第3章 全球质量标准(9讲)精编版

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《第3章 全球质量标准(9讲)精编版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第3章 全球质量标准(9讲)精编版(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第3章 全球质量和国际质量标准GLOBAL QUALITY AND INTERNATIONAL QUALITY AWARDS,1,马尔科姆鲍德里奇国家质量奖Malcolm Baldrige National Award, MBNQA,Malcolm Baldrige美国经贸部长(United States Secretary of Commerce )(1981-1987 里根) 美国总统奖, 总统颁发 目的: 促进质量领悟 认可美国公司的质量成就 公开成功的质量战略,2,管理组织,The Foundation for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality

2、 Award 项目:Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce The American Society for Quality (ASQ) The Board of Overseers Members of the Board of Examiners consisting of leading experts from U.S. businesses

3、and education, health care, and nonprofit organizationsvolunteer their time to evaluate award applications and prepare feedback reports for applicant organizations. the Alliance for Performance Excellence Award recipients share information on their successful performance and quality strategies with

4、other U.S. organizations.,3,管理组织,4,5,学术文章,6,3.4 构架 Baldrige Award Framework,4 Information and analysis,3 Customer and market focus,6 Process management,1 Leadership,7 Business results,2 Strategic planning,5 HR develop. strategic planning; customer focus; measurement, analysis and knowledge managemen

5、t; workforce focus; process management; results,8,Case Study2010_MEDRAD_Award_Application_Summary,9,Case Study2010_MEDRAD_Award_Application_Summary,10,Case Study2010_MEDRAD_Award_Application_Summary,11,Case Study2010_MEDRAD_Award_Application_Summary,12,Case Study2010_MEDRAD_Award_Application_Summary

6、,13,Case Study2010_MEDRAD_Award_Application_Summary,14,Case Study2010_MEDRAD_Award_Application_Summary,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,3.4 The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards,最有效的自我评价机制之一 适用范围 关键特征 重成果 仅战略指令 目标与过程的整合 方法部署成果,25,3.4 七大类别,Category 1 Award criteria for leadership. The extent to w

7、hich top management is involved in creating and reinforcing goals, values, directions, customer involvement and other issues.,Category 2 Focuses on how the company establishes strategic directions and how it sets it tactical actions plans to implement the strategic plans. Concerned with methods, mea

8、sures, deployment, and evaluation.,26,3.4 七大类别,Category 3 Addresses the customer and market focus. The processes for listening to and learning from customers and markets must be evaluated, improved, and kept current.,Category 4 Information and analysis relates to the firms selection, management, and

9、 use of information to support company processes and to improve firm performance.,27,3.4 七大类别,Category 5 Deals with human resources focus. The workforce is to be enabled to develop and use its full potential, aligned with company objectives.,Category 6 Examines the key aspects of process management.

10、 This includes customer-focus in design, delivery process design for services and products, support processes, and processes relating to partners.,28,3.4 七大类别,Category 7 Documents the results of the other six categories and requires a series of tables and graphs that demonstrate the operational and

11、business results of the firm.,29,3.4 记 分 卡 和 权 重,30,3.5 质量改进日本模式,戴明: 10项 日本的其它质量思想 JIT: 减少浪费系统 7大浪费:(过量生产、等待、运输、过程、库存、动作、次品) 全面质量控制(14点其它) 可见性 过程检验 N2技术 全员参与 5S(整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养) QC小组 预防性维护(设备),31,3.5 5S,The Five Ss. The five Ss are a sequential process that companies follow to literally “clean up the

12、ir acts.” The Ss are: Seri: organizing by getting rid of the unnecessary. Seiton: neatness that is achieved by straightening offices and work areas. Seiso: cleaning plant and equipment to eliminate dirtiness that can hide or obscure problems. Seiketsu: standardizing locations for tools, files, equip

13、ment, and all other materials. Shetsuke: discipline in maintain the prior four Ss.,32,3.6 质量改进欧洲模式,欧洲质量奖 (欧洲质量奖模式) ISO 9000: 2000,33,3.6 欧洲质量奖模式,34,3.7 ISO 9000:2000,概念:ISO, Organization for international standards 特点: 质量体系文档化 8个基本原则: 6项要求: 文件控制程序、 质量记录控制程序、 不合格品控制程序、 内部质量审核程序、 纠正措施程序(CAR, 8D) 预防措施程

14、序。 3个标准: ISO9000:2000 概念和术语 ISO9001:2000 要求 ISO9004:2000 业绩改进指南,35,3.7 CAR和8D,CAR: corrective action request D1:小组成立 D2:问题说明 D3:实施并验证临时措施 D4:确定并验证根本原因 D5:选择和验证永久纠正措施 D6:实施永久纠正措施 D7:预防再发生 D8:小组祝贺,36,第3章 作业,讨论题 17按组 案例32 P106按组 下次课交和解答,37,1、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。, September 2, 2020 2

15、、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。15:20:1815:20:1815:209/2/2020 3:20:18 PM 3、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。20.9.215:20:1815:20Sep-202-Sep-20 4、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。15:20:1815:20:1815:20Wednesday, September 2, 2020 5、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。 2, 2020 6、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2020年9月2日星期三下午3时20分18秒1

16、5:20:1820.9.2 7、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。2020年9月下午3时20分20.9.215:20September 2, 2020 8、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2020年9月2日星期三3时20分18秒15:20:182 September 2020 9、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。下午3时20分18秒下午3时20分15:20:1820.9.2 10、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。9/2/2020 3:20:18 PM15:20:182020/9/2 11、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。9/2/2020 3:20 PM9/2/2020 3:20 PM20. 12、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。2-Sep-202 September 202020.9.2 13、无论才能知识多么卓著,如果缺乏热情,则无异纸上画饼充饥,无补于事。Wednesday, September 2, 20202-Sep-2020.9.2 14、我只是自己不放过自己而已,现在我不会再逼自己眷恋了。20.9.215:20:182 Septe


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