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1、1 / 10 2013 高考英语二轮单项选择系列(15) 单项填空 1(2012 北京西城检测 )Most highways are lined with billboards of advertisement,which_by passing car- drivers. Aare intending to read Bare intended to be reading Care intending to reading Dare intended to be read 解析:选 D。beintendedtodo 为 准备(设计)的。再依据后面的 bypassingcar- drivers

2、可知,此处应用被动语态,所以答案为D。 2(2012 河北石家庄模拟 )The stones each_as much as two tons.Aweighs CweighBare weighed Dis weighed 解析:选 C。考查主谓一致和语态。本句主语stones 是复数形式,故谓语 动词用复数形式; weigh 为连系动词,意为 “ 重达” ,无被动语态。如: This marble ramp weighs one ton.这个大理石台阶重一吨。 3His invention_of great use at that time. Aconsidered being Cwas co

3、nsidered to beB considered to be Dwas considered being 解析:选 C。句意:当时人们认为他的发明十分有用。sth.is considered to do 表示“ 某物被认为 ”,因为时间是 at that time,故用过去时态。 2 / 10 4Tony was not unhappy for_to the party. Ahaving not been invited Bnot having invited Chaving not invited Dnot having been invited 解析:选 D。for 是介词,后接动名词

4、作宾语;Tony 与 invite 之间是被动关 系,要用被动形式;且invite 应在 beunhappy 之前,所以要用完成形式;not 要 放在非谓语动词形式的前面。 5Customersareaskedtomakesurethatthey_therightchangebeforele avingthe shop. Awill give Chave givenB have been given Dwill be given 解析:选 D。句意:顾客在离开商店前,都被要求确认找给 他们的零钱正确。 they 和动词 give 之间显然是被动关系,所以用被动语态。 句型转换 6She sai

5、d to me ,“Is there any water there ?” She_me_there was any water_. 解析:一般疑问句用if 引导,地点副词也做相应调整,there 变为 here。 答案: asked;if;here 7He said,“I am watching TV with my friends at home now.” He said_watching TV with_friends at home_.解析:人称前后要一致,now 变为 then。 答案: he was;his;then 3 / 10 8She said ,“My brother l

6、eft home three years ago.” She said_brother_home three years_. 解析:一般过去时变为过去完成时。 答案: her;had left;before 9He said,“Have youreceived my letter ?” He asked me_I_his letter. 解析:现在完成时变为过去完成时。 答案: if;had received 10He said to us ,“We are having a meeting in our office.” He told me_ having a meeting in_off

7、ice. 解析:注意前后人称的一致。 答案: they are;their *结束 1(2012 衡阳模拟 )Under no circumstances _ my bike tomorrow.A he is borrowing Che will borrowBis he to borrow Dcould he be borrowing 解析:本题考查倒装。under no circumstances放在句首的时候,后面用部 分倒装。根据后面的时间状语tomorrow ,可以知道选 B项。 答案: B 2(2012 信阳期中 )In the far south _ Stewart Island

8、 the largest of NewZealands many smaller islands. 4 / 10 AlyingBlaysC lieDlies 解析:本题考查倒装句。当介词短语in the far south 放到句首的时候,后面 用完全倒装,主语是Stewart Island,故选 D 项。 答案: D 3( 南昌调研 )_ , hisideawasacceptedbyallthepeopleatthemeeting.AStrange as might is sound BAs it might sound strange CAs strange it might sound

9、DStrange as it might sound 解析:本题考查as引导的倒装。形容词 as主语谓语。故选答案D 项。 答案: D 4Everyeveningafterdinner,ifnot_fromwork,Wewillspendsometimewal king with our parents. Abeing tired CtiredBtiring Dto be tired 解析:本题考查省略。句中“ifnottiredfromwork”实际上是 “ifwearenottiredfrom work”的省略,为了避免与后句的重复,而tiring 的主语是 物。 答案: C 5(2012

10、 扬州检测 )It was not unitl midnight _ we finished the task.Athat 5 / 10 CwhileBwhen Das 解析:本题考查强调句。去掉it was 和空格后;句子仍然是一个完整的句 子,故是强调句。 答案: A 6(2012 宿州二模 )_ she is not so cheerful. _ she used to be? AHow is it that;as CIs it why;thatBWhy is it that;what DHow it if that ;as 解析:考查强调句和状语从句。第一空是强调句的特殊疑问句部分;第

11、二 空为 notso(as).as固定句式。根据第二空的搭配可排除B、C两项;根据句意 可知 A项正确。句意为:她怎么不像以前那样高兴了? 答案: A 7(2012 西安调研 )I dont know _ makes her different from others.Honesty, I think.Ahow is it that Cwhat is it thatBhow it is that Dwhat it is that 解析:考查特殊句式。上一句的意思是“ 我不知道是什么让她与众不同” , whatitisthatmakes her different from others 是 k

12、now 的宾语从句,因此要用陈述 语序。从句是一个强调句,被强调部分是主语what。 答案: D 6 / 10 8I dont know how many years ago _ people began to stay at home andcivilization began. Ait was when Cwas it thatBit was that Dwas it when 解析:考查强调句型。语意是:我不知道是多少年前人们开始呆在家中, 文明由此开始。 此句中被强调部分是howmanyyearsago ,去掉 itwas.that 之后句子的正常 语序是 Idontknow how

13、many years ago people bagan to stay at home and civilization began。 答案: B 9(2012 长沙月考 )_ made Daisy wild with joy? Her success in the Alevel exam this year. AHow was it that CWhy was it thatBWhen was it that DWhat was it that 解析:考查特殊疑问句的强调句型。特殊疑问句的强调句结构为:特殊疑 问词 beitthat,根据语意,此处表示 “ 什么东西让 Daisy欣喜若狂?

14、” 强调 what,故选 D 项。 答案: D 10Girls used to take fewer advanced match courses than boys but now they aretaking just _. Aas much 7 / 10 Cas manyB too much Dtoo many 解析:考查形容词的比较等级和省略。本句补充完整为 Girlsusedtotakefeweradvancedmath courses than boys but now they are taking just as many advanced math coursesas boy

15、s.故 C项正确。 答案: C 11(2012 孝感模拟 )They landed safelyon the island in the Pacific.Everythingwent on better than _. Aexpected CexpectationBexpecting Dto expect 解析:考查省略句的用法。可以将thanexpected 看成是 thatitwasexpected 的省略。 better than expected 为习惯用法,表示 “ 比预期的好 ” 。 答案: A 12Marywasonlytooreadytohelpothers,seldom,_, refusingthemwhenthey turned to him. Aif never Cif anyBif


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