冀教版九年级英语上册 UNIT 1 Stay Healthy 一课一练(基础)(含答案)

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1、UNIT 1Stay HealthyLesson 1Whats Wrong, Danny?1. _ n. 胃;腹部2. _ v. & n. 惋惜;懊悔3. _ n. 发烧;发热4. _ adj. 苍白的;浅色的5. _ n. 检查;考试6. _ n. 疼痛7. _ v. & n. 原谅8. _ n. X光;X射线1. stomach_(n. 胃痛)2. examination_(v. 检查)1. _后悔做了2. _发(高)烧3. _穿衣服4. _照X光片5. _立刻;马上6. _ 疼痛1. 现在我后悔吃了那么多面包圈。+I _ _ so many donuts now. 2. 儿子,你现在发高

2、烧了。Youve_ _ _ _,son. 3. 我们需要马上去那儿吗?_we _there right now? 4. 丹尼的爸爸很快穿上了衣服。Dannys father _ _quickly. 5. 丹尼今晚必须待在医院。Danny _ _ _in the hospital tonight. 6. 我的胃以前从来没有这么疼过。My _ has never hurt _ much before. Lesson 2A Visit to the Dentist1. _ v. 拒绝;回绝2. _ n. 牙痛3. _ adj. 德国的;n. 德国人;德语4. dentist n. _5. rotte

3、n adj. _6. wolf n. _7. headset n. _8. aching adj. _9. fortunately adv. _1. toothache_(n. 牙齿)_(复数牙齿)2. fortunately _(adj. )3. wolf_(复数)4. German_(n. 德国)1. _看牙医2. _别无选择,只能做3. _立刻;马上4. _害怕;担心5. _在回家的路上6. _害怕做某事7. _对非常感兴趣1. 我非常害怕去看牙医。Im really _ _ _ to the dentist. 2. 我别无选择,只能跟她去。I had _ _ _ _ go with h

4、er. 3. 想象一下我有多害怕!Imagine _ _ I was!4. 我的牙一点也不疼了。My tooth did not _ _ _. 5. 恐惧让狼看起来更可怕。Fear _ the wolf _ than he is. Lesson 3Good Food, Good Health1. _ n. 玉米2. _n. 豆子3. _adj. 亚洲的;n. 亚洲人4. _v. 包括;包含5. grain n. _6. vitamin n. _7. mineral n. _8. fibre n. _9. protein n. _10. soy n. _11. calcium n. _12. b

5、one n. _13. yogurt n. _14. contain v. _15. balanced adj. _ 16. diet n. _1. Asian _(n. 亚洲)2. balanced_(n. )3. include_(prep. )1. _富含2. _东亚国家3. _保持健康4. _充满5. _均衡饮食6. _对有好处1. 谷类早餐食物也是由不同的谷物做成的。Breakfast cereal is _ _ _ different grains. 2. 水果和蔬菜也含有丰富的维生素、矿物质和纤维素。Fruits and vegetables are _ _ _ vitamins

6、, minerals and fibre. 3. 钙使你的骨骼、牙齿强壮。Calcium _ your bones and teeth_. 4. 它们帮助你成长并且保持健康。They help you grow and_ _. 5. 均衡的饮食可以使你保持健康并提供给你很多能量。A balanced diet will _ _ _ and give you lots of energy!Lesson 4Dont Smoke, Please!1. _ v. 吸烟n. 烟2. _adj. 有害的;导致损害的3. _adj. 公共的;大众的4. _n. 法律;法规5. _ conj. 在任何的时候6

7、. _n. 危险;风险7. _ pron. 有人;某人8. disease n. _9. lung n. _10. harm v. & n. _11. breathe v. _12. cigarette n. _1. harm_(adj. )2. breathe_(n. ) 3. disease_(同义词)1. _数以百万计的2. _由于;作为的结果3. _二手烟4. _冒险5. _养成习惯6. _远离7. _建议某人做某事8. _鼓励某人做某事1. 每年,全世界数以百万计的人因吸烟而死亡。Every year, _ _ people around the world die _ _ _ _

8、smoking. 2. 不管什么时候别人给你香烟,你应该一直拒绝。_someone offers you a cigarette, you_ always say no. 3. 如果你的家人抽烟,鼓励他们戒烟。If your family members smoke, _ them_ _ _. 4. 一旦你养成了吸烟的习惯,就很难戒掉了。Once you _ _ _ _ _smoking, its not easy to give it up. 5. 远离香烟,你会过上长久、健康、幸福的生活。_ _ _cigarettes and you can live a long,healthy and

9、 happy life. Lesson 5Janes Lucky Life1. _ v. 控制;管理;支配2. _n. 电话;电话机3. _ pron. 她的4. _v. 踢5. _n. 同情,怜悯;遗憾6. _ v. 欢呼;喝彩;加油n. 欢呼声7. damage v. _8. unable adj. _9. dare v. _10. wheelchair n. _11. disabled adj. _12. focus v. _n. _1. unable_(反义词)2. hers_(形容词性物主代词)3. telephone_(同义词)1. _不能做2. _敢于做3. _集中于;致力于4.

10、 _考虑,思考1. 许多事情她都不能做。She _ _ _do many things. 2. 但是她敢于尝试许多事情。But she _ _ try many things. 3. 她喜欢鼓励她的女儿。She _ _her daughter. 4. 如果你只关注你的问题,你将会有充满问题的生活。If you only _ _your problems, youll have a life_ _ them. 5. 你知道谁是真正的残疾人吗?就是那些不知道自己多么幸运的人。Do you know who is _ _? People _ dont know how lucky they are. Lesson 6Stay Away from the Hospital1. _


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