高考英语 时态翻译练习(2020年8月整理).pdf

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1、学 海 无 涯 1 英语英语 翻译练习翻译练习 (三)(三) 一般将来时态一般将来时态 1这个商业中心的发展将继续到将来。 (这个商业中心的发展将继续到将来。 (continue) The development of this shopping center will continue into the future. 2. 美国总统定于十月访问俄罗斯。 (美国总统定于十月访问俄罗斯。 (visit) The president of the United States of America is to visit Russia in October. 3. 这工作两天以内我怎么可能完成得了

2、?(这工作两天以内我怎么可能完成得了?(within) How am I to finish the work within two days? 4. 如果我们要在午饭前到那儿,我们就得马上动身。如果我们要在午饭前到那儿,我们就得马上动身。 (leave) If we are to be there before lunch, well have to leave right away. 老师的一句话能对我儿子起很大的作用。 (老师的一句话能对我儿子起很大的作用。 (effect) A word from one of his teachers will have a great effect

3、 on my son. 5. 他那深邃的哲他那深邃的哲理将对未来产生巨大影响。 (理将对未来产生巨大影响。 (effect) The profound philosophy of his will have a great effect on the future. 我打算高中毕业后主修电子工程专业。 (我打算高中毕业后主修电子工程专业。 (major in) Im going to major in electric engineering after graduation from high school. 6. 明天他们将在课堂上进一步讨论这个题目。 (明天他们将在课堂上进一步讨论这个题

4、目。 (further) They will go further into the topic in class tomorrow. 当地政府将努力向儿童提供良好的教育。 (当地政府将努力向儿童提供良好的教育。 (provide) The local government will try to provide children with a good education. 我们将举行晚会庆祝他五十大寿。 (我们将举行晚会庆祝他五十大寿。 (in honor of) We are going to have an evening party in honor of his fiftieth

5、birthday. 7. 我打算在明天的会议上发表我打算在明天的会议上发表我对这个事件的个人看法。 (我对这个事件的个人看法。 (present v.) 学 海 无 涯 2 I am going to present my personal opinion on the event at the meeting tomorrow. 在电视节的开幕式上,你们将可以见证来自十多个国家的艺术家的精彩表演。 (在电视节的开幕式上,你们将可以见证来自十多个国家的艺术家的精彩表演。 (witness) At the opening ceremony of the TV festival, you will

6、 witness the wonderful performances by the artists from more than ten countries. 他在口语方面得到很好的训练,不久的将来就能用英语表达自如。 (他在口语方面得到很好的训练,不久的将来就能用英语表达自如。 (express) With good training in spoken English, he will be able to express himself freely in English in the near future. 按照中国传统风俗习惯,人们在除夕夜要守岁到半夜一二点钟。 (按照中国传统风

7、俗习惯,人们在除夕夜要守岁到半夜一二点钟。 (stay) According to Chinese traditional customs, people will stay up late till one or two oclock after midnight on New Years Eve. 在未来的工作面试中,雇员的诚信纪录将成为老板关注的焦点。 (在未来的工作面试中,雇员的诚信纪录将成为老板关注的焦点。 (focus) In the job interview of the future, an employees honesty record will be the focus

8、 of the boss. 学 海 无 涯 3 英语英语 翻译练习翻译练习 (四)(四) 现在完成时态现在完成时态 他们他们已经已经邀请我留下过周末。 (邀请我留下过周末。 (invite) 由于价格低,这个商店生意很好。 (由于价格低,这个商店生意很好。 (because of) 这儿附近的旧建筑物大多数已不见了。 (这儿附近的旧建筑物大多数已不见了。 (disappear) 随着超级市场的兴起,许多邻近的小商店消失了。 (随着超级市场的兴起,许多邻近的小商店消失了。 (with the rise of) 越来越多的人承认了医用心理学的价值。 (越来越多的人承认了医用心理学的价值。 (rec

9、ognize) 他们的孩子已完全习惯于他们的新教师了。 (他们的孩子已完全习惯于他们的新教师了。 (be accustomed to) 电脑的发明对科学的进步产生很大的影响。 (电脑的发明对科学的进步产生很大的影响。 (affect) 过去的两年来,我一直忙着考试。 (过去的两年来,我一直忙着考试。 (busy) 在近几年中上海的房价几乎翻了一番。 (在近几年中上海的房价几乎翻了一番。 (double) 现代科学的发展已经使宇宙探索成为可能。 (现代科学的发展已经使宇宙探索成为可能。 (possible) 大雪阻止了道路建设,大家都为此忧心忡忡。 (大雪阻止了道路建设,大家都为此忧心忡忡。 (

10、hold up) 这已不是我第一次来上海了。我第一次来上海时对所见所闻都觉得有趣。 (这已不是我第一次来上海了。我第一次来上海时对所见所闻都觉得有趣。 (seem) 我们的技术人员已经发现可以用一种简单有效的方式来解决这一难题。 (我们的技术人员已经发现可以用一种简单有效的方式来解决这一难题。 (discover) 由于严格的训练,我们一个月里取得了两场比赛的胜利。 (由于严格的训练,我们一个月里取得了两场比赛的胜利。 (thanks to) 过去的几年里,广告在我们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。 (过去的几年里,广告在我们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。 (role) They have invi

11、ted me to stay for the weekend. Because of its low prices, the store has made some good business. Most of the old buildings in the neighborhood have disappeared. With the rise of supermarkets, a lot of small neighborhood stores have disappeared. More and more people have recognized the value of the

12、medical use of psychology. Their child has been fully accustomed to their new teacher. The invention of the computer has affected the advance of science greatly. For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination. Housing prices in Shanghai have almost doubled in the past few yea

13、rs. The development of modern science has made space exploration possible. The heavy snow has held up the building of the road,so all the people feel anxious about it. It is not the first time that I have visited Shanghai. When I came for the first time, everything I saw and heard seemed interesting to me. Our technicians have discovered a simple but effective solution to the problem. Thanks to strict training, we have won two games in a month. Advertisements have played an important role in our daily life in the past few years.



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