中考英语复习课件:unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are(人教新目标版全册)

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《中考英语复习课件:unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are(人教新目标版全册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语复习课件:unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are(人教新目标版全册)(69页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Unit 3,第一课时 Section A (1a2d),一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) two,buy,exciting,get,normal 1Could you tell me how_to the new railway station? 2Im very_to go to Shanghai with my parents. 3The bookshop is on the_floor. 4We_say “toilets” or “washrooms” in Chin

2、a. 5Can you tell me where_some chocolate?,to get,excited,second,normally,to buy,二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写出正确的单词。(53分15分) 6Could you please tell me where the_ (公共厕所) are? 7There is a big supermarket on Center Street,_ (在旁边) the hotel. 8On the_ (明信片),there is a photo of the Eiffel Tower.It must be from France.

3、 9Im sorry,but I must go nowIm in a r_ 10Can you buy me a s_ when you walk past the post office?,restrooms,beside,postcard,ush,tamp,三、单项选择。(54分20分) 11Open the window please,Mike. _?I didnt hear what you said. AWhat BPardon CReally DAll right 12The students didnt find much_about the topic on that web

4、site. Areport Barticle Cinformation Dstory,B,C,13I wonder _ there is a bank _ the store. Aif;cross Bif;between Cwhether;beside Dhow;near 14Could you tell me_the post office or not? Aif does he go to Bthat he goes to Cwhether does he go to Dwhether he goes to 15Go _ the museum,and _ the second turnin

5、g to the right.Youll find the post office. Apass;take Bpast;take Cpass;get Dpast,get,C,D,B,四、按要求完成句子,每空一词。(54分20分) 16Where can I get some postcards?Can you tell me?(合并为一个句子) Can you tell me _ I _ get some postcards? 17You must let me know what I can do for you.(改为简单句) You must let me know _ _ _ for

6、you.,where can,what to do,18Are you doing your homework?My mom asked me.(改为宾语从句) My mom asked me _ I _ doing my homework. 19The park closes at_half_past_six(对画线部分提问) _ _ the park _? 20Could you do me a favor on my homework,Linda?(根据语境作答) _,_ _You should do it by yourself.,if/whether was,When does cl

7、ose,Sorry I cant,五、根据对话内容及首字母提示写出正确的单词,完成对话。(103分30分) A:This is Fun Times Park,the biggest amusement park in my city! B:Im 21.e_ to try the rides! A:Where should we start?Theres Space World,Water World,Animal World. B:Oh,could you tell me where the 22.r_ are first? A:23.P_?Restroom?You already want

8、to rest?But we havent even started yet!,xcited,estrooms,ardon,B:Oh no,I dont 24.m_ a room for resting.I mean.you know,a 25.w_ or bathroom. A:Hmm.so you mean.the toilets? B:Yes!Sorry,26.m_ the word “restroom” is not commonly 27.u_ in China. A:Thats right.We normally say“28.t_”or“washrooms”Theyre just

9、 over there. B:OK.Ill be quick!I 29.w_ when the park closes today. A:Nine thirty,so you dont need to 30.r_,ean,ashroom,aybe,sed,oilets,onder,ush,第二课时Section A (3a3b),一、根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。(53分15分) 1My friends _ (建议) that we should go to Dalian by ship. 2Why not ask the _ (管理人员) person over there? 3Ther

10、e is a new _ (饭店) near the beach. 4What is _ (独特的) about the program I Am a Singer?Why do so many people enjoy it? 5A rock _ (乐队) will play in that square this evening.,suggest/advise,staff,restaurant,special,band,二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(53分15分) play,wonder,real,staff,say 6The bus is _ crowded.There are

11、too many people on it. 7All the _ in the company played a part in the meeting. 8I _ why you came here so late. 9The sign _ you cant swim here. 10The band starts _ at eight oclock.,really,staff,wondered,says,playing/to play,三、单项选择。(54分20分) 11The tiger is walking _ me,so Im very _. Aup to;scary Bup to

12、;scared Cto;scary Dinto;scared 12Nobody suggested_music in the library. Aplaying Bto play Cplayed Dto playing,B,A,13. _,the Internet was only used by the government.But now its widely used in every field. AAs usual BAt first CAfter all DSo far 14If you go to the zoo,you must_the park. Awalk passed B

13、go passed Cpassed past Dpass by 15Its fun_a soccer game at the weekend. Awatch Bwatches Cto watch Dwatching,B,D,C,四、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。(54分20分) 16你能猜出我路过报刊亭时遇到了谁吗? Can you guess who I met when I _ the newspaper stand? 17沿着这条路一直走,直到你看见一幢白色的建筑物为止。 _ you see a white building.,went past/passed by,Go alon

14、g the street until,18你能不能告诉我演出将在什么时候开始呢? Could you please tell me _? 19我的女儿很害羞。当我们出去时,她经常牵着我的手。 My daughter is very shy.She often _ _ when we go out. 20快点儿!我们要迟到了。 _!Well be late.,when the show will begin/start,holds my hand,Come on/Hurry up,五、根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,完成短文。(每个词语限用一次)(103分30分) clean,excellent,neighborhood,you,supermarket, garden,spend,both,volunteer,something Canada is a nice country.It has the modern and beautiful 21._.In the neighborhoods of Canada,there are many businesses on 22._sides of the stre


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