高二英语(选修七)unit 5 单元测试题.doc

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1、Unit5单元精练.句子翻译。1 很奇怪这两个双胞胎没有什么共同之处。_2 就他而言, 他负担不起一间这样昂贵的房子。 _3 他慢慢习惯了这里大风的日子。 _4 他离开法国时还坚持学法语。_5 自从退休后,他一直忙于撰写回忆录。_6 就他而言,这个结果是令人满意的。_7 他的所有的决定都受到利己之心的支配。_8 他与其他工人配合得很好。_9 保罗的父亲只是把他当作他死去的哥哥来看待。_10. 自从我学会下象棋以来,那是我第一次赢。 _.选词填空。1get / be / become used to, used to, be used to do sth.1) It _ be thought t

2、hat the earth was flat.2)It will take a while for people to _ the new life.3) Wood _build houses.2. essay, composition , article 1) His last book was a collection of literary political _. 2) There was an interesting _ on diet in the aper yesterday. 3) He wrote a 200-word _ and handed in to his teach

3、er.单项填空。1. Helen always helps her even though going to school _ most of her day.A. takes up B. make up C. save up D. put up 2. She is usually _ to be one of our best artists. A. regarded B. acknowledged C. received D. attempted3. Would you slow down a bit, please? I cant _ you. A. keep up with B. pu

4、t up with C. make up to D. hold on to 4. It is too bad that the rain _ you _ going to the party. A. kept; on B. kept up C. kept from D. kept; back5. _ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger. A. As long as B. As far as B. Just as D. Even if 6. The doctor recommend he _

5、 a few more days in hospital.A. stays. B. to stay C. stay D. would stay 7. Its believed that no one succeeds _ a lesson _, during it, the students and the teacher share at least one loud laugh. 8. Not only should you get used _ under difficult conditions but also you should pay more attention _ your

6、 work well.A. to work; to do B. to working; to doingC. to work; to doing D. to working; to do9. You cant imagine how upset I felt when I found that the neatly-dressed and charming girl I _ to see on my way to work didnt turn up this morning. A. happened B. wanted C. used D. tried.10. To make valuabl

7、e Greek amber head stand firm, they _ the base of the statue to the stand. A. related B. adjusted C. adapted D. stuck答案:I1. It is strange that the twins should have nothing in common.2. As far as he is concerned, he cant afford to buy such an expensive house.3. She slowly adjusted to the windy days

8、here.4. When he left France, he still kept up French.5. Since he retired, he has been occupying himself in writing his memories.6. As far as he is concerned , the results is satisfying.7. All his decision have been governed by self-interest8. He fits in with other workers.9. Pauls father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother.10. That was the first time that Id won since Id learnt to play chess.II.1). used to 2). get/be /become used to 3). is used to 1)essays 2) articles 3). CompositionIII. ABACB CDBCB.单位:湖北省荆门市姓名:李国E_mail:


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