高中英语 Unit1《LivingwellPeriod》4(二)教案 新人教选修7

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1、教材分析本单元以残疾及残疾人的生活为话题,介绍了一些残疾人凭借顽强的毅力和社会的关爱克服生活中的种种困难,以积极的态度面对人生的挑战。Using Language中的Reading,speaking and writing部分要求学生先讨论行动困难的人在电影院可能会遇到的困难,然后引出Alice Major写给the new Bankstown cinema的建筑设计师的一封信,在信中她给建筑设计师提出一些建议,请求建筑师充分考虑残疾人的需求。这封信后有说和写的练习题,通过不同的语言技能训练,完成本单元教学目标。通过读这封建议信,要求学生学会写建议信。学情分析本单元的话题是围绕残疾、残疾人的生

2、活展开的,在阅读了残疾人Marty Fielding的故事和聆听了盲人Barry Minto攀爬Mount Kilimanjaro的故事之后,学生对残疾人以及他们在生活中会遇到的困难有了一定的了解。在此基础下,笔者水到渠成地引出此封建议信,增强学生们关心、理解、帮助残疾人的意识。同时,通过阅读这封建议信,让学生熟悉建议信的格式并尝试写建议信。教学目标1语言知识目标(1)学生能够正确读写及运用以下单词:architect,adequate,access,accessible,handy,basement,row,outwards,exit, approval,dignity,profit,com

3、munity (2)学生掌握下列词组的意思并能在句子中熟练运用:have access to;enjoy the company of;in comfort;meet with ones approval;make profits2语言技能目标:强化学生通过略读、查读理清文章脉络结构的能力;训练学生运用所学知识就某一话题展开讨论,并在讨论的基础上进行写作。3语言能力目标:提高学生的阅读理解和书面表达能力。4情感态度目标:(1)教育健康学生理解、尊重、关心、帮助残疾人,使残疾人与健全人一样共享美好生活。(2)在小组合作互动中,增强学生的团队合作与分享意识。重点难点1教学重点:阅读能力、写作能力的

4、培养和提高2教学难点:掌握建议信这一应用文体的格式,并尝试写建议信教学策略与手段在教学过程中,笔者坚持以“教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础”的教学原则,以读前、读中、读后三大版块展开阅读教学,任务明确,活动面广。同时贯彻“教中学,学中用”的教学策略,通过仿写建议信,使学生学以致用,学到生活中真正的语言。Step 1PrereadingShow pictures of a cinema,including inside and outside facilities and ask students to discuss what problems that people with disabi

5、lities might have in a cinema. 设计说明 该部分作为读前的热身活动,通过全班讨论使学生关注残疾人可能会遇到的困难,为阅读接下来的建议信作好准备。Step 2Whilereading1Skimming (1) Who is the letter written to?(The letter is written to the architect for the new Bankstown cinema.)(2) What is the purpose of the letter?(To make suggestions about how to make the c

6、inema accessible for the disabled people.) (3)Divide the letter into several parts.Suggested answers:Part 1 (Paragraph 1):The purpose of the letterPart 2 (Paragraphs 26):Some suggestions to the architectPart 3 (Paragraph 7):The advantages of designing the cinema with good access for disabled people2

7、Scanning(1) List the suggestions the writer put forward.There should be adequate access for wheelchairs.It would help to fit sets of earphones to all seats,not just to some of them.The seats at the back should be placed higher than those at the front.For disabled customers,it would be more convenien

8、t to place the toilets near the entrance to the cinema.There are usually spaces specially reserved for disabled and elderly drivers.(2) Why do you think the writer numbered her suggestions and used italics?(The writer has used numbers and a title in italics for each paragraph to organize the ideas a

9、nd to make it easier for the reader to understand and remember the five suggestions.)(3)Besides using numbers and italics,what other ways can we use to make the things you say clear? (We can use first,second,third.finally/at last/last but not least.)(4)Why should the architect consider the writers s

10、uggestions?(Disabled people should have the same opportunities as healthy people to enjoy the cinema and to do so with dignity.Good access for disabled customers will help make the cinema successful.)(5) The writer uses polite forms in the letter;do you know why?(Polite forms are used to encourage t

11、he reader to take the ideas seriously.)(6)Underline the examples of the polite forms in the letter.设计说明 该部分是整个教学环节的重点,通过略读,快速理清文章脉络,掌握建议信的基本格式。通过查读把握文章细节,在学生回答相应问题时引入have access to,enjoy the company of,in comfort,meet with ones approval,make profits 这些词组,同时通过查找文中的礼貌用语,使学生关注建议信语言上的得体和语气上的委婉。Step 3Pos

12、treadingGroup workSuppose a new supermarket will be built in your area.Suggest ways to make the supermarket more accessible for the disabled people,especially for the people in wheelchairs.设计说明 运用文中所学知识,通过小组合作讨论的形式,打开学生的思路,集思广益,为接下来的写作打下基础。Step 4HomeworkThe architect of the new supermarket is Mr Smi

13、th.Please write a letter to him to suggest ways to make the supermarket accessible for the people in wheelchairs.Remember to use the polite forms.A sample letter:Dear Mr Smith,I am writing to suggest that you consider the following things when you design the supermarket.First,could you please make s

14、ure that the aisles are wide enough to allow wheelchairs to pass through?In some supermarkets the aisles are so narrow that a person in a wheelchair can not move easily.Second,could you please design shelves that can be reached by people in wheelchairs?In some supermarkets people in wheelchairs have to ask others to help them.Last but not least,lifts should be in places that people in wheelchairs can get to easily.I hope you will consider my suggestions.Yours,Ling Ming设计说明学生在课堂讨论之后进行写作,大大降低了写作的难度。同时学生通过仿写一封建议信,及时地复习了本节课所学内容,从而真正做到学以致用,提高学生对英语学习的兴趣。 3



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