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1、.,1,主讲教师:林慧媚 选送学校:仙游县度峰初级中学,There be 句型,.,2,Teaching goals,Students can:,1.能熟练掌握there be的基本用法。 2.能灵活掌握there be的各种句型和时态。 3.能熟练辨别there be和have,及there be与be going to连用。,.,3,There be 句型 “存在,有”,表示“某地有某物”。 be有时态和单复数变化,there无词义。,There be(is/are) +主语(n.)+状语.,.,4,eg:There is a photo on the wall.,主语,地点状语,Ther

2、e are some photos on the wall.,注意: be 应和其后出现的主语在数上一致,即“就近原则 ” 主语(单数/不可数)-be(is) 主语(复数)-be(are) 主语(并列)-be(is/are),.,5,There a computer and some books on the desk. There some books and a computer on the desk.,一.就近原则,is,are,.,6,EXERCISE1:,2.There some apples on the tree.,1.There a bird in the tree.,3.T

3、here three children singing under the tree.,There be.doing. 某地有某人(物)正在做.,is,are,are,.,7,二.句 型 转 换,eg:There is a cake on the table.,否定句:be后加not,有some时变为any,There isnt a cake on the table.,There are some people in the picture .,There arent any people in the picture .,=no,.,8,Is there a cake on the tab

4、le? Yes,there is./No,there isnt.,一般疑问句:be提前句首,有some时变为any,eg:There is a cake on the table.,There are some people in the picture .,Are there any people in the picture? Yes,there are. No,there arent.,.,9,特殊疑问句:, 对主语提问:当主语是人时,用 “Whos + 介词短语?”; 当主语是物时,用 “Whats + 介词短语?”。,提问时一般都用be的单数形式, 回答时却要根据实际情况来决定。,e

5、g:There is a cake on the table. on the table?,There are some people in the picture . in the picture?, 对地点提问:用 “Wheres + 介词短语?”;,eg:There is a cake on the table. the cake?,Wheres,Whats,Whos,.,10,对数量提问:主语是可数名词时,都用“How many +可数名词复数+ are there + 介词短语?”,How many cakes are there on the table?,eg:There is

6、a cake on the table.,主语是不可数名词,则用“ How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语?”,There is some money in my purse.,How much money is there in your purse?,.,11,EXERCISE2 按要求改写句子,1. There are 24 rooms in the building. (对划线部分提问) 2. There is a dog in the basket. (改为一般疑问句) 3. There are some flowers in the kitchen.

7、(改成单数句) 4. There is some bread on the table.(改成否定句),?,?,.,.,Is there a dog in the basket,There is a flower in the kitchen,There isnt any bread on the table,?,.,How many rooms are there in the building,.,12,三.注意事项,1.there be 强调某地有某物,不表示所属关系; have 强调所属关系,There are some trees in front of the house. (强调

8、house前有tree。) Tom has many friends in China. (强调所属),.,13,2.There be 句型中be可以有时态变化,也可以和各种动词、情态动词连用。,There must be some cakes on the table. 桌子上一定有些蛋糕。,There was an actor here yesterday. 昨天这有一个明星。,There is going to be a meeting tonight. 今天晚上有个会议。,.,14,1There _ no water in the cup Ais Bare Chas 2There _

9、in the next room Ais Tom Bare some boys Care they 3There were some _ on the plate Aapples Bbread Cbanana 4There _ some paper and a pen on the desk Ais Bare Chave 5There _ a sports meeting next month Ahave Bis going to Cis going to be,A,B,A,C,A,考题链接,.,15,改错:,1. There is a boy sing in the classroom. 2

10、.There is going to a sports meeting next month. 3.There werent some foreigners here.,singing,加be,some改为any,.,16,SUM UP,What is How to use Attention,There be 句型,.,17,Homework,1. Look! There _ (come) the No.7 bus. 2. There _ (be) cows and goats on the hill yesterday morning. 3. There must _ (be) somebody in the corner . 4. There _ (be) a writer and singer in our school last week. 5. There _ (be) two singers and a writer in our school last week.,.,18,Thank you!,Goodbye!,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,


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