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1、第五单元自我检测 听力部分 (40 分) 一、听音并选出你所听到的短语。(10 分) ()1.A.all kinds of trees Ball kinds of animals ()2.A.waste paperBwaste energy ()3.A.too many clothes Btoo many cars ()4.A.look for Blook after ()5.A.on the desk Bon the floor 二、听音,找出与所听内容不符合的一项。(8 分) ()1.We should wear cotton clothes. A B C ()2.We should sa

2、ve water. A B C ()3.Try_to keep_our_oceans beautiful. A B C ()4.A_visitor will_come_to our_school. A B C 三、选出你所听到的句子。(12 分) ()1.A.A platypus is a rare animal. B A koala is a rare animal. ()2.A.There are many kinds of trees on our planet. BThere are all kinds of trees on our planet. ()3.A.Tom plays w

3、ith Jack every day. BTom plays with Peter every day. ()4.A.People should wear cotton clothes. BPeople should wear cotton hats. 四、听录音,完成句子。 (10 分) 1Deer can run very_ 2We should plant_ trees. 3These_are our friends. 4We shouldnt be_to animals. 5You shouldnt_red- crowned cranes. 笔试部分 (60 分) 五、下列单词中画线部

4、分读音相同的写“ S” ,不同的写 “ D” 。(10 分) ()1.A.kind Brice ()2.A.rainy Bmountain ()3.A.arm Bwarm ()4.A.because Beleven ()5.A.cow Bflower 六、按要求写出下列各题。(8 分) 1dirty (反义词 )_ 2 turn off ( 反 义 短 语 ) _ 3there (同音词 ) _ 4our (同音词 ) _ 5are(过去式 ) _ 6much (比较级 ) _ 7left (对应词 ) _ 8city (复数) _ 七、用适当的介词填空。 (6 分) 1We should b

5、e good_ animals. 2There are all kinds_ flowers on our planet. 3Marys birthday is _May. 4Pandas live _ the southwest _ China. 5Tom often goes to the library _ his friends. 6African elephants come_Africa. 八、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1You shouldnt do_ (this) things. 2Would you like_ (drink) tea? 3Tree_ (plant

6、) Day is in March. 4Do you know how_ (make) a puppet? 5The girl with _(we) is in the park. 九、单项选择。 (10 分) ()1.They waste too_energy. Amany Bmuch Cfew ()2.I_to Dalian last week. Ago Bgoing Cwent ()3.There _ some juice in the bottle. Ais Bbe Care ()4.We should_the lights when we go out. Aturn into Btu

7、rn on Cturn off ()5.Koalas live in_ AAustralia BAfrica C Italy 十、阅读理解。 (10 分) Mrs White was very fat.“Dont eat meat or cakes. ”her doctor said to her. “Im going to stop her eating them,doctor.”her husband said.The next morning,Mrs White made a beautiful cake,and her husband ate half of it.Then he we

8、nt out.Mrs White cut a small piece of it and ate it.It was very good.She cut a bigger piece and ate it.In a few minutes, she finished the cake.“My husband will be very angry.”she said to herself, “What shall I do?”She made another cake very quickly ,ate half of that, and left half on the table.Soon

9、Mr White came back.When he saw the half of the cake,he was very happy. 根据短文选择正确答案。 ()1.The doctor told Mrs White not to eat any cakes because _ AMrs White liked them Bthey would make her fatter CMr White told him to say so Dcakes are not good food ()2.The next morning Mrs White made a cake for _ Ahe

10、r husbandBherself Cher children Dthe doctor ()3.Which is true? AMr White ate half of the cake and left the other half for his wife. BMrs White ate one cake that morning. CMrs White ate half a cake that morning. DMrs White didnt eat any cakes that morning. ()4.Mrs White made another cake because_ Ash

11、e was good at making cakes Bher husband loved cakes Cshe wanted to eat some more D she didnt want her husband to be angry ()5.Why was Mr White very happy when he saw the half cake on the table? ABecause he was hungry. BBecause cakes were his favourite food. CBecause the cake was beautiful and delici

12、ous. DBecause he thought his wife began to stop eating cakes. 十一、书面表达。 (6 分) 以“How to Protect Our Planet”为题写一篇作文。 要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,不少于50 个词 。 _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案 一、1.B2.A3.B4.A5.B 二、1.C2.C3.B4.A 三、1.A2.A3.B4.A 四、1.fast2.many3.gorillas4.bad5.hunt 五、1.S2.D3.D4.D5.S 六、1.clean2.turn on3.their4.hour 5were6.more7.

13、right8.cities 七、1.to2.of3.in4.in;of5.with6.from 八、1.these 2.to drink3.Planting4.to make5.us 九、1.B2.C3.A4.C5.A 十、 1.B2.A3.B4.D5.D 十一、 How to Protect Our Planet Look at our planet.Its our home.There are many mountains , plains, rivers, lakes and oceans on our planet.Water is very important in our life.We shouldnt waste too much water.There are all kinds of trees,flowers and grass on our planet.We should take good care of them.There are all kinds of wild animals living on our planet.They are our friends.We should be good to them.We must try our best to protect our planet.



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