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1、Module 6,2020秋外研版三年级英语上册优质课件,Unit1 Unit2,Unit1,目 录,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,Unit 2,外研版英语三年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,Module 6 Unit 1 Happy birthday!,第一课时,How many pandas?,One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine!,How many cats?,One, two, three, four, five, six!,How many caps?,Twelve.,happy,birth

2、day,Happy birthday!,here 这里,heres = here is 这是,Heres your present.,present 礼物,pen,pencil,cake,this 这个,Whats this?,Its a pen.,Whats this?,Its a pencil.,Whats this?,Its a cake.,heres,cake,birthday,pencil,present,birthday,present,pen,here,happy,点击空白处出现一个单词泡泡 ,让学生读,学生读出后点击这个泡泡。该单词消失,再点空白处出现下一个单词。读对加分,读不

3、对不点击下一个泡泡。,Whats this? Its a cake. A birthday cake.,Today is Jims birthday. Now listen and say: what does Amy say to Jim?,Happy birthday, Jim!,Happy birthday, Tim!,Happy birthday, Kim!,Ha ha ,Listen, point and say.,Try to say.,_, Jim!,_, Tim!,_, Kim!,Ha ha ,Happy birthday,Happy birthday,Happy birthd

4、ay,Heres your present.,Thank you.,Heres your cake.,Thank you.,友谊之圈,抽十二名同学围成两个同心圆,跟着音乐向相反方向移动。当音乐停止时,每位同学和正好和自己面对面当同学用Heres 句型对话。,Whats this? A pen?,Its a pencil.,Whats this? A cat?,Its a dog.,快速反应,老师随意走到一名同学身边,这位同学要拿起一个物品,然后问同桌说“Whats this?”,同桌回答“Its ”看谁反应最快,最快的加分奖励。,Today is our friend Sams birthda

5、y. Lets sing this song for him.,朋友们是怎么给Sam庆祝生日的? 他们对Sam说了什么? Daming送了什么礼物?,Hello, Sam. Happy birthday!,Heres your present.,Thank you, Daming.,Whats this? A pencil?,Oh! Its a pen. Thank you.,Happy birthday, Sam. Heres your cake.,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Im nine!,Listen, point and find “Heres.”,Ther

6、e are many presents for Sam. Whats Damings present? Its a pen. Whats Ms Smarts present? Its a cake.,Look, heres a birthday card.,How many candles can you see? Nine. Sam is nine.,Try to say.,Hello, Sam. _!,Happy birthday,_ your present.,_, Daming.,_? A pencil?,Oh! Its a pen. Thank you.,Happy birthday

7、, Sam. _ your cake.,Heres,Whats this,Heres,Thank you,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Im _!,nine,请今天生日的同学到讲台前来,大家一起为他唱生日快乐歌。,选一选。,( ) 1. _ this? Its a panda. A. Whats B. What C. whats ( ) 2. _ your desk. A. Here B. heres C. Heres,A,C,Try to do.,( ) 3. Happy birthday! _. A. thank you B. Thank you C. Thank,

8、B,What have you learnt?,1. happy, birthday, present, pencil, pen, cake 2. -Happy birthday! -Thank you! 3. -Whats this? -Its a 4. -Here is your -Thank you. 5. Im nine.,Sum up.,1.听活动一、活动二录音并跟读表演。 2.准备图片,用 ”-Whats this? -Its a” 及 ”-Here is your -Thank you.” 对话。 3. 为近期生日的同学制作一张生日贺卡,并写上祝福语。,Homework,第二课时

9、,Lets Chant Whats this? Its a pen. Pen, pen, its a pen. Whats this? Its a pencil. Pencil, pencil, its a pencil. Whats this? Its a cake. cake, cake, its a cake.,Touch and Guess,教师准备一个软布袋,事先将一些物品放在里面,如:书、铅笔、钢笔、帽子等。教师用“Whats this?”提问,学生一边摸一边回答:“Its a/an.” 如果学生猜对了,教师就说:“A/An for you.”,Today is Peppas bi

