
上传人:玩*** 文档编号:143864028 上传时间:2020-09-02 格式:PDF 页数:2 大小:79.11KB
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1、“Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get.” Gump mother tells us the truth that every ones life path is unpredicted but unique. Following with these words, Forrest Gump is living his own life which is regarded as a miracle, but its unique of Gump himself. As a person wi

2、th a low IQ, Gump change himself from a “silly man” to a football athlete, to a shrimp boat captain, even to a hero in the Vietnam War. Forrest Gump achieves his pinnacle of life, which perhaps many common persons cannot reach. Forrest Gump isnt destined to an outstanding person. However, we believe

3、 that, God is equal to everyone. In early years, due to physical disability, Gump was often laughed at and played with. Jenny Curran, Who later became Gumps unique lover, shouted to him that:” Run, run quickly!” At that time, no on knew that this simple sentences changed Gumps life to a large extent

4、. With amazing running speed, Gump joined in the football team, later the university, eventually he graduated from the university successfully. Soon after that, he registered to take part in the Vietnam War. In the battlefield of Vietnam, Forrest Gump ran from danger to a shelter with his fast runni

5、ng. Surprisingly, when he realized that his friends were still in danger, he turned back to the battlefield to save them without hesitation. He not only saved his best friend Bubba, but also some other soldiers, which made him the distinguished guest of the president. Good people will be rewarded. G

6、ump is exactly the best illustration. 而后他又成为了某个乒乓球拍的代言人,并用赚来的钱做起了捕虾生意。很 多人说他是由于幸运,上天送来了一场风暴,损坏了同行的捕虾船。我想,要不 是他有他那惊人的坚忍不拔的意志,幸运也不会这么地眷顾他。上帝总是偏爱执 着的人。 , forrest gump is example-after returning home, he was met by President bring exploits. He then became a table tennis shoot spokesman, with the money e

7、arned from the start of the shrimping business. Many people say he is luck, god sent a storm, the damage to peer shrimp boat. I think, if it werent for him have his breathtaking perseverance will, wouldnt be so lucky to visit him. God is always prefer clinging person. 故事讲到这里,大家似乎都觉得阿甘的人生已经差不多完整了。其实不

8、然, 他唯一缺少的就是爱情。珍妮的出现再次给他带来了幸福和欣喜。 短暂的幸福 后,珍妮离开了。 The storys stop here, everyone seems to think forrest gump life is almost complete. Actually otherwise, the only thing he lacks is love. Jennys appear again bring to him the happiness and joy. Short of happiness, Jenny left. 之后阿甘的行为堪称是这部影片的经典。他横跨州区,欣赏暗

9、夜里的星星, 黄昏中的落霞,沙漠中的朝阳、蔚蓝的大海。他长跑的动力是简单的执着,长跑 的终点是爱的归宿。珍妮重新回到了他的世界,当然还有他们的儿子小阿甘。 他们的结局是不完美的,因为珍妮最终去世了;但他们的结局更是完美的,因为阿 甘最终拯救了珍妮的灵魂。 After the forrests behavior can be the films classic. He ZhouOu across, appreciate the stars in the night, in the evening LaXia, the desert sun, the blue sea. He run is the

10、 power of simple rigid, the end of the long run is the home of the love. Jenny returned to his world, and, of course, their son-little forrest gump. Their end is not perfect, because Jenny eventually died; But their end is perfect, because forrest gump finally saved the Jennys soul. 这个被认为智商只有 75 的低能

11、儿,最终成为了橄榄球明星,大学生,全 国知名人物,捕虾船船长,还得到过荣誉勋章,并多次得到总统的接待。这难道 是讽刺吗?我想善良和单纯才是上帝赋予我们的最聪明的财富。单纯是一种美 德,而执着是一种战无不胜的品质。是啊,阿甘以他的执着战胜来了生命中一切 艰难险阻,在人生的旅途中一次又一次地奔跑着。的确,他跑掉了身上的器械, 跑进来大学,跑进了白宫,跑遍了整个大洲。 什么是聪明?愚人又是什么?智商只有75的阿甘却能代表美国与中国进行 乒乓球比赛,结束了冷战的封锁,揭开了中美建交的序幕。 当看阿甘正传开头和最后结尾的时候,都会出现这样的一个场景:一片洁白 的羽毛在空中飞舞显示着:我们的人的生活也犹如

12、一片羽毛,有着跌宕起落, 但只要我们奋勇面临,坚决保持自我的一份真,一份纯,当圆满结束时,我们将 问心无愧。总而言之,阿甘的一生告诉了我们,上帝创造人,就像是纸包着的巧 克力一样的不可预测,一切等我们自己去揭晓。所以,我们应该相信自己有能力 去做的更好,飞得更高。总而言之,阿甘的一生告诉了我们,上帝创造人,就像 是纸包着的巧克力一样的不可预测,一切等我们自己去揭晓。所以,我们应该相 信自己有能力去做的更好,飞得更高。I dont know if we each have a destiny, or if were all just floating around accidentallike on a breeze. 漫漫人生路, 我需要像阿甘一样豁达, 坦荡的面对生活, 把自己仅有的智慧, 信念,勇气集中到一点,凭着自己的直觉,不停的在我的人生路上跑。 不管我们是否愿意,我们拥有的时间总在每分每秒的流逝,坚持自己的理念, 付出努力,保持善心地勇敢前行,也许每个人都会拥有自己的幸福。 电影里没有人对阿甘说过谢谢,但是我相信,所有看过此片的人都会真诚地 说一句:谢谢你,阿甘。


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