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1、九年级上学期各单元知识清单Unit 1 How can we become good learners?1.I study by working with a group.我通过小组活动来学习。by 作为介词,用法很多。请仔细观察下面的例句,分析by 的用法,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。1.Come and sit by us. by可表示位置, “在 . 旁边”,或“从旁边 ( 经过 ) ”之意。2.Peter goes to work by bus every day.by可表示交通、传递方式译为: “乘、骑”等。3.Tony will come back by 10:00 pm. by可

2、表示时间, “到 ( 某时 ) 之前 ;不迟于”,4.English is spoken by lots of people.by可用于构成被动语态,译为:“被 , 由”5.My brother studies history by working with a group.by可表示借助某种方式或手段,常构成“ by+doing形式 ”。【运用】根据提示,用含有by 的短语完成各句。1)AnniewenttoBeijing_ ( 乘火车 ) yesterday.2)Hisgrandfathermadealiving_ ( 靠卖水果 ) inthepast.3)Thescientistshav

3、etoarriveat the village_ (八月以前 ).4)Allengoes_ ( 经过邮局 ) on his way to school every morning.5)Thebookwas written_ ( 由几个工程师 ).2.What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?大声朗读来练习发音怎么样?aloud, loud 和 loudly :aloud出声地 ;大声地。常与 read/ call等词连用 ,不用于比较级。loud 大声地 ; 喧闹地。指说话声和笑声,常与talk/speak/laugh/sing 等词

4、连用 , 可用比级。loudly高声地 ;喧闹地。可以和loud互换,含有“吵闹”的意思,不悦耳。1.Don t read in the library.不要在图书馆大声朗读。2.We can t hear you. Please speak.我们听不到你的声音,请再大声点。3.People are talking in the room.人们正在屋子里大声交流。3.It s too hard to understandspoken English. 该句句型为 : It s+adj.+ (for sb.)+todo sth.“ ( 对某人来说 ) 做某事是的” 。试译:1).保持健康太重要了

5、。2).学习两种语言对他来说很难。结构常表示“太而不能” too . to do ., too后面接形容词或副词, to后面接动词原形。如: 1).2).房间太脏了,不适合居住。他走的太慢了,没有按时到达。将下面的句子翻译成英语。1) 孩子们在那条河里游泳是危险的。2) 晚饭后散步太有必要了。3) 水太烫 , 不能喝。4. Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English?find sb. doing sth.发现某人做某事find it + adj. + to do sth.find it + adj. to do sth.中的 it是形式

6、宾语 , adj.做宾补同类的动词还有think, feel, consider等。【 find, to do sth.用法归纳】:发现做某事很是真正的宾语。1) I found it _(interest) to talk with my grandfather.2) I found it hard for me _ (improve) spoken English.5. But I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation.【 afraid用法归纳】:be afraid of sth./doing sth.害怕

7、做某事 ( 担心出现某种不良后果)be afraid to do sth.害怕去做某事 ( “怕” 或“不敢”去做某事) be afraid +that恐怕 ( 礼貌地说出令人不快、失望或感到遗憾的事)6. Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story. called=named叫做,called Toy Story在此做后置定语 . 【 call用法归纳】:call sb (up).=telephone sb.=phone sb.=give sb. a call=ring sb. up给某人打电话call on sb.拜访某

8、人; call on sb to do sth号召 . 做 . ;call out大声呼喊;call at sp拜访某地; call for要求;需要I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret tolanguage learning.discover v.发现 ;发觉 指偶然或经过努力发现原来客观存在但不为人所知的事e.g. ColumbusAmerica in 1492.哥伦布于 1492 年发现了美洲。7. I also learned useful sentences like“

9、 It s a piece of cake” or“ It servesyou right.”a piece of cake和 serves sb. right是英语中的两个习惯用语 , 也可称作习语 idiom(s)。同汉语中的成语类似, 习语是人们在长期的语言运用中约定俗成的一种固定表达方式,其意思往往不是字面所表达的含义。a piece of cake表示事情非常简单、易于解决 ,相当于汉语的“小菜一碟 ;小事一桩” ; serves sb. right则相当于汉语说某人“活该” 。8. But because I wanted to understand the story, I lo

10、oked them up in a dictionary. look up ( 在词典、参考书中 ) 查阅 ; 抬头看【 look 用法归纳】:look after照顾look like看起来像look out当心 ,小心往外看look through浏览 ; 翻看look for寻找look forward to (doing sth)look around向四周看have/take a look (at)看一看look over检查期待动名词 :它是一种兼有动词和名词特征的非谓语动词形式。基本形式 : V-ing 作用 : 动名词具有名词的性质,在句中可 以做主语、表语、宾语、定语等。动名

11、词的基本用法1.用作主语 : 所表动作比较抽象,或者泛指习惯性的动作。e.g.Playingwith fireisdangerous.注意:动名词做主语,有时先用 it 作形式主语,把动名词置于句末。这种用法在习惯句型中常用。1) It is no use/ good / useless + doingdoing3) It is fun + doinge.g. It s no use crying over spilt milk. (children.和孩子们一起玩真好。2) It is a waste of time +在以上结构中常用动名词作主语。覆水难收)It is fun playin

12、g with2. 用作宾语1) 作动词的宾语 , 常见动词有: practice, enjoy, finish, give up, cannot help, keep, keep on, mind, miss, put off, depend on, think about, succeed in, worry about, beused to, get used to, look forward to, pay attention to等。e.g. How do you practice speaking? I have to finish reading a book and givea report.2) 作介词的宾语 1. I learn English by doing grammar exercises.2. Shall we have a rest or get down to doing our work?3. He was late againbecause of getting up late.4. Lock the doors and windows before going out.5. What/How about thetwo of us playing games?活学活用 1.She can t help


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