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1、必修二 Unit4 重点词汇句型练习 一根据句意填单词 1.Fresh fruit and vegetables _ plenty of vitamin C. 2.I am busy, so I have to _ a housekeeper to look after my children. 3.China is getting more and more _in the world. 4.Whales are still being _ and killed in the Arctic. 5.It is _ that the earth goes around the sun. 6.Th

2、ey killed the injured animals _(毫无怜 悯地). 7.People say that barking dogs dont _. 8.It is a rule that our luggage should be i_ by customs officers.(海关人员 ) 9.He told me some of the funny i_ that happened during his journey to Europe. 10.I think he lives there but I couldnt _. 二单项选择题 always pay attentio

3、n to the weather, because it _ so directly what we wear, what we do and even how we feel. A. effects B affects C. influences an effect book _ ten units, two revisions_. A. contains; including B .includes; containing C. contains; included 3. The price of wheat _15% compared to last year because finan

4、cial problems. A. has increased by B. has increased to D. have increased by 4. I could appreciate _ if you could do me a favor. A. that B. it C. what 5. It s their duty for those soldiers_ our country _our enemies. A. to prevent, from B .to keep, from C. to protect, from D. to defend , with you writ

5、ten to the company, telling them the bad quality of the cellphone -Yes, but no one yet _our problem. A. answered to B. replied C. responded to D .made an answer 7. Many lifestyle patterns do such _great harm to health nowadays. A. a B. an C. the D. / 8. It was in the factory _ I worked ten years ago

6、 that I got to know him. A. that B. where C. which D. when 9. - Who do you know _John and is in charge of the company now - Tim A. has survived B. has appreciated removed D. has succeeded 10. The doctor came out and said the operation was well finished. The parents smiled_. doubt relief peace return

7、 11. - May I ask a question after class, sir -_, but not during my lunch time. A. Im sorry B. Anytime C .Certainly D. Go ahead 12. The boy was _by a dog this morning, which caused a quarrel between neighbours. in the leg his leg the leg D. bitten on the leg 13. All the newspaper reporters hurried to

8、 the airport, _that the star didnt turn up at all. A. disappointing to find B disappointed finding C. disappointed to find 14. Oh, please cheer up. It wont be _ we meet again A. long before B. lomg after C. before long D. long since 15. _, all of you have grown into big boys and girls. A. As time go

9、ing by B. As time past C. With time going D. With time passed 三、写作积累 如何写一封 反映问题 或提意见 、征求意见 的信 常用句型有: 1.反应某种现象的常用开头句: I am writing to tell you that ( that 引导的句子作 tell 的宾语: tell sb. sth.) Recently we have made a survey that ( that 引导的句子作 survey 的同位语 ) Many people are worried about许多人担忧 It worries more

10、 and more people that (that引导主语从句, it为形式主语 ) We cant ignore the fact that many people still It is a common phenomenon (现象)in society that 2. 提出措施的常用语句 We intend to help/save/protect ( intend to do sth. 打算 做某事 ) We are ready to call on people to 我们要呼吁人们 We would like to punish those who do harm to wi

11、ldlife. (我 们要惩罚伤害野生生物的人们。 ) Something must be done to deal with this problem. (我们必须做一些事情解决这个问题。) We should make every possible effort to overcome this difficulty. (我们应当竭尽全力克服这一困难。) 3. 征求对方支持的常用表达: We need your support to make more and more people( 我们需 要你们的支持使越来越多的人们) Would you please help us to by(通

12、过做什么来帮助我们) In order to we need (为了我们需要) I hope that I can get help from.( 我 希望能获得的帮助) I expect that you can. 我希望你 能 I would be grateful if you couldWe will appreciate it if you can(如果您能我们将不胜感激。) I was wondering if you could 我不知道您是否 句型运用: (1)I am writing to tell you that more and more students nowada

13、ys are addicted to computer games. It worries many parents and teachers. There is no doubt that the serious addiction to computer games will do much harm to their health and growth. Therefore, steps should be taken to help those children to use computer correctly and pay much more attention to their

14、 study. In order to improve this situation we need help and support from the whole society. (2). We cant ignore the fact that pandas are getting endangered nowadays. As we all know,bamboo growing areas in our country are decreasing rapidly, so pandas dont have enough food for living. As human beings we should learn to live in harmony with nature. And something must be done to save those endangered animals. In order to solve this problem, we need help from government and all people. I hope everyone can join us in protecting the endangered wildlife.


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