step by step3000 Unit9答案

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1、Welcome to Our Class!,Unit 9 Disasters,Part I Warming up Part II News items Part III Torrential storms in Kenya Part IV Language study and language appreciation,Nature disasters(1): 地震 earthquake 雪崩 avalanche 火山泥流 lahar 泥石流 mudflow/landslide 超级火山爆发 super volcano 洪水 flood 大(或急剧的)漩涡 maelstrom 海啸 tsuna

2、mi , sea quake, ground sea暴风雪 blizzard 干旱 drought,Nature disasters(2): 雹暴 hailstorm 热浪 heat wave 飓风(台风)Hurricanes, Tropical cyclones, and Typhoons 冰雹 ice storm 龙卷风 tornado 冰河时代 ice age 森林大火 wildfire 流行病 epidemic 饥荒 famine 太阳耀斑 solar flare 沙尘暴 sand storm,Other disasters: car accident train crash air

3、crash ferry collision bridge collapse,After the disaster we have new illustrations about friendship, love and help. Lets cherish what we have owned.,QI: Do you know any measures to survive in an earthquake?,Measures: To have a pillow or a cushion cover our head and hide under the desk or bed or even

4、 around the corner. Choose kitchen or bathroom to hide in Run to the spacious place as soon as possible If buried under the rubbles, you should have a strong will to survive; let your hands or feet free first if possible; not shout loudly for help while to save energy; use every means to get in touc

5、h with the outside; move towards the place with light or air; try to find sth. To eat or drink; be patient,Q2: What do those survivors from the earthquake need most from your point of view?,Part I Warming up,Vocabulary: Richter scale:里氏震级 struck Epicenter:震中,中心 Magnitude:数量,大小 Trigger:引发,触发 Tsunami;

6、海啸,1. Assam 阿萨姆邦(印度东北部的邦 2. Agadir 阿加迪尔摩洛哥西南部港市 3. Guatemala 危地马拉(拉丁美洲), 危地马拉人 4. Armenia 亚美尼亚(前苏联加盟共和国) 5. Spitak 位于震中的斯皮塔克 前苏联的亚美尼亚共和国遭受一次M68地震的袭击, 位于震中的斯皮塔克(spitak)全城毁灭, 距震中40km的列宁纳坎(Leminaken)市约有80的建筑物毁灭,. 6. Caspian Sea 里海 7. Aceh 亚齐省 8. Sumatra 苏门答腊岛,Keys: 60,000/ 8.75 452/ 8.3 100,000/ 8.6 8.

7、9/ 2,990 8.7/ 1,530 12,000/ 5.8 7.1/ 12,230 7.5/ 22,778 6.8/ 25,000 6.7/ 50,000 9.0/ 300,000 8.0/ 69,197/ 18,341,Section B Vocabulary: Strain:张力,紧张 Crust:外壳 Knot:海里/小时 Whirl:(使)飞快移动, 使旋转 Breadth:范围 Prolong:延长,Keys: ice, snow, earth, rock/the side of a mountain A slow moving mudflow The sudden releas

8、e/ waves of shaking System of winds/ about 30 to 50 km an hour 64 knots or 74 miles per hour/ in the western Atlantic Ocean A violent destructive whirling wind/ of short duration 74 mph/ in the Pacific Ocean A period of dryness/ prevents their successful growth A body of water/ normally dry land A w

9、ildfire or an uncontrolled fire,Section C Vocabulary: Crash:猛撞,撞毁 Hijacker:. 抢劫者;劫持者 Sunken nuclear submarine:沉入水底的核潜艇 Flare-up:火焰、光等的骤发,Bahrain:巴林(一个濒临波斯湾的由低矮多沙的群岛组成国家, 位于卡塔尔和沙特阿拉伯之间。它是第一个挖掘出石油的阿拉伯国家(1932年)。1861年以后英国为他的保护国, 巴林于1971年独立。位于巴林岛 上的麦纳麦, 是群岛中最大的城市及首都。人口350, 798 ) the Gulf Airlines Air Fra

10、nce:法国航空公司,Keys: A bomb explosion in Algiers/ in a market area ocean storm/ the Pacific coast of Mexico The cause of a crash of a passenger plane/ All 143 people/ Wednesday Austrians/ the 38 people/ at ski areas The hijacker/ released his remaining hostages and surrendered to police Japanese/ the nu

11、clear reaction/ has stopped victims of a train accident/ 189/ Thursday/ 250 Russians and Norwegian divers/ the sunken Russian nuclear submarines,Keys: 9. 12/ heavy rains/ homes and bridges/ some roads became rivers of flood waters 10. Deadly storm/ Europe/ transportation delays/ airports to close/ m

12、ore than 115 people 11. Sundays earthquake/ Turkey/ more than 1,200/ 50 villages 12. fires/ Sydney/ under control/ new flare-ups,Part II News Items,Section A Vocabulary: Leak:泄漏 Blast:爆炸 Rip:撕裂,裂口 Depot:仓库 Char:烧焦 Blaze:火焰,燃烧 Vandal:野蛮人,故意破坏者,Keys: Event: a fire from oil pipeline explosion Time: Thu

13、rsday Casualties: more than 50 people dead Area: near Lagos Location: a fuel-loading area/ Nigerias Cause: stealing fuel from leaking pipes/ vandal,Section B Vocabulary: Cable car:电缆车 Low-level flight:低空飞行 Plunge:跳进,投入 Dangle:摇摆 Commander:司令官,指挥员 Suspend:停止,Keys: A cable car accident at a ski resort

14、 in northern Italy 2. a. American military plane/ cut the wires/ low-level flight b. 20 c. 60 km away d. started investigation/ suspend low-level missions,Section C Vocabulary: Shelters Relief and reconstruction efforts Survivor Urge Generous:大方的,慷慨的 Devastating:破坏性的 Resolution:决定,决心 Assembly:集合 Pri

15、ority:优先权,先做的事情 Barracks:兵营,Keys: event: floods and landslides country: Venezuela damage: homes of 140,000-150,000 people destroyed casualties: 30,000 people killed major cause of the damage: poor city planning estimated cost of relief and reconstruction efforts: 15 billion dollars 2. a. to give qui

16、ck and generous aid to venezuela b. to build new housing for those homeless people c. in stadiums, car parks, airports and military barracks d. in plain area away from the coast,Part III Torrential storms in Kenya,Vocabulary: Torrential storm:暴雨 Horticulture:园艺 Shiver:颤抖,打碎 Pea:豌豆 Associate:使联合;合作人 Maize:黄色的,玉米 Nightmare:梦魇,可怕的事物,Keys: Heavy rains/ the spread of Peoples hopes of a good season One of the best months a. whole life/ not a season


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