八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Grammar 2精品学案 牛津译林版

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1、八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Grammar 2精品学案 牛津译林版主备人总 课时上课时间课题Unit 3 Grammar 2学习目标知识目标1. 掌握反身代词的用法。2. 复习连词与不定式的用法。能力目标掌握反身代词的用法。情感目标学习重点掌握反身代词的用法。学习难点掌握反身代词的用法。课前自学一、尝试默写所有的反身代词。二、写出这些含有反身代词的短语。1.亲自 2.伤了自己3.独自 4.玩得开心5.自学 6.自言自语7.请随便吃 8.把秘密藏在心里9.照顾自己 10.迷路三、尝试用适当的反身代词填空。 1.Can you and Mary look after _? 2

2、.Mary hide _ behind a wall. 3.We need help because we cant do it by_. 4.The boy looked at _in the mirror. 5.I learn English all by _.课堂交流展示Step 1 presentation1.按人称顺序默写出所有的反身代词。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.教师展示反身代词的用法。比较以下例句,说明反身代词的用法。1) Daniel taught himself how to make a home page.(Daniel learnt to make a hom

3、e page by himself.) 2 ) Daniel taught him how to make a home page. (Another boy learnt to make a home page from Daniel.) 主语和宾语一致时使用反身代词。3. 学生一起看书48页的图表。小组总结反身代词单复数形式的不同之处及构成规律。并归纳出下面的work out the rule.a.小组讨论反身代词单复数形式的不同之处及构成规律。b.work out the rule.step 2.学生看以下例句,猜测句意。 I fell over and hurt myself. My

4、baby sister can look after herself.My cat cleans itself every day. 学生充分发挥想象,用如下动词wash,give,buyfor,look after等和反身代词组合造句。Step 3 .学生完成49页的练习。个人完成,小组讨论。展示答案,学生纠错,教师点评。课堂达标检测一 词组翻译 1. 玩得痛快 2. 捉迷藏 3. 把自己拉上去 4. 靠自己 ,独自 5. 弄伤自己 6. 拍照 7. 随便吃 8. 在车的前部 9. 攀岩 10. 自学 二 用所给动的适当形式填空。1.Mille decided _(stay) in the

5、school that day.2.The work was not difficult,and we choose _(do) it in the morning.3.Look!The children _(play) hide-and-seek in the garden.4.If it _ (not rain) tomorrow,I _(go) climbing.5.He was so surprised _ (hear) the suriprising news.三 根据句意,用适当的反身代词完成句子。1. Kate, youd better ask the teacher _ .2.

6、 The work is not hard, I can finish it by_.3. Her parents teach _ Japanese every day.4. I can look after_ now.5. Luckily, The girls didnt hurt _.四 句子翻译。1. 他们在准备去露营的事。They _ camping.2. 因为作业太多,他选择呆在家里而不去旅行。He chose _ instead_because he has _.3. 你们必须学会为彼此保密。 You must learn_ .导学案 6一、略二、1.help yourselves

7、 to 2.will hurt yourself 3.taught herself 4.is pulling himself 5.enjoyed ourselves 6. by himself三、1.himself 2.myself 3.themselves 4. myself 5.themselves四、1.are preparing for 2.to stay at home, of going travelling, too much homework.3.to keep secret for each other 4.Jiang Ming is ill now, and he cant go to school.5.go swimming or fishing 6.decided to 7.planning for a really interesting trip.8.but he cant solve the problem.3



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