高中英语 2.3练习课件 牛津译林版必修1 (湖南专版)

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1、Section Task & Project,.短语翻译 1stay_熬夜,不睡觉 【答案】up 2insist_ 坚持 【答案】 on 3as_ 似乎,好像 【答案】 if/though,4after_ 毕竟 【答案】all 5mix_ 混淆,弄乱 【答案】 up 6clean_ 收拾整洁 【答案】 up,7_present 目前,当前 【答案】 at 8_crazy 发疯似地 【答案】 like 9be proud_ 对感到自豪 【答案】 of 10be angry_sb. 对某人生气 【答案】 with,.课文理解 阅读Project部分父子俩写给“Teenagers Now”专栏的两封

2、信,回答下列问题 ARead the first letter written by the father to find out the answers to the following questions: 11Why does the father write the letter? _ 【答案】 To ask for some help so as to help his son.,12What does the father think about his son? _ 【答案】 His son disobeys everything he asks him to do;he is

3、rude to them;he refuses to spend time with them;he refuses to do his homework;he spends too much time watching DVDs,listening to foreign music,chatting in Internet cafes,playing games and surfing the Internet.,13What is the father worrying about? _ 【答案】 His son may fail at school or worse. BRead the

4、 second letter,which is written by the son and then answer the following questions.,14What are his problems? _ 【答案】 His father does not listen to him when he wants to do something or suggests an idea;he shouts at him when he tries to talk to him;when he refuses to listen to his father,his father tel

5、ls his mother and they fight like crazy;,his parents always make him do things he doesnt like;they call him selfish and unloving when he wants to be alone;his father gets very angry when he plays foreign music;he sends him to bed or tells him to study when he watches a DVD;he forbids him from meetin

6、g his friends at the Internet cafe.,15How does he feel about his father? _ 【答案】He loves his father a lot.He hopes his father can understand him better and respect the things he wants to do.,Now I can ride my bike at the weekends instead of waiting so long for the bus. 现在我会在周末骑自行车,而不是长时间等公共汽车。 instea

7、d of介词,“代替,取代”,后接名词、代词、动名词等。 We are going to have tea in the garden instead of in the house today.我们今天要在花园里喝茶,而不是在屋子里。,instead副词,单独使用,在句中作状语。 We are not going to have tea in the house today.Instead,we are going to have tea in the garden. 今天我们不在家喝茶而在花园里。,1.A person with good manners never laughs at p

8、eople when they are in trouble._,he tries to help them. AInsteadBInstead of CIn place of DAnd 【解析】本题空后有逗号,则表示该空填词应为副词。 【答案】A,I studied a lot yesterday,and stayed up very late. 昨天我学习时间很长,熬夜到很晚。 stay up熬夜;挺立,挺住 The old house stayed up in the earthquake. 那座旧房子在这次地震中没有倒塌。 If Janes temperature stays up a

9、ll day,call a doctor. 如果简的体温整天持续不退,就得叫大夫了。,stay up表示“熬夜,深夜不睡”,与sit up同义。 up由“向上,起”引申为“不躺,不睡”。 wait up (for) 不睡觉等待着 I waited up for the reply the whole night. 一整夜我都在等答复。,2.The old temple_in such an accident. Amade up Bstayed up Cturned up Dtook up 【解析】考查词组意义。make up为“组成;化妆”;stay up挺住;turn up出现;take u

10、p从事。 【答案】B,I know it was a little bit expensive,but they said that is okay because they are proud of me for getting good marks at school. 我知道它有点儿贵了,但由于他们对我在学校里取得的好成绩感到骄傲,也就同意了。,mark n分数;标志,记号;vt.做记号;评分 mark.with sth.用某物标出 be marked with/by标明 I got full marks in the spelling test. 我在拼写测验中得了满分。,They d

11、o that as a mark of respect. 他们那样做以示敬意。 He marked his book with his name. 他在书上写上了他的名字。 I hate marking exam papers.我讨厌阅卷。,mark当“记号”讲时,指印在物上的印迹,也可指留下的可以看到的痕迹,如foot mark足迹。 sign表“记号,迹象”,有意的或无意的。 signal作“信号”讲,总是有意的。 This was a signal for him to continue. 这是一个示意他继续讲下去的信号。,3.When you get the paper back,pa

12、y special attention to what_. Ahave marked Bhave been marked Chad marked Dhad been marked 【解析】因mark这一动作发生在get之前,且试卷是被批注,因此应用现在完成时的被动语态。 【答案】B,I failed the maths test.我数学考试没有及格。 fail vt.& vi.失败,不及格 He failed in business.他的事业失败了。 His secretary failed to tell him about the meeting. 他的秘书没有告诉他那次会议的情况。,fa

13、ilure U 失败;C 失败的人(或事) Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。 Our efforts ended in failure,which made us disappointed. 我们的努力以失败告终,使我们很失望。,He is a failure as an artist,but a success as an art teacher. 他不是个成功的艺术家,但是个成功的美术教师。 Success comes after many failures. 成功是源于很多次的失败后得来的。,4.This experiment turne

14、d out to be_failure,but as we know,success often comes after_failure. Aa;a B/;/ Ca;/ D/;a 【解析】failure指“失败的人或事”时是可数名词;泛指失败时是不可数名词。 【答案】C,Im so upset.我太难过了。 upset adj.心烦的,难过的,失望的;v.使烦恼,使不安;打乱 The news quite upsets me.这个消息使我心烦意乱。 The drunk upset the vase.那个醉汉打翻了花瓶。 The heavy rain upset my holiday.大雨打乱了

15、我的假期计划。 Do you know why he looks upset? 你知道他为什么看起来心烦意乱吗?,upset,nervous与anxious用法比较: (1)upset是由于某事的发生而心烦意乱。 (2)nervous是在事情发展的过程中有种紧张害怕的感觉。 (3)anxious是由于害怕某事会发生或不发生而感到焦虑。 Hes anxious for/about her safety.他担心她的安全。,5.Your friend often comes to school_. Aupset Bupsetted Cupsetting Dis upset 【答案】A,Miss Xu mixed up my results with someo



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