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1、UNIT 10,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,Imagine the future 想象未来 Talk about the future 谈论未来 Discuss possibilities 讨论可能性 Express regret 表达遗憾,Small discussion: how to be a multi-millionaire?,Diligence God helps those who help themselves. Opportunity Opportunity favors only the prepared mind. Perseverance Success d

2、epends upon ones perseverance and diligence. Strong will Where there is a will, there is a way.,Have you ever imagine winning the lottery?,What would you do if you won a lottery?,1. Have you ever bought any lottery tickets? And have you won any money? 2. Why do people like to buy lottery tickets? Tr

3、y their luck on lottery tickets: have some money problems/ fulfill their long-cherished dream/ make their life more colorful 3. What would you spend the money on if you won a large sum of money in a lottery? Quit the job/ buy a big villa, yacht, car and other luxurious items/ travel around the world

4、/ donate to the charity,NEW WORDS AND PHRASES,Daydream: vi 做白日梦solution: n 解决方法 Yearly: adj. 每年的payment: n 付款,支付 Spree: n 无节制的狂热行为sweetheart: n 情人,爱人 Convertible: adj. 汽车有折蓬的yacht: n 游艇 Trust fund: 信托基金real estate agent: 房地产经纪人 Modest: adj. 适度的 trailer : 拖车式活动住房 Foundation: n 基金senior citizens: 老人 N

5、eedy : adj. 贫困的blessing: n 祝福 Nursing home: 疗养院 escort : v 护送 Claim: v 要求, 认领press conference : 新闻发布会 Hound: v 追逐financial advisor : 财政顾问 Jackpot: n 彩票头奖highlight: v 使显著,突出 Cruise ship: 游览轮船penmanship : 书法 Marksmanship: 射击scholarship: 奖学金 Archery club: 剑术俱乐部,FOCUS QUESTIONS,1. According to the artic

6、le, is winning the lottery an easy thing? 2. Was Gloria Mitchem very glad at winning the Florida lottery prize? Why or why not? 3. What does the author of this article think about winning the lottery?,No, it isnt. The odds of winning the lottery are very small.,No, she wasnt, because her life was di

7、sturbed after winning the lottery.,The author thinks winning the lottery can open the door to worry as well as happiness, but it is not that easy to change ones life after winning.,Task 2 on page 101 what do these pronouns refer to?,1. it: winning the lottery 2. they: the states which set up lottery

8、 games 3. you: any one/ a person 4. their: the people who win the lottery 5. They: Christence Cooper and her high school sweetheart 6. I: Sheelah Ryan 7. her: Gloria Mitchem 8. you: any one/ a person,Part I the reality VS the claim,The claim: the people who win the lottery will quit the job and spen

9、d the money on luxurious things. The reality: many people still keep the job and are very careful about how they spend their money. 1. Many people have found themselves daydreaming about winning a million dollars- as a solution to their money problems or as a path to happiness and a life of luxury.

10、许多人察觉自己总是梦想着赢得百万钞票,总以为这样就能解决因为缺钱带来的各种问题,就能过上富足而快乐的生活。 Find oneself + doing/ 介词短语:发现自己总在做某事或处于某种状态,Find oneself doing/ 介词短语,After her husband joined the army, she found herself expecting his messages all the time. 自从丈夫参军后,她发现自己一直期待着他的消息。 猎人进入了森林,马上发现自己处在危险当中。 The hunter went into the forest and soon

11、found himself in danger.,A solution to sth: 解决问题的办法,We put all the efforts together to work out a solution to water pollution. 类此的用法有: A path to: 通往的道路 There isnt such a straight path to success. 没有直通成功之路。 The key to: 关键 The key to doing anything well is to have a positive attitude. 做好任何事情的关键是拥有积极的态

12、度。,Language point,2. The states view lotteries as a way to make money, since only about half of what they take in is given back as prize money. 各州把彩票业看成是一种赚钱的办法,因为收上来的钱只有一半是作为奖金返回给获奖者的。 View as:把当作 = consider as People view the new generation as a group with confidence and full of individuality. Sin

13、ce: 表示原因, 后接显而易见、顺理成章的原因。 Since its late, I shall go home right now. The company has changed a lot since he took over the position.,Take in: 吸收,接纳,Get rid of the stale and take in the fresh. 吐故纳新。 Take in 的不同意思。 1. On weekends the Smiths usually drive to the countryside and take in the fresh air the

14、re.2. Before you translate a sentence, you should first take in the meaning of the words. 3. The salesman have taken in the old people and made them buy their poor quality.,吸收,领会,理解,欺骗,蒙骗,Language points,3. The prize is usually broken down into as many as twenty smaller, yearly payments instead of o

15、ne huge payment. 彩票奖金通常是被分成二十分小额奖金按年兑换,而不是一下全部付给获奖者。 Break down:1. 划分成部分,分解 Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。 2. He finally resign his job because he health broke down. Their car broke down on the way to the airport. 损坏,如身体衰败,汽车抛锚,Language point,4

16、. The odds of winning the lottery are very small. In fact, you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to become an instant millionaire. 事实上,中彩票的机率非常小。实际上你一夜暴富的机会比被雷电击中的机会还要少。 Odds: n. 希望,可能性, 几率 The odds are against us. 我们胜算很小。 What are the odds? 成功的几率是多少? She is at odds with her boss. 她与她的老板不和。,odds and ends,odds and ends: 零碎的东西;杂凑杂七杂八的东西 I got a lot of odds and ends to do here. 我这儿还有不少善后事宜要处理. She spent the day sorting through a box full of odds and ends. 她花一天工夫整理装满小玩意儿的箱子。 Odd: adj.


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