10、rthday. What will you say to her?,Happy birthday, Peppa. Heres your present/,Whose birthday is it? What does the woman give to Sam? Is Sam happy?,Heres your cake, Sam!,Thank you!,Listen and say.,Chain Game,Heres your book.,Heres your book and bag.,Heres your book, bag and cap.,郊游结束后,班长为每位同学分发物品,他是怎么

11、说的呢?,Heres your cap, Sam!,Thank you.,Heres your pencil, Lingling!,Thank you.,Practise.,各国人过生日的习俗 世界各地民族风俗不同,过生日的方式也不同。 中国的小孩一周岁时,在毯子周围放上诸如书、笔、硬币、算盘之类的东西,每件东西都有特定的含义,幼儿摸到的东西将预示未来的一生。中国的中老年人过生日,常吃长长的面条,表示长寿。 西班牙人过生日拉耳朵。 冰岛人过生日常吃带蜜饯的薄饼。,知识之窗,各国人过生日的习俗 英国人过生日全体庆祝。在学校里,人们常抓住过生日的孩子的胳膊和脚脖,把他举起来,每年一次,预示长高。

12、荷兰的孩子过生日,不仅得到礼物,也把礼物分给别人。 在墨西哥,生日那天要尽可能早地致以祝福,以图吉利。过生日的人常常在半夜被祝寿的朋友叫醒。 印度人过生日有宗教色彩,必须在黎明前祈祷和祝福。,知识之窗,一、选择正确答语。,2. Whats this? _,Its a window. B. Thank you.,A,1. Heres your cake. _,B,Try to do.,二、情景选择。,A,1. 你想告诉别人你八岁了,应该说:_ A. Im ten. B. Im eight. C. Im nine 2. 你想送小明礼物,你应该说:_ A. Heres your present. B

13、. Happy birthday! C. Thank you!,B,B,3. 你想知道这是什么,应该说:_ A. Its a pencil. B. Whats this? C. Its a pen. 4. 在吉姆生日晚会上,你应该说:_ A. Im nine. B. Happy birthday, Jim! C. Happy birthday, Sam!,B,-Heres your -Thank you.,2. -Whats this? -Its a ,给某人某物的句型。,询问某人这是什么东西的句型。,Sum up.,1.听录音跟读课文。 2.用“Heres ”和“ Whats this? I

14、ts a ”句型各造三个句子。 3.动手制作一份生日礼物,送给过生日的同学。,Homework,外研版英语三年级上册,第一课时,第二课时,Module 6 Unit 2 How old are you?,第一课时,Show me one and two.,Show me three and four.,Show me five and six.,Show me seven and eight.,Show me nine and ten.,Show me eleven and twelve.,老师拍手,同学们听并在心里默默数次数,然后说出相应数字。或者点学生拍手。,one,eleven,twel

15、ve,two,seven,nine,four,ten,three,eight,six,five,点击空白处出现一个单词泡泡 ,让学生读,学生读出后点击这个泡泡。该单词消失,再点空白处出现下一个单词。读对加分,读不对不点击下一个泡泡。,Happy birthday.,Thank you.,Heres your cake.,Thank you.,Whats this?,Its a cap.,old 岁的,how old 多大,yes,you are = youre,你是,You are ten.,Im three.,Im four.,Im seven.,Im eight.,You are four

16、?,Yes.,You are eight?,Yes.,眼疾脑快,老师随意走到一名同学身边,并用手指提示年龄,这位同学要快速说“Im ”,看谁反应最快,最快的加分奖励。,Hello, Im Sam.,How old am I?,Look, Im nine.,How old are they?,Im three.,Im ten.,You are three and you are ten?!,Yes.,Yes.,Listen, point and say.,Try to say.,Im three.,_ ten.,You are three and _ ten?!,Yes.,Im,you are,Yes.,


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