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1、动词不定式及其用法,主要从以下几个方面讲述,1. 不定式在句中充当的成分及练习(计划一课时) 2. 不定式的时态 3. 不定式的主动与被动 4. 特殊情况,计划一课时,第一课时,动词不定式 动词不定式由“to+动词原形”构成,可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语等,但不能作谓语。,动词不定式,To do that sort of thing is foolish。,I want to see you this evening.,All you have to do is to finish it quickly.,We found a house to live in.,She c

2、ame here to study English.,I warned the patient not to eat cold water after the operation.,主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,宾补,作主语,To master a foreign language is really important nowadays.,To give up smoking is right.,1.当今掌握一门外语真的很重要。,2. 放弃吸烟是对的。,3.用it作形式主语代替不定式(重要) It + be + adj. / n.(of /for sb )+ to do sth(注意用of和

3、for时形容词有区别),拓展,2.It作形式主语代替动名词(重要) It is no good /no use /no help + doing sth. It is no use arguing about it.,1.也可用动名词作主语(更常见,多指抽象性、概念性的动作,可以是多次的、经常性的活动;不定式作主语多表示具体的、某一次的动作。)(次要) Collecting stamps is his hobby. To collect that set of stamps is what he wants most.,作宾语,Fred didnt have any money, so he

4、decided to look for a job.,He promised not to tell anyone about it.,1. Fred 没有钱,所以他决定找一份工作。,2. 他答应不告述任何人这事。,3. 有时作宾语的不定式过长时,用it作形式宾语,把不定式置于宾补之后,即: 主语动词it 宾补不定式,(make/find/ consider/think/等),(形容词和名词),I find it difficult to learn English well,afford, agree, appear, aim, arrange, attempt, choose, claim

5、(声明,声称), decide, demand, determine, expect, fail, guarantee(保证), help, hope, intend, learn, long(渴望), manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise refuse, seem, tend(倾向于), want, wish,以下动词常接动词不定式作宾语,要牢记,Remember!,以下动词常用动名词作宾语 avoid, admit, fancy, consider, delay, deny, dislike, endure, enjoy, appre

6、ciate, escape, forgive, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, allow/ permit, pardon, resist, suggest, understand, cant help, feel like,Remember them!,有些动词+to do/doing 区别很大 forget /remember/stop /go on regret/ try/mean/cant help,remember to do something 记得要做某事 remember doing sth 记得做过某事 try to do 努力做某事 t

7、ry doing 试着做某事 regret to do 对要做的某事表示遗憾 regret doing 对已做的某事表示后悔,mean to do 打算做 mean doing 意味着 cant help (to) do 不能帮忙做某事 cant help doing 情不自禁做某事,作表语(次要),不定式作表语多表示具体的、某一次的动作。动名词作表语多指抽象性、概念性的动作,可以是多次的、经常性的活动; ),1. His hobby is collecting stamps. 2. What he wants most is to collect that set of stamps is.

8、 注意:不定式作表语时,如果主语中含有do以及do的其他形式,不定式省略to),不定式作定语,往往表示将要发生的动作。主动:to do / 被动:to be done I have a lot of work to do. The meeting to be held tomorrow is very important.,注意,作定语,It seems that he has no pen _ . A. to write B. to write with C. writing D. writing with,注意,如果作定语的不定式是不及物动词, 其后应加上必要的介词 Eg. He is a

9、 pleasant person to work with.,当不定式修饰的名词与不定式的动词为 被动关系时,不定式既可用主动也可用被动,意义不同。,2. 当名词前有序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,此名词后常用不定式作后置定语 Betty是第一个知道这真相的人,Betty was the first to know the truth,1). Do you have anything to send? “你”送( 用主动的更常见一些)。 2). Do you have anything to be sent? “其他人”送,3. 有些抽象名词后面用不定式作后置定语,如ability, chance

10、, opportunity, decision, plan, attempt, way, answer, reply, desire等 例句:The ability to express an idea is as important as the idea itself. I have no chance to go sightseeing.,作状语,He spoke loudly (so as / in order) to be heard. They jumped with joy to hear the news. Im too tired to walk any further to

11、night.,目的状语.,原因状语.,结果状语,1. 目的状语: 常用的结构to do; in order to do, so as to do, so/ such as to do, etc.(不定式前面不加逗号。) 例句:I come here to say good-bye to you. 结果状语: 常与only , enough 或too连用。 例句:He studied hard ,only to fail the exam.(出乎意料的结果,only doing表示意料之中的结果) 例句:He is old enough to go to school. 原因状语: 一般用在句尾

12、 例句:Im glad to see you. She wept to see the sight.,作宾补,She asked me to stay there.,1. 她叫我呆在这儿。,2.请允许我介绍Mr. White给你们。,Please allow me to introduce Mr. White to you.,1) 带to的不定式作宾补, 即 动词sb to do sth,很多动词如: allow, order, invite, force, permit, tell, want, wish, forbid, advise, persuade, warn, urge, 等后面作

13、宾补的不定式都带to。,When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there _ for a space flight. training B. being trained C. to have trained D. to be trained,D,2)感官动词类(V + sb. + do sth.) see/ hear/ notice/ find/ watch/ look at/ hear/ listen to/ feel/ smell I often hear them sing the song in the next room

14、. We watched them play football .,The teacher made me answer the question.,但这些动词用于被动结构时,省去的to要加上。,They were heard to sing a pop song.,He was made to answer the question.,3)使役动词类(V + sb. + do sth.) make/ let / have,1. The light in the office is still on. -Oh, I forgot . A. turning it off B. turn it o

15、ff C.having turned it off D. to turn it off 2. She cant help _the house because shes busy making a cake. A. to clean B. cleaning C. Cleaned D. being c leaned,练习,3. Not everybody has the ability in public. A. of speak B. speaking C. spoken D. to speak 4. Mary is always the first student to answer the

16、 teachers questions in class. A. rising B. to rise C. rose D. risen,5 The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation. A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating 6. We agreed _ here, but so far she hasnt turned out yet. A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met 7. Paul doesnt have to be made _. He alw



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