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1、一场最精彩的校运会日记 导语:一个民族,老当益壮的人多,那个民族一定强;一个民族,未老先衰的人多,那个民族一定弱。下面时候为大家的关于,运动会的英语日记,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注FLA学习网! 运动会的英语日记: Today, the sky is clear. Blue sky, white, cool air attacks. The sports meeting in our school. Eight o clock in the morning. Boiling on the playground, each grade students gat

2、hered at the site is divided into early good. When the principal announced the beginning of the game whole body throb. The first is the sixth grade students of race. You see, the players standing on the starting line, ready to bend over. They heard du. A whistle, like hold sword thrown forward. Then

3、 the petitor of fifth grade, they sport is running. You see, each player runs fast. The most exciting is to calculate our fourth grade relay. The rules of the game was every students have to cross a blanket, back again, and a back before another can start. We are the first to set out two classmates

4、hold strength, standing on the starting line, du - - - - - a whistle, out of a sword like a bottle of the students. Cheerleaders cheer, also after the 13th classmates run safe ride back, I lost. We will honor rob back, however, to class the next day we finally won, and the results in our class class

5、mate GangHui football first. Our captain took the football, waving, while chanting we win! Everybody was excited laughter echoed over the playground for a long time. 参考翻译: 今天,天空晴朗。碧空万顷,凉风袭人。我们学校开运动会。 上午8点整。操场上沸腾了,各年级同学聚集在早被划分好的场地里。当校长宣比赛开始时,全场欢身雷动。 首先是六年级同学的跑步比赛。你看,选手们站在起跑线上,做好了弯腰准备。他们听到“嘟的”一声哨响,像离弦的剑一样向前冲去。 接着,五年级选手上场,他们比赛项目也是跑步。你看,每个选手都跑的很快。 最激动人心的就是要算我们四年级的“接力赛”。比赛的规则是每一个同学都必须跨过一个毯子,再返回原地,并且一个回来后另一个才可以出发。我们两个班最先出发的同学憋住劲,站在起跑线上,“嘟-”的一声哨响,同学们像离弦的剑冲出去。拉拉队的也呐喊助威,当第13位同学跑安全程回来后,我班输了。可是,我们一定会把荣誉抢回来,到了第二天我们班终于赢了,结果我们班同学先扛回足球。我们中队长接过足球,一边挥舞,一边高喊“我们胜利啦”! 大家很兴奋欢声笑语在操场上空久久回荡。 内容仅供参考



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