汉英翻译课件之_句子翻译中的减词现象 第四讲

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《汉英翻译课件之_句子翻译中的减词现象 第四讲》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《汉英翻译课件之_句子翻译中的减词现象 第四讲(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、句子翻译中的增词/减词现象,增词有两种情况,一是把原文句子里隐含的或上下文意思清楚而没有写出来的词在译文里补译出来,使译文清楚地表达原文的意思。也就是说,这样的增词是出于语义上的需要。,增补有助于完整表达语义的词: 从长远来看,入世对中国实现国家农业现代化将产生积极影响。 In the long run Chinas accession to the WTO will exert positive influence in accelerating the modernization of Chinas farming sector. 普通的老百姓能在不久的将来圆私家车之梦。 The comm

2、on people will be able to realize their dream of owning a car.,我们要提倡顾全大局。 We should advocate the spirit of taking the interest of the whole into account. 发展经济,保障供给,这是过去多年财政工作的第一条基本经验。 The first and basic experience gained in our financial work over the past years was that it is correct to secure sup

3、plies through economic growth.,中国的发展离不开世界,同样世界的繁荣需要中国。 China cannot develop independently without the rest of the world. Likewise, the world needs China if it is to attain prosperity.,增补表明逻辑关系的词: 天快黑了,我们最好还是早点回家。 As it is getting dark, we had better go home earlier.,中美两国经济上的相互依存在不断加强,?经贸关系已成为中美关系的稳定

4、器。 As the economies of China and the United States become increasingly interdependent, economic and trade cooperation has functioned as a stabilizer for relation between the two countries.,增补句法上不可或缺的词语: 知道你考上了研究生,非常高兴。 I was very delighted to know that you have been enrolled as a graduate student. 两

5、支篮球队旗鼓相当,打得十分激烈。 The two basketball teams were well-matched, and the game was hotly contested.,尽管水灾损失如此严重,举国上下展开与洪水的斗争是非常值得的。 Despite the serious damage in flooding, China deserve a lot credit for the nationwide efforts to deal with flooding. 其实,不把中文底子打好,什么也写不成。 In fact, without a good foundation of

6、 Chinese-writing, one cant hope to be successful in any kind of writing.,增补解释性文字: 至解放前夕,园内景物荒芜殆尽,解放后进行了修缮,恢复了当年的景象。 On the eve of the Liberation of China in 1949, the garden was reduced to a desolate waste. When New China was founded upon Liberation, it was renovated and restored to its former splen

7、dor.,甲方应负责工地上的三通一平。(“三通一平”是建筑行业通行用语,“三通”系指通水电气,通讯,道路;“一平”是平整土地。业内人士都很熟悉) Party A shall be responsible for the supply of water, electricity and gas, the provision of telecommunication facilities and road access, and for the leveling of the ground on the construction site.,在汉英句子翻译中,通常有不少词语要减译。这种减译不是无缘

8、无故地删掉句中某些词语,这些词语尽管在译文中未译出来,但从上下文的字里行间还能看出其含义。去掉可有可无的词语不仅可以避免译文累赘臃肿,还可以使译文更加简洁流畅。,省去原文中的某些范畴词: 如:“紧张态势”和“封闭状态”只需分别用一个英语抽象名词“tension”和“isolation”来翻译。类似“态势”“状态”一类在特定词组中失去具体意义,仅仅表明范畴的“辅助”词还有不少,如“事业”“事情”“工作”“问题”“局面”“情况”“现象”等等。,但是译者首先要根据上下文,确定上述这些词在句中是否有实际意义,如有实际意义就要译出来,如没有实际意义则应该省略不译,以免产生累赘而有不规范的英语。,下面这个

9、句子中“问题”一词有实际意义,需要译出: 我们必须培养分析问题,解决问题的能力。 we must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems.,我们应当结合具体情况来处理问题。 We should deal with the matter in light of the specific condition. 局面正在失去控制。 The situation is getting out of control.,同样的范畴词,若其在句中没有实际意义,在某些句子中均须省略不译。 你应当对退休问题抱积极态度。 You should adop

10、t a positive attitude toward retirement. 多年来,该国一直存在严重的失业现象。 For many years, there has been serious unemployment in that country. 大会准备工作在继续进行。 Preparations for the conference continued. 请及时向管理部门汇报工作情况。 Please report your work to the management in a timely manner.,政府结束了那个时期社会动荡不安的局面。 The government pu

11、t an end to the social unrest and upheaval. 她把自己的一生献给了儿童福利事业。 She devoted her whole life to the welfare of children. 他是在我不知道的情况下私自拿走的。 He took it away without my knowledge.,省去意义重复的词语: 世界各国人民应携手合作,继续推进人类和平与发展的崇高事业。 People across the world should join hands in advancing the lofty cause of peace and de

12、velopment of mankind. 中国同世界各国各地区的经济技术交流与合作广泛开展。 China has engaged in extensive economic and technological exchanges and cooperation with other countries and regions.,杭州不仅有风景如画的西湖,而且还有美味佳肴和漂亮的工艺品。 Hangzhou boasts not only the picturesque West Lake, but also delicious food and pretty handicrafts. 海峡两岸

13、的中国人都是骨肉同胞,手足兄弟。 The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of the same flesh and blood.,务必要发扬艰苦奋斗的优良传统,提倡勤俭,崇尚节约。 It is imperative to carry on the fine tradition of hard work and encourage frugality. 他家里很穷,没有什么衣服可穿,也没有什么东西可吃。 His family was so poor that they did not have enough food and cl

14、othing.,国家要加大对中西部的支持力度。 The state will increase its support for the central and western areas. 校医给了这位同学一些治疗感冒的药。 The school doctor gave the student some medicine for her cold.,建立办事高效,运转协调,行为规范的行政管理体系。 1 To set up an administrative system with high efficiency in work, coordination in operation and st

15、andardization in behaviour. 2 To establish a high efficient, well-coordinated and standardized administrative system.,省去表述重复的词语: 报应,报应!这就是报应呀! Retribution, retribution! This is what is called retribution!,他说的是他的观点,而不是我的观点。 What he said is his viewpoint, but not mine. 这些航天科学家为国家作出的贡献比普通人所做的贡献要大得多。 Th

16、ese spaceflight scientist have made much more contributions for the state than the ordinary people have.,美国仍在进口中小型汽车,特别是从德国和日本进口。 Many small and medium-sized cars are still being imported, especially from German and Japan. 美国人总是在迁居,他们从美国的一个地区迁往另一个地区,从一座城市迁往另一座城市,从农村迁往城市,从市区迁往郊区。 The American people are always on the move-from one part of the country to another, from one city to another, from farm to city, from the city to the suburbs.,1要想妥当处理好这个事故,还必须做周密的调查和研究工作。 2在工作


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