冀教版八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Celebrating Me 一课一练(基础)(含答案)

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1、Unit 8 Celebrating MeLesson 43What Makes You Unique?1. _ n. 人2. _ adj. 独特的3. _ adj. 个人的4. _ v. 假定;认为5. _ pron. 我们自己6. _n. 意义;感觉7. talent n. _8. strength n. _1. person_ (adj. )2. ourselves_ (我们,代词主格)3. strength_ (adj. )1. _网上聊天2. _有道理;有意义3. _因而感到自豪和骄傲4. _应该;被期望1. 怎么了?_ _ ? 2. 我们应该写一篇报告来描述自己。We _ _ _

2、describe ourselves in a report. 3. 什么使得你很独特?What _ you _?4. 你以什么而自豪?What are you _ _ ?5. 非常感谢你的帮助。Thank you so much for your help. 乐意效劳。_ _ _. UNIT 8Celebrating Me!Lesson 44Georgia Plays Basketball1. _ pron. 没有人2. _ v. 继续;延续3. _ v. & n. 返回;回应4. Greek adj. & n. _ 5. junior adj. & n. _6. Greece_Greek_

3、(希腊)1. _继续做2. _返回到3. _和比赛,对抗4. _上大学1. 我在加拿大呆了七年半了。Ive been in Canada for _ _ _ _ years. 2. 但她有时候回到希腊,为希腊国家篮球队效力。But she sometimes _ _ Greece to play for the Greek National Basketball Team. 3. 有一次,我们和来自另一个城市的队伍比赛。Once,we _ _a team from another city. 4. 我也想上大学。Id like to _ _ _,too. 5. 我的父母想让我学医,但我想继续学

4、习体育。My parents want me to study medicine,but I want to _ _ P. E. Lesson 45Be Yourself!1. _ adj. 聪敏的2. _adj. 不可能的3. _adj. 愚蠢的;傻的4. _adj. 一般的;平均的 n. 平均;一般水平5. _ adj. 弱的;无气力的6. mirror n. _ 1. smart_(同义词)2. impossible _ (反义词)3. weak _ (反义词)1. _优/缺点;强/弱项2. _犯错误3. _向学习;从中学到4. _对微笑1. 除了英语以外,我所有的科目都一般,但有时候我

5、会犯愚蠢的错误。I get average grades in all of my subjects except English,but sometimes I _ _ _. 2. 我们每个人都有强项和弱项。We all have our _ _ and _ _. 3. 每天照着镜子对自己微笑。Look in the mirror and _ _ _ every day. 4. 重要的是要从错误中吸取教训。The important thing is to _ _ your mistakes. 5. 你是个特别的人,你有自己的特点。You are a special person and u

6、nique _ _ _ _!Lesson 46My Dream1. _ n. 嗓音6. _ pron. 她自己 2. _ n. 心;心脏7. stage n. _3. _ v. & n. 跳动;敲打(声)8. confident adj. _4. _ n. 节目;程序;方案;计划9. microphone n. _ 5. _ adj. 优秀的;杰出的;好极了;棒极了10. slowly adv. _1. herself_ (人称代词宾格)2. beat_ (过去式)_ (过去分词)3. slowly_ (adj. )4. confident_ (n. )1. _梦想成为2. _相信自己3. _

7、自学4. _玩得高兴;过得愉快1. 甚至当我还是一个小女孩的时候,我就梦想成为一名歌剧演唱家。Even when I was a little girl,I _ _ _ an opera singer. 2. 但是,我通过听收音机和看电视节目来自学。But I _ _by listening to the radio and watching TV programs. 3. 然后我看见我的老师在对我微笑,朋友们在向我挥手。Then I _ my teacher _ and my friends waving at me. 4. 要相信你自己。_ _ _. 5. 我感到我的心跳得很快!I _ m

8、y heart _ so fast!Lesson 47I Made It!1. _ v. 接受;承认4. misspelled_ 2. _ n. & v. 不及格;失败5. loser n. _ 3. award n. _1. award_(同义词)2. loser_ (v. )1. _单独;独自3. _因为2. _进步最快学生奖4. _颁奖1. 彼得离开了马丁老师的课堂,感觉自己像一个失败者。Peter left Miss Martins classroom _ _ a loser. 2. 但是克里斯塔不想让彼得放弃。But Krista was not going to let Peter

9、 _ _. 3. 这全是因为你的帮助!Its all _ _ your help!Lesson 48Li Mings Report_ n. 学院;大学college_(同义词)1. _对很重要3. _对感到紧张2. _熟能生巧4. _给某人建议1. 当我说英语时,我经常会犯错误,但是我相信熟能生巧。I often make mistakes when I speak English,but I believe that _ _ _. 2. 课前,我对这次报告感到紧张。Before class,I _ _ _ this report. 3. 我在学校努力学习并希望有一天能够上大学。I work

10、hard in school and I _ _ _ _ _ someday. 参考答案Lesson 43What Makes You Unique?核心单词1. person2. unique3. personal4. suppose5. ourselves6. sense7. 才智;天赋8. 长处;力量单词变形1. personal2. we3. strong核心短语1. chat online2. make sense3. be proud of4. be supposed to重点句型1. Whats up2. are supposed to3. makes;unique4. proud of5. Its my pleasureLesson 44Georgia Plays Basketball核心单词1. nobody2. continue3. return4. 希腊(人)的;希腊人5. 初级(的);儿童(的)6. 希腊(地名)单词变形Greece核心短语1. continue doing/to do2. re


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