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1、Slangs and Idioms used in sports,体育中的俚语与习语,relate to the BALL,We know that American like sports, especially ball games. They are keen on football, baseball, basketball, tennis and golf, and so on. When there is a wonderful match on TV, the car on the road will be less, because everybody stay at home

2、 and watch TV. Its probably due to the Americans so interested in ball.Therefore there are quite a few idioms are related to the word ball .,The ball is in your court on the ball to play ball throw a curve ball step up to the plate strike out hit a home run / hit it out of the park,The ball is in yo

3、ur court 原始意义:linda passed the tennis to peter, and said, the ball is in your court. 引申义:Its up to you to make the next move eg:I know you are angry and dont want to talk to me,but Im willing to reconcile. The balls in your court.,on the ball 来源:这个俗语来自打篮球,有些著名的篮球运动员有一种才能,那就是:在球场上不管球在谁手里,也不管球在场地的哪个角落

4、,他们总能在离球不远的地方,一有机会就可以把球抢到手,也就是on the ball。 引申义:这个词组逐渐演变为今天的含义:有能力应对即将出现的局面。所以在口语中,一个人很机灵,在工作方面做的非常出色,总是名列前茅。 eg:The new publicity manager is really on the ball. 新任宣传部经理的确精明干练。 Say, that new saleswoman doesnt seem to pay much attention to her work. You tell her shed better get on the ball and start t

5、aking care of customers or well have to let her go.,to play ball,primary meaning: You play ball with me and Ill play ball with you. extended sense: Look, you play ball with me and tell me who your boss is, and maybe we can get the judge to take it easy on you. To get his programs passed through the

6、congress, a president sometimes has to play ball with members of the opposing party and do them favors in return for their votes.,throw a curve ball 来源:curve 意为“曲线”,因此threw a curve ball意为“投出曲线球”。在棒球运动中,投手投出曲线球后,球在空中方向会发生变化,让击球手无法及时反应。 引申义:“a curve ball”意指“意外的难题”。 eg:The weather threw a curve ball at

7、 their outdoor picnic and they had to eat indoors. 天气忽然变得很糟糕,他们不得不中断室外的野餐,而到室内吃。,step up to the plate 来源:在棒球运动的大菱形内场上,人们注目的焦点在球场下端的角上。这是个十四英寸见方的木块或者橡胶,称为本垒(home plate),也可以简称为垒(plate)。击球手就站在这块plate上面,击打投手向他投掷的球。当一名棒球运动员准备击球的时候,他就拿起球棒踏上本垒,英文的说法就是:step up to the plate。 引申义:该习语发展至今,就有了“开始行动,开始做某事”的意思了。

8、eg: Senator Smith will be the first to step up to the plate tomorrow to ask other senators to vote in favor of the Presidents Health Care Bill.参议员史密斯明天将最先发表意见,要求其他参议员对总统的医疗保险议案投赞成票。,strike out 来源:棒球比赛里有strike out这个说法(strike在棒球术语中指“未被击球手击中的球”)。如果一个击球手三次击球不中,他就strike out了,也就是“三振出局”。 引申义:strike out也可以引

9、申为“一件事做了几次也不成功”的意思。 eg:The lawyer admitted that he was the firms second lawyer. The first one had struck out completely. 该律师承认其为该公 司的第二任律师。第一任已经干砸了。,hit a home run / hit it out of the park 来源:棒球运动中,homerun意为“本垒打”,即击球手将球击出后(通常击出外野护栏),安全回到本垒。而hit it out of the park,根据字面意思,把球击出了球场,当然就是绝好的全垒打喽。 引申义:这两个短语就有“出色地完成某事”的意思了。 eg: He hit a home run(=did a good job) in taking care of babies. 他把婴儿们照顾得非常好。,


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