山西省太谷县明星中学八级英语上册《Unit 4 How do you get to school Section B(1a-2c)》教案 人教新目标版

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山西省太谷县明星中学八级英语上册《Unit 4 How do you get to school Section B(1a-2c)》教案 人教新目标版_第1页
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《山西省太谷县明星中学八级英语上册《Unit 4 How do you get to school Section B(1a-2c)》教案 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山西省太谷县明星中学八级英语上册《Unit 4 How do you get to school Section B(1a-2c)》教案 人教新目标版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、山西省太谷县明星中学八年级英语上册Unit 4 How do you get to school Section B(1a-2c)教案 人教新目标版Teaching GoalsTalk about some kinds of transportation and some ways to some places. Practice dialogues with such patterns as Where do you live? How do you get to school every day? How long does it take you to get to school ? H

2、ow far is it from your home to school? Listen to the material and get the kinds of transportation. Train Ss oral communicative competence. Teaching and learning steps Step 1Preview 1. Look at the transportation pictures and identify them: a train , a bus , walk, a subway, a bike , a car, a taxi, a p

3、lane ,ect.2. Ask and answer Talk about how students get to school and how long it takes.S1: How do you get to school? S2: I get to school by bike.S1:How long does it take you to get to school ? S2: 15 minutes.S1:How far is it from your home to school? S2:300 meters(Purpose : to review learnt languag

4、e and elicit the new language points.)Step 2 : Warming up and leading in1. Show some on the screen.Say something about them : This is a here.2. Teach the key vocabulary : bus stop, bus station ,train station, subway station3. Look at P22. Finish 1a : match the words with the pictures.b bus stop c bu

5、s station a train station d subway station (Purpose: to let the students acquire the new knowledge unconsciously .)Step 3 : PairworkWhat kinds of transportation do you use to get to school ?( bus ,train, subway, walking ,bike ,ect.). Tell how you get to school in pairs. Talk like this : A: How do yo

6、u get to school ? B: Well, I ride my bike to the bus station . Then I take the bus. Show them a map of China and introduce some big cities ,bus station, train station and subway station .Then make a survey : Where did you go during National Day ? How did you get there? (Purpose : to provide an oppor

7、tunity for students to use the target language to make a conversation to train the students creative competence .)Step 4 Listening for the general idea2a Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.The main idea of the conversation is to talk about _A. how far it is from her house to school.

8、B. how long it takes her to get to school.C. how she gets to school. Step 5 Listening for the specific idea1. 2a.Listen and check the things that Thomas wants to know.Thomas wants to knowwhere Nina lives.how far from school she lives.how long it takes Nina to get to school.how she gets to school.wha

9、t she thinks of the transportation.2.Listen again . “How does Nina get to school?” . Check 1 or 2 below.1. to ride a bike to the subwayto take the subway to the busto walk from the bus stop to the school2. to walk to the busto take the bus to the subwayto take another bus after the subwayto walk fro

10、m the bus stop to the school.3.Fill in the blanks.Thomas: Where do you live, Nina?Nina: New Street.Thomas: So, how do you _ _ school ?Nina: Well, first I_ to the _ _.Thomas: Uh-huh.Nina: I _ _ _ to the subway _. Then I take the subway.Thomas: YeahNina: Next I take a bus to the _ _ on 26th Street. Fi

11、nally I _.(Purpose : to improve Students listening skill.) Step 6 Post-listening activities1.Ask some questions about Nina: (1) Where does she live ? (2) How does she get to school?2. GroupworkNow make your conversations about how Nina gets to school in groups of four. You can use the pictures in ac

12、tivity 2b. Pay more attention to the sentence starters: She; Next, she; Then, she in the box and use them in your conversation.Sample dialogue:A: How does Nina get to school?B: She walks to the bus stop.C: Next, she takes a bus to the subway station. D: Then she takes another bus to the bus stop on

13、26th street after the subway.E: Finally she walks to school. . (Purpose : to improve Students comprehension ability by using the target language correctly.) Step 7 Writing: According to the following table, write an article. Step 8 The end-of class test一 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. In China, bikes and buse

14、s are the most popular means of t_.2. That must be more fun than _(乘) a bus.3. -_ do you get to school? -On foot.4. Li Lei _ _ _(乘地铁) to school every day.5. His father often goes to Shanghai _ _.(坐飞机)6. _ _ _(骑自行车) to work is good for our health.二 翻译下列句子。1. 你住哪儿? _2. 你如何到达学校? _3. 首先我步行去车站。 _4. 我乘坐公共

15、汽车去地铁站。 _5. 然后我乘坐地铁。 _课后反思 亮点:听说课是初中英语教学活动中一种常见的课型。在人教版新目标这套教材中,本课时是围绕一个与学生日常相关的交通话题展开,由浅人深,由易到难,使学生系统而扎实牢固地掌握所学知识,达到深刻记忆、灵活运用的目的。本节课以听说教学法贯穿于整节课的始终,以图片展示让学生整体感知了解单词和短语并设置任务加深印象。通过师生对话,图片展示等调动学生所学知识,激发学生学习热情,学习新知识。通过听前设计给学生输入补充信息,调动学习热情,听力输入让学生感知语言,学习语言结构。听后设计,设计各种活动,激活学生思维,让学生组队练习,展开竞赛,利用语言结构进行语言输出,进而展示自己的才华,推动课堂实践



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