《金版新学案》高三英语一轮总复习 高效测评卷(四)

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1、金版新学案高三一轮总复习W 研英语高效测评卷(四)学校:_班级:_姓名:_考号:_第一部分:英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1monthAcompareBmovementCgovernment Dwrong2wealthAbreathe BmeasureCsteak Dreal3workedAanswered BwatchedCvisited Drecognized4especialAcentury BcoastCofficial Descape5quietAsociety BfieldCvarious Dfriend第二节情景对话(共5小题;

2、每小题1分,满分5分)(2011陕西西工大附中第九次适应性训练)Why didnt you answer me in the exam just now?Hey,I really dont like to help you cheat._6_Yes,we are.But thats nothing to do with good friends or not.Why?_7_People say “A friend in need is a friend indeed”I needed your help just now.Well,_8_If I had helped you cheat ju

3、st now,then I would not be a real friend.If I had helped you,you might be able to pass the exam but you cant learn anything and you will never try to study hard._9_You know my father will beat me if I cant pass this exam. Well,if your father beats you then,that should be a good lesson for you. Now I

4、 really doubt if you are really my friend or not._10_ Good for me?You want me to be beaten by my father?AGood friends should know what I mean.BI think you should know what I mean.CCome on!Its just an exam.DI dont agree with you.EWe are good friends,arent we?FI cant agree with you more.GWhat I said a

5、nd did is for your own good.第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)11What about going swimming on such a hot day?_.AIt must be funnyBThats rightCSounds great DHave a nice time12Feng Jun,_president of Aigo,is the second Chinese billionaire to promise_allout donation after Chen Guangbiao.Athe;/ Ba;an Cthe;the D

6、/;an13Mr Anderson should either keep the dog in the house or_?Ill have a word with him.He often listens.Atie up Bto tie up Ctied up Dtying up14Jack got drowned in the lake and was in hospital yesterday.Sorry to hear that.Im told he often goes swimming alone_his mothers objection.Aregardless of Bin c

7、ase ofCin view of Dinstead of15The mountain village is so beautiful.Yes.Moreover,_the villagers live,there is fresh air.Athat Bwhere Cwhen Dwhether16_may be,one sometimes makes mistakes.AHowever a wise person BWhat a wise personCHowever wise a person DWhat wise a person17When I was young,I liked to

8、travel to places_could most amuse us children.Awhere Bwhich Cwhat Din which18Do you mind my turning up the radio?The weather report_and Id like to know when it will clear up.Ais broadcast Bis being broadcastChas been broadcast Dhad been broadcast19The little boy took the back way quietly and quickly

9、 to escape_.Ato be seen Bbeing seenCseeing Dhaving seen20Although a snowstorm is in store,people are still looking forward_the plan to go sightseeing in Lhasa.Ato canceling Bnot to cancelingCnot to cancel Dto not canceling21Its hard to say what kind of person he is.Sometimes he is very friendly;at o

10、ther times he_be very cold.Acan Bmust Cwill Dshall22I would have come earlier,but I_that you were waiting for me.Ahadnt known Bdidnt knowCwould have known Dhavent known23With the nuclear crisis worsening in Iran,the worlds attention is fixed again on_is called the Middle East.Awhich Bit Cthat Dwhat2

11、4With the increase of the living standards,people are_much importance to their health.Aadjusting Battaching Cappealing Dapplying25Would it be_for you to come at 900 am tomorrow?Can we make it a little earlier?I have another meeting at 1030 am.Aconvenient Bcomfortable Cvacant Dfree第四节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.

12、5分,满分30分)(2011安徽部分重点中学第二次联考)It is often said that politeness costs nothing.In fact,_26_hearing the phrase “thank you” or “well done” means the same to employees as a modest pay_27_,researchers say.Praise and encouragement also_28_employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs,saving on th

13、e cost of finding_29_.A third of 1,000 workers_30_said they did not get thanked at all when they did well,and a(n)_31_third said they were not thanked enough.In both_32_,the employees said they felt_33_,meaning they were less likely to be_34_to their jobs and were more likely to look for employment

14、elsewhere.According to the survey,praising employees has the same_35_as a 1 percent pay rise,and works out much_36_for bosses.Three out of four employees said that regular_37_by their bosses was important to them,_38_only a quarter said they were actually given as much praise_39_they felt they needed.Those doing manual (体力的) jobs were less likely to be given any _40_for doing well.Scottish employees felt_41_undervalued,eight out of


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