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1、Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A Lets talk,art show 画展,徐悲鸿 奔马图,戴花的执扇女 潘玉良(女),秋风执扇图 唐伯虎,毕加索 格尔尼卡,达芬奇 蒙娜丽莎,日出 印象 梵高,虾 齐白石,富春江观钓图 沈岩,麦田 梵高,Art Show,Lets try,Mona Lisa Smile蒙娜丽莎的微笑,Its Da Vincis.(达芬奇) =Its his picture. =The picture is his.,考考你,Whose picture is it?,His, his .The picture is his.,Whose picture is

2、 this?,Its my picture Its mine.,Mine,mine.The picture is mine.,Are these all ours? Yes,they are. No,they arent. .,Ours,ours.These are ours.,Whose ? Whose ?Whose is it? His, his .The picture is his. Whose ? Whose ?Whose is it?. Mine,mine.The picture is mine. Whose?Whose?Whose are these? Ours,ours,the

3、se are ours. .,Lets chant,Match 看动画连线 Chen Jies Zhang Pengs. Wu Yifans.,Chen Jie:The yellow picture is _. Are these all_? Mike: Yes ,they are. Chen Jie: Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful. _ is it? Mike : Its _. Chen Jie: Look! There is a picture of Shanghai,too. Mike: Its _. Chen Jie: Oh, ye

4、s! Its _.,Whose,mine,ours,Zhang Pengs,Yifans,his,挑战记忆力,语法小知识 名词性物主代词:mine,his,ours,yours,hers.我们后面不能再加名词哦! 形容词性物主代词:my,his,our,your,her. 我们后面还有名词哦!,1,The yellow picture is mine.(我的) =The yellow picture is my picture. 2, These books are hers.(她的) =These are her books.,Wrap it up,3,This is his picture

5、 =This picture is _.(他的) . Are these pictures all ours? (我们的) =Are these all_ _?,our pictures,his,游戏规则:请一位同学到前面,闭上眼睛,老师从他组员的物品里拿出一种,全班同学提问: Whose is it?/Whose are they? 这位同学来猜: Is it xxxs?/Are they?,Lets play a game!,老师拿走几件物品放在失物招领处,请你扮演工作人员帮助同学找回物品。Whoseis this/are these? Its/They are. Here you are

6、.,小组活动,Our Art Show 我们的画展,将获得的图画和自己的画做成画展,并用英语表演你参观画展的过程,你可能用到的句子有:Its a picture of What colour is it? Is this your picture? Are these ours? Whose picture is it/are these?,A picture is a poem without words. 一幅画是一首没有文字的诗歌。 Art gives us wings, take us far away 艺术给我们插上翅膀,把我们带到很远很远的地方.,homework,1,Read the dialogue on page 48 with your friends.Try to recite it. 2,preview the words on page 49,try to read and use them. 3,If you have a chance ,ask your parents to take you to an art show someday.,


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