八年级英语上册 Unit 2 School life Reading(2)精品学案 牛津译林版

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1、八年级英语上册 Unit 2 School life Reading(2)精品学案 牛津译林版课题8A Unit 2 School life Reading (2)学习目标知识目标掌握文中重要词语和句型能力目标能够正确运用语言知识 情感目标用所学知识表达对学校生活的感受和向往学习重点掌握文中关键语句并能正确灵活运用学习难点能够描述和评价学校的生活课前自学一、识记下列词组1.in Year8 2. a mixed school 3. do things for oneself4. a Reading week 5. near the end of 6. talk to somebody7.in

2、9th grade 8. have driving lessons 9.drive sb to 10.twice a week 11.spenddoing sth 12.enjoya lot13.help sb. with/do sth. 14.have a great time doing sth.二、阅读回顾课文,回答下列问题: 1.What is a mixed school? 2.Why does John like Home Economics best? 3.What do the students do during a reading week? 4.How does Nanc

3、y go to school every day? 5.Why does Nancy like the Buddy Club? 6.What can Nancy do at school?7.Does Nancy enjoy her school life?三、翻译下列句子1.孩子们在一起上课。2.我喜欢学如何做饭和缝纫。3.开车去学校比乘公共汽车花的时间少。4.单词“hero”是什么意思?5.Nancy 非常崇拜Julie.四、话题讨论Whose school life do you like better, Johns or Nancys? Why? 课堂交流展示一、课文复习回顾,学生展示

4、预习题二。就课文内容学生之间互相问答二、简述两所学校情况三、小组交流展示预习一、三,讲解知识点(教师可适当拓展与点拨) 学生分段展示并讲解重要知识点及其用法,教师总结并点拨,例如 1. we have to tell our English teacher what we are reading. 2.This is great because it takes less time than taking a bus. 3. What does the word “hero”mean? Whats the meaning of the word “hero”? 4.near the end o

5、f / at the end of /by the end of / in the end 5.enjoy a lot四、展示预习四: Whose school life do you like better, Johns or Nancys? Why? 表达与交流五、当堂检测与反馈六、课后朗读课文与背诵重要词汇和句型 完成相关练习课堂达标检测一、根据汉语提示完成句子:1.This is a _(混合的) school, boys and girls have lessons _(一起).2.We can read newspapers and _(杂志) in the reading roo

6、m.3.She often helps me with my lessons and listens to my _(难处).4.Mum cooks tasty _(餐) for my family every day.5.I am crazy about Yao Ming. He is my _(偶像).6.People dont live _(没有) water or air.7.She likes having a _(游泳) lessons.8.Sam and Daniel are my _(亲密的) friends.9.We should exercise to keep _(健康)

7、.10.Whats the _(意思) of “guys”?二、单项选择( )1.I read an article _ a girl _ the USA. A.by, in B. by, from C.about, to D. to, in( )2.It _ someone you admire very much. A.mean B. meaning C. means D. to mean( )3.I have fun _ my friends on the phone. A.talk in B. talk with C.talking to D. to talk with( )4.Fat

8、her drives me _ every day. A.to home B.home C.to there D. school( )5.We should learn _ use a computer. A. how B. how to C.what to D. to how to( )6.Mike looks _ than Paul, but they are of the same age. A. youngest B. the youngest C.younger D.young三、句型转换:1.My favourite subject is Maths.(同义句) _ _ Maths

9、 best.2.He spent a lot of time practicing English.(同义句) It _ him _ time to practice English.3.What does the word “Buddy”?( 同义句) Whats the _ _ the word “Buddy”?4.He had driving lessons in school last year.(提问) When and _ _ he have driving lessons?5.Mr Black went to Beijing by plane yesterday.( 同义句) Mr Black _ _ Beijing yesterday.当堂检测(三)一、1. mixed , together 2. magazines 3. problems 4. meals 5. hero 6. without7. swimming 8. close 9. healthy/fit 10. meaning二、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C三、1. I like 2. took him much 3. meaning of 4. where did 5. flew to4



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