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1、英语名词性从句,Noun Clause,Review: 英语句子的种类有两种,按句子的用途可分为陈述、疑问、祈使和感叹句四种。而按句子的结构可分三种:,简单句 并列句 3) 复合句,主语+谓语 主语+谓语+宾语 主语+系动词+表语 主语+谓语+间宾+直宾 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补,简单句+并列连词+简单句,主句+引导词+从句,1.He often reads English in the morning. 2.You help him and he helps you. 3.My suggestion is that we should study step by step. 4.Both To

2、m and Mike are American boys. 5.He said that he has known all before.,请判断下列句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句:,简单句,并列句,复合句,简单句,复合句,复合句,定语从句 名词性从句 状语从句,复合句:主句+引导词+从句,起名词性作用的从句,叫名词性从句。 换言之,在英语的句子结构中,本来该由名词充当的主语、宾语、表语和同位语部分,换由一个句子来充当,这样的句子就是名词性从句。,请思考,定语从句的定义:,起定语作用,用来修饰名词或代词的从句。,名词性从句定义,Related Conception (相关概念),1.名词:,表

3、示人或事物的名称的词叫名词。,2.名词在句子作什么成分?,名词在句中主要作主语、宾语、表语和同位语。,The boy is Li Ming.,主语,表语,Miss. Liang , a 24-year-old girl, teaches us English .,主语,同位语,宾语,1. The boy is Li Ming. 2. What he said is correct. .,(名词作主语),(从句作主语),1. 在句中充当主语的从句叫做主语从句。,用it作形式主语的主语从句,如果主语从句太长,为了避免句子结构头重脚轻,可以用it作形式主语,而把主语从句放在主句谓语部分之后。,It

4、is a pity that you didnt go to see the film yesterday. It is reported that China has sent another man-made satellite into orbit. It doset matter whether he is wrong or not.,3. We love peace. 4. He said that he has known all before.,(名词作宾语),(从句作宾语),2. 在句中充当及物动词或介词或be+adj.后宾语的从句叫做宾语从句。,We always mean

5、what we say.我们向来说话算数。 He goes to the library every day except when it is raining. He is confident that he will win.,作动词的宾语,作介词的宾语,作形容词的宾语,某些表示心理状态的形容词在句中作表语时,后面可跟宾语从句。,It 作形式宾语,it 不仅可以作形式主语,还可以作形式宾语,而把作真正宾语的that从句放在句尾,特别是用在带复合宾语的句子中。 I think it quite clear that he preferred coffee to tea. I think it

6、 best that you should seek for a solution to the problem. 在口语或非正式文体中,引导宾语从句的连词that 常可省略。但形式宾语it后面的that 不能省略。,5. You are a student. 6. The fact is that she never knew the secret.,(名词作表语),(从句作表语),3. 在句中充当表语的从句(即放在be动词后面)叫做表语从句。,注意: The reason for his absence was that he was ill in hospital.,其他从属连词引导的表

7、语从句 because ,as,as if,as though等也可用来引导表语从句。 Things are not as they seem to be. 事情并不是像它们表面上看起来那样。 I think it is because you are too serious. He felt as though he had gone back to 20 years ago.,7.Miss. Liang , a 24-year-old girl, teaches us English . 8.The news that our team had won made us happy.,(名词

8、作同位语),(从句作同位语),4. 在句中用作同位语的从句叫做同位语从句. 其用途是对前面的名词作进一步解释,说明 该名词的具体内容。可以跟同位语从句的名词 通常是news,idea,fact,word,hope,advice等。,在英语的句子结构中,如果本该由名词充当的主语、宾语、表语和同位语,由一个句子来充当,那么这个句子就叫_。,主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句,名词性从句,名词性从句,请判断出下列的句子属于哪种从句:,What I want to do is to go shopping. 2. The news that they won the game spread th

9、e whole school. 3. I dont think that he is an honest boy. 4. The fact is that he stole the car.,判断从句的方法: 一 找引导词划从句 二 找谓语动词 三 看从句在主句的位置,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,(主语从句),(同位语从句),(宾语从句),(表语从句),5. The problem is what we should do next. 6. The news that he couldnt come makes us upset. 7. Our purpose is that he can

10、 realize his faults. 8. Do you know the fact that he stole the car?,请判断出下列的句子属于哪种从句,(表语从句),(同位语从句),(表语从句),(同位语从句),试区分以下句子,Do you know the fact that he stole the car?,Do you know the fact that they were talking about?,注意:1. 定语从句,从句是不完整的,关系词充当成分;而同位语从句中的that只起连接作用。 2. 定语从句是对先行词起修饰作用,而同位语从句则解释说明先行词的具体内

11、容。,(同从),(定从),一、同位语从句与定语从句的相似之处,1. 都跟在名词后; 2. 都可以翻译成 “的”,The news that our team has won the final match is encouraging. 我们队取得决赛胜利的消息令人鼓舞。 The news that you told us is really encouraging. 你告诉我们的消息真的令人鼓舞。,(同位语从句),(定语从句),二、同位语从句与定语从句的不同之处,1、含义不同:同位语从句是对前面名词的解释说明,知道具体内容,指同一件事(可以划等号);定语从句用来修饰、限定前面的名词,不知道具

12、体内容。,e.g. The news that our team has won the final match is encouraging. (从句说明“消息”的内容:我们队取得了决赛胜利。) The news that you told us is really encouraging. (从句对“消息”加以限定:是你告诉我们的,而非来自其他渠道。但消息是何内容却不得而知。),二、同位语从句与定语从句的不同之处,2、引导词 区别:同位语从句中,that:无成分,用于肯定句; 定语从句的that是关系代词,既指代先行词又须在从句中充当成分。,e.g. Dad made a promise

13、that he would buy me CD player if I passed the English test. 2) Dad made a promise that excited all his children. (that指代promise,又在从句中充当主语。),(that 不充当任何成分),I. Tell the function of the clauses in the following sentences说出下列从句的功能:A: Appositive(同位语); B: Attributive(定语),His proposal that we go there on

14、foot is acceptable. Many teachers hold the view that teenagers should not spend too much time online. 3.The first request that he made was to ask for freedom. 4. Do you have any idea where we will be sent? 5. Is this the company where your father works? 6. This is the reason that he gave for his abs

15、ence. 7. He made an excuse that his car broke down on the way.,B,B,B,连接副词(4个):when、 why、where、 how,引导词,从属连词(3个):that 、if、 whether,连接代词 (9个):who、 whom 、 what、 which、 whose、 whoever whomever、 whatever、 whichever、,名词性从句引导词的用法(1):,从句中的每一个引导词都有3个功能,分别如下:,从属连词,“that”-无词义、不作成份、起连接作用,“if”- “是否”、不作成份、起连接作用,“

16、whether”-“是否”、不作成份、起连接作用,1、That we will realize our dreams in the future is certain . 2、The fact is that Beijing will hold 29th Olympic Games this year. 3、I know that well begun is half done . 4、He heard the news that Liuxiang set a new world record .,“that”-无词义、不作成份、起连接作用,(主语从句),(表语从句),(宾语从句),(同位语从句),1、Whether she will come back on time depends on we



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