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1、Career Planning,组员:郑灿伟、张磊、李建强、陈国炜,职业规划,What is the occupation career planning ?,How to make the occupation career planning?,problem,Theres some data comes from MyCOS,33% of college students employment selection first,16.3% of people choose to work with sensing,Only 17.5% of people consider the inter

2、ests and future when choosing a job,Theres some data comes from MyCOS,50%,75%,50% educated students change job after 1 year , 2 years later the rate increased to 75%,after 1 year,2 years later,50,If you have no idea about your career ,now lets make it together.,Career planning refers to a person to

3、bear the position one after another in the course of his life outlook and plan.,What is the career planning,Use SMART method to chose your goal,Specific(具体的),Measurable(可以衡量的),Attainable(可以达到的),Relevant(与其他目标具有一定的相关性),Time-bound(具有明确的截止期限),S,M,T,R,A,Who Am I ?,Self analysis use SWOT (Superiority Wea

4、kness Opportunity Threats )method,personality,superiority,disadvantaged,ability,interests,opportunity,challenge,environment,personality,ability,Are you want to engaged in construction industry or others? Lets think about it.,We can be a engineer, budgeteer ,architect , Data Processor,If you have oth

5、er interests, the option is up to you .,teacher,salesman,businessman,Then prepare your resume,A good resume is the key to a good company,Theres some web site for applying to a job,前程无忧 ,中华英才网,应届生,大街网 ,智联招聘 ,南开就业信息网 ,15,I hope you find a good job that you like!,Thank you for your time and listenning _,ending,


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