中考英语复习课件:第18课时 九年级Units 7~8(人教新目标版)

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《中考英语复习课件:第18课时 九年级Units 7~8(人教新目标版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语复习课件:第18课时 九年级Units 7~8(人教新目标版)(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语,第18课时九年级Units 78,四川专用,词汇拓展,1.safety(安全的) _(危险的) _(危险)_ 2badly(好) _(差的) _(更差的) _(最差的)_ 3poem(诗人)_ 4educate(教育) _(有教育意义的)_ 5social(社会)_ 6entrance(进来)_ 7choose(选择;挑选)_,safe,dangerous,danger,well,bad,worse,worst,poet,education,educational,society,enter,choice,词汇拓展,8.who(谁的)_ 9value(贵重的)_ 10somebody(任

2、何人)_ 11policeman(复数) _(女警察) _(复数)_ 12easy(担心的;不安的)_ 13outdoors(在室内)_ 14sleep(困倦的;瞌睡的)_ 15receive(接受)_ 16lead(领导人)_,whose,valuable,anybody,policemen,policewoman,policewomen,uneasy,indoors,sleepy,accept,leader,重点短语,1.回嘴;顶嘴_ 2避免接近;远离_ 3自己做决定_ ones_ 4做兼职工作_ a _ job 5设法做某事_ sth. 6挡路;妨碍_,talk back,keepawa

3、y from,make,own decisions,have,parttime,manage to do,get in the way of,重点短语,7.同时;一起_ 8参加音乐会_ a_ 9感到不安_ 10追逐;追赶_ 11不但而且_ 12属于_,at the same time,attend,concert,feel uneasy,run after,not onlybut also,belong to,重点句型,1.Teenagers _ to choose their own clothes. 应该允许青少年选择他们自己的衣服。 2I _ sixteenyearolds should

4、 be allowed to drive. 我认为不应该允许十六岁的青少年驾车。 3Teenagers are too young to _ 青少年太年轻不能够自己做决定。 4It _ Meis hair band. 它可能是梅的发带。,should be allowed,dont think,make their own decisions,could be,重点句型,5Im really _ the famous paintings by Picasso. 看了毕加索著名的油画我真地感到兴奋。 6I _ back,not listening to Mom. 我懊悔顶嘴,而不听妈妈的话。 7

5、We _ running! 我们不反对跑步! 8Only then will I _ achieve my dream. 只有到那时,我才有可能实现我的梦想。,excited about seeing,regret talking,have nothing against,have a chance to,重点句型,9._ we may be allowed to take photos if we dont_? 你认为如果我们不使用闪光灯的话,会允许我们拍照吗? 10It must _Carla. 它一定属于卡拉。 11Im not sure,but it _ a dog. 我不确定,但是它

6、不可能是一只狗。 12He might _ catch a bus to work. 他一定是在跑着赶公交车上班。,Do you think,use a flash,belong to,cant be,be running to,重点句型,13Do you have _ in your schoolbag? 在你书包里有一些贵重的东西吗? 14I think somebody must _ it _ 我想有人一定捡到它了。 15There _ something _the homes in our neighborhood 一定是什么东西闯入了小区住户的家里 16They think the

7、stones can _and _people _ 他们认为巨石阵可以预防疾病和让人们身体健康。,anything valuable,have picked,up,must be,visiting,prevent illness,keep,healthy,核心语法,1.含有情态动词的被动语态 2情态动词表推测的用法(must,cant,might,could),without为介词,意思是“没有;不带”,后常跟名词、代词或现在分词,其反义词为with,意思是“有,和一起”。,stop用作动词,意为“停止;阻止”。其用法如下: (1)stop doing sth.停止做某事。如: Our tea

8、cher is coming.Please stop talking.我们的老师来了。请不要讲话了。 (2)stop to do sth.停下来去做某事。如: Whats happening?Lets stop to have a look.发生什么事?我们停下来去看看吧。 (3)stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事。如:We must stop the kids from swimming here.我们必须阻止小孩在这里游泳。,情态动词表推测主要有以下几种情况: (1)在肯定句中可用must,could,may,might对现在的情况进行推测,其中must表示完全肯

9、定,could,may,might所表示的可能性依次递减。must be意为“一定是”,could/may/might be意为“可能是”。 (2)can用来表示对现在情况的推测或判断时,只能用于疑问句或否定句,cant be意为“一定不是”。,(1)not onlybut also是一个连词结构,意为“不但而且”,相当于bothand,在句中连接并列成分,有时可以省略also,其反义短语为neithernor。如: Not only you but also he speaks Japanese in our class.不仅你说日语,而且他也说日语。 (2)not onlybut also

10、连接并列主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”。如: Not only Tom but also I speak Japanese.不仅汤姆而且我也说日语。 (3)not onlybut also可以连接相同的句子成分或者并列分句,在连接两个简单句时,not only可以放在句首,这时句子要用部分倒装。即将谓语动词的一部分(如:情态动词、助动词do,does,did,have,has,had等)放在主语的前面,而but(also)后的句子用陈述语序。如: Not only did he say so,but also he did so.他不仅这样说,也这样做了。,a number of/the n

11、umber of 【考点抢测】 10How many women doctors are there in your hospital? _ them _ over twenty.(2015,益阳) AA number of,are BThe number of,are CThe number of,is 11In our school library there _ a number of books on science,and in these years the number of them _ growing larger and larger.(2016,内江) Aare,is B

12、is,are Chave,are Dhas,is,C,A,12_ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are _ teachers. AA number of,women BA number of,woman CThe number of,women DThe number of,woman,C,1the number of表示“的数量”,跟复数名词连用作主语时,中心词是number,谓语动词要用单数。如: The number of students in our class is 50.我们班学生

13、的数量是50人。 The number of pages in this book is 60.这本书有60页。 2a number of表示“许多”,相当于many,修饰可数名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用复数。number前可用large,small等修饰,以表示程度。如:A number of students are planting trees on the hill.许多学生在小山上植树。,sleepy/asleep/sleeping/sleep 【考点抢测】 13Whats your biggest problem? I dont have enough time _ Asleep

14、y Bsleeping Cto sleep Dasleep 14On Friday afternoon many students are often _ after a long week of classes. Asleep Bsleeping Csleepy Dasleep 15How hard the noise made it for us _! Afell asleep Bfall asleep Cto fall asleep Dfalling asleep,C,C,C,1Fish cant live _ water.(2016,南充) Awith Bin Cwithout Dof 2_ my teachers help,I begin to catch up _ my classmate.(2016,广西) AWith,to BUnder,with CWith,with D


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