三年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1 Here’s a red hat课件 外研版

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《三年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1 Here’s a red hat课件 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1 Here’s a red hat课件 外研版(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精选,Module 10,Unit 1 Heres a red hat.,精选,Read the words. Then ask and answer.,blue,yellow,red,black,green,What color is it? Its ,精选,Free talk.,Have you got a red/ greencoat/? Yes, I have./ No, I havent.,Whats your favorite color? My favorite color is ,精选,Lets learn.,打开,open,Open the box.,(常复)衣服,cloth

2、es,My clothes are in it.,精选,Lets learn.,橙色,orange,I have got an orange hat.,帽子,hat,Its funny.,滑稽的,funny,精选,Lets learn.,棕色,brown,Here are brown shoes.,鞋,shoe,精选,Lets learn.,衬衣,shirt,Look at my blue shirt.,看,look at,精选,Lets learn.,裤子,trousers,I have got a pair of blue trousers.,=cannot 不能,cant,I cant

3、wear it. It is too short.,精选,Lets learn.,=let us 让我们,lets,Lets put on our new clothes for the party.,聚会,party,穿上,put on,精选,Lets read.,look at,party,lets,shirt,orange,open,put on,shoe,brown,funny,trousers,hat,精选,What are the monkeys doing?,猴子们在做什么?,精选,Listen, point and say.,Look! Ive got a green swea

4、ter.,And Ive got a blue cap.,Come back! Therere my clothes.,come back,回来,精选,根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F)。,The boy is looking for his sweater. ( ) The sweater is on the bed. ( ) The sweater is on the line. ( ),True or false.,F,T,T,精选,What are Amy and Sam going to do?,Amy和Sam打算做什么?,精选,Listen, point and find “Here

5、s”,Ive got a brown hat.,Open the box. Lets put on funny clothes for the party.,Look! Heres a red hat.,OK. What clothes have we got?,精选,Listen, point and find “Heres”,And heres an orange shirt!,Wow! Ive got a green sweater.,Ive got funny trousers.,Its green and yellow!,Look at my big shoes!,Its your

6、turn now!,Oh, I cant walk!,精选,根据课文内容填空。,Amy wears a _ hat and Sam wears a _hat. Amy wears a _sweater. Sam wears an _shirt.,Fill in the blanks.,green and yellow,brown,red,orange,精选,文本解读,Heres 该句型是全部倒装句,将句中的谓语动词全部放在主语之前,副词here放句首。此结构只用于一般现在时态和一般过去时态。 如:Here is my new dress. 这是我的新裙子。,精选,Role play,以小组为单

7、位练习对话,并表演。,Read the dialogue. 合作朗读。 2. Role play the dialogue. (含有表情、语气、动作表演对话。),精选,Fill and say.,Heres _.,a green sweater,精选,Fill and say.,Herere _.,orange trousers,精选,Fill and say.,Heres _.,Heres _.,an orange shirt,Heres _.,a black hat,an orange hat,精选,Lets say.,Here is/ are,精选,Practice.,A green c

8、oat.,shirt,trousers,skirt,sweater,hat,Heres a green coat.,先将单词写出来,然后两人一组进行如下表演:,精选,课堂练习,一、找出不同类的一项。,A. skirt B. shoes C. clothes A. here B. where C. there A. red B. color C. brown,精选,1. I have got a red sweater. (改为一般疑问句) _ a/ green/ is/ dress/ here (.) (连词成句) _,二、按要求写句子。,What have you got?,Here is

9、a green dress.,精选,三、选择题, _ has she got? A green skirt. A. How B. What C. Where 2. Here _ my new orange shirt. A. am B. are C. is 3. Its _orange sweater. A. the B. an C. a,B,B,C,精选,Summary,hat come back clothes open lets put on funny party brown trousers orange shirt look at shoe cant,2. (1)Here s (2

10、)Ive got a/an +颜色 +衣物.,精选,Homework,1. Read the new words. 2. Listen and imitate “Unit 1”.,精选,Module 10 Unit 1 Heres a red hat.,hat come back clothes open lets put on funny party brown trousers orange shirt look at shoe cant,2. (1)Here s (2)Ive got a/an +颜色 +衣物.,精选,xx小学 x年级x班,xxx,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,


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