wonderful piece of music to dance to. 他们有一支很好的音乐用来伴舞。 Because of air pollution being greatly reduced,this city is still a good place to live in. 因

5、为这个城市的空气污染得到了很大的改善,因此,它仍然是一个好的居住地。,有些及物动词的不定式作定语仍需带上介词。如: He has got a pair of thick glasses to read with. 他阅读时戴的是一副深度的眼镜。,(5)作状语 不定式作目的状语,位于句首时,用逗号隔开;位于句尾时,不用逗号隔开。如: His stepmother did all she could to help him. 他的继母尽其所能帮助他。 To make a living, he had to work hard. 为了谋生,他只有拼命地工作。,不定式作结果状语一般表示出乎意料的结果。

6、如: He hurried to the station only to find the train had left. 他匆忙赶到车站,却发现火车已经开走了。 不定式作原因状语,其主要用于形容词作表语时,表示喜、怒、哀、乐等。如: Im too glad to see you again. 我真高兴能再次见到你。,(6)作宾语补足语或主语补足语 常带to do作宾补的动词有:allow,permit,want,ask,cause, encourage, expect, force, invite, order, warn, tell, consider,require,advise,tea

7、ch,urge等。如: They would not allow him to risk going across the enemy line. 他们不允许他冒险越过敌人的封锁线。,比较:Mr. Black invited me to have a dinner with him. 布莱克先生邀请我和他一起吃晚餐。(to have的逻辑主语是me) Mr Black promised me to have a dinner with me. 布莱克先生答应和我一起吃晚餐。(to have的逻辑主语是Mr. Black),(7)不定式作独立成分(插入语)。如: To be fair,he ha

8、s worked hard these days. 说句公道话,他这几天工作很努力。 类似的常见短语还有to be frank,to be true,to tell(you) the truth,to begin with,to be honest等。,(8)不定式的独立主格结构 由“名词或代词不定式”构成独立结构。如: More time to be given,they will make much more progress. 如果能给更多的时间,他们会取得更大的进步。 The exam to be held next week, I cant go with you. 因为下周要考试,

9、所以我不能跟你一起去了。,2动词不定式的时态和语态,(1)不定式的进行式表示动作正在进行,完成式表示动作发生于谓语动词之前,常用于pretend,believe,prove,seem,consider等词之后。如: The boy pretended to be working hard when the teacher came in. 当老师进来时,这个男孩假装正用功学习。 She seems to have forgotten her promise. 看起来她好像已经忘了她的承诺。,(2)不定式的被动形式表示不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者。如: Volunteer wor

10、kers asked to be sent where they were most needed. 志愿工作者们要求被派到最需要他们的地方去。,3“wh”疑问词不定式的用法 不定式可以和疑问代词who,whom,whose,what,which,副词when,how,where,连词whether,as if连用,在句中起名词作用,可作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语等成分。如: How to get there is a big problem.(作主语) The question is where to find the answer.(作表语) I can tell you where t

11、o get the dictionary.(作宾语补足语),I really didnt know which one to choose.(作宾语) Last summer, I took a course on how to make dresses.(作介词宾语) The professor paused as if to expect his students to ask questions on the point he had just made.(作状语),4动词不定式“to”的省略 (1)主动句中,使役动词和感观动词用不定式作宾语补足语省略“to”,变为被动式时,成为主语的补

12、足语须加上“to”(前面已讲述)。 (2)有些动词的宾语省略“to”及在一些固定结构中动词不定式也须省略“to”。如: He cant help (to) do me a favor. Looking at the photos, he cant but laugh (can not but docant help doing 情不自禁),(3)不定式作表语或不定式放在介词but/except后时,它的前面出现过实义动词do的各种形式时可省略“to”。如: All he can do is (to) wait. What he can do is (to) wait. The only thi

13、ng he can do is (to) wait. Theres nothing to do but/except wait. Theres nothing to say but to wait.(前面没有实义动词“do”时“to”不能省),(4)有些连词连接的不定式要省略“to”。 prefer to dorather than do to doand do 注意:to doand not to do 如:I prefer to stay home rather than go out. She told her children to stay there and wait till s

14、he came back.,(5)在when,if,what,as等从句中与like,want,wish连用时省略“to”。如: You can stay here as long as you like. You can come whenever you like. (6)why not do?why dont you do?用来提出建议时不用“to”。,考点二:动名词 1动名词的语法功能 (1)作主语。如: Reading aloud is very important in learning a foreign language. (2)作表语。如: My job is teachin

15、g English.,(3)作宾语。如: I cant understand his giving up such a wellpaid job. We should practice speaking English every day. (4)作定语。如: This is a writing table and that is a swimming pool.,2动名词的时态和语态,(1)动名词一般式表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作的同时或之后。如: We all dont like his talking that way. She dreams of becoming a teach

16、er.,(2)动名词的完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。如: I remember having read the book. She was praised for having helped the old man. 注意:有时用动名词的一般式来代替完成式。如: After working for three hours,we began having a break. Thank you for helping me.,(3)动名词有两种语态,即主动式doing和having done及其对应的被动式being done和having been done。如: Tom feels like being taken to Beijing. He was excited for having been praised. (4)动名词的否定式是在动名词的前面加not构成。如: I regret not having told you the truth.,3动名词的复合结构 动名词的复合结构由名词所有格或物主代词加动名词构成。当动名词有自己的主语时要用这种结构。这种结构作宾


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