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1、九年级英语第七八单元知识点总结人教版九年 英 第七八 元知 点 甜Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes、一 .单词1、driver s license 照 =driving license2、safe(adj、 ) safety (n、 )安全 ;安全性 dangerous(adj、 ) danger(n、 )3、have/do part-time jobs=have/do part-time work做兼 4、get/have/make sth done表被 eg: have/get/make my ear

2、s piercedhave/get/make my hair cut5. ear(n、)耳 ,ring(戒指 ) earring(n、 )耳 ,耳 6. cry crying cried cried7. give sb、 a hug = hug sb、 抱某人8. Lift(v 、) 起 ;抬高 =raise/(n、) 梯 ,搭便 eg:give sb a lift =give sb a ride 9、bad(adj、) badly(adv、) worse worst10、regret(v、)(n、)后悔 ,感到 憾后悔做了 regret doing sth eg:I regret telli

3、ng a lie、 憾做 (没做 )regret to stheg:I regret to tell you that you failed the exam、11.poem(n、)诗;韵文 poet(n、) 人 poetry(n、 )诗 ; 意 ; 歌 12.Make one s decision to do sth=decide to do sth=make up one s mind to do sth下定决定做某事13.educate(v、)教育 education(n、 )教育 educational(adj、 )有教育意 的14、manage (v、 )管理 ,努力完成 manag

4、er (n、)、 理 management(n、)管理 manage to do设法做成某事 /区分 try to do sth ,succeed indoing sth15、society(n、)社会 social(adj、)社会的九年级英语第七八单元知识点总结16、enter (v、)-entrance (n、)入口 反 exit(n 、)出口二、短 1、should allow sb to do sth被 sb should be allowed to do sth情 的被 就是:情 (not)+be + done2. go to the shopping centre3. I don

5、t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive、(1) 若 从句跟在 thinkbelieve等表示 “想,认为 ”的 之后 ,而主 第一人称 ,句子的否定体 在主句上。用 有 : suppose 猜(想推 )guess(猜) image(想象 ) expect(期待 )eg: I don t think it is a good idea、(2) sixteen-year-olds十六 的孩子 =sixteen-year-old teenagers 4、need time to do sth5、be excited about doi

6、ng sth6、由 so+助 (be/do/will/have)/ 情 +主 : 、也就是一 (表示相同 ) Neither/nor+助 (be/do/will/have)/ 情 +主 (前 否定 ) 、也一 不。(1)She is a student、 So am I、(2)She went to school just now、So did I、(3)She has finished the work、So have I(4)Tom can t swim、 Neither can John、 充 ;So+主 +助 确 如此 (表示 同 )7. mustn t do sth禁止做某事8. s

7、tay by oneside待在某人身 9. think back to sth回想某事九年级英语第七八单元知识点总结10.have scary/awful dreams做噩梦11.be late for schooltell back to sb跟某人 嘴12.run through thefield 跑步穿越田野 (through内部穿 如森林 across外部穿 如 路 )13.make sure=be sure确信14.cough badly 烈咳嗽15.warm arms to sleep in温暖 抱里入眠 (不定式做定 )17、 lift sb up 起某人 ;激励某人 =ins

8、pire sb/encourage sb18、stop doing sth 停止做某事 /Stop to do sth 停下来开始做某事19、by+ 点 几点前20、stay out待在外面21、the whole +n、 =all the +n、 all night 整夜22、agree with sb/sth =be in agreement with sb、 同意某人的 点23、move out 搬出去住24、take care of=look afte=care for照 take care=be carefu=look outl小心 care about关心 ,在乎 care for

9、 喜 ;照 ,为 操心25、continue to do sth=keep on doing继 做某事26、worry about doing sth=be worried about doing sth27、take/pass/fail the examtake the exam later 考28、be strict with sbbe strict in sth/doing sth be hard on sb、 、苛刻29、get/be in the way of sth 妨碍 in this way/in the way/on the way(to)/on one s way to/b

10、y the way/in a 、 way30、practice doing sth 做某事九年级英语第七八单元知识点总结31、be serious about sth/doing sth 对、严肃 ,认真32、instead of doing stheveryone就是一个词 ,只用来指人 ,等于 everybody,在它后面不能跟介词 of; every one就是两个词 ,既可用来指人 ,也可用来指物 ,等于 eachone,后面可跟介词 of、请瞧以下例句 :1)Everyone of the children likes this game、(误 )2)Every one of the

11、 children likes this game、(正)3 ) His books are wonderful、 I have read every one of them、33.end up as以、结束34.on his school team在校队35.grow up 成长 cut up切碎 give up 放弃 turn up调高 take up 占有 ,开始做 set up 建立 put up 张贴 show up 出席 lift up 举起抬高 make up 组成 ,构成36、we have nothing against running、 Have nothing again

12、st doing sth毫不反对做某事 (be against反对 be for 支持 )37、Only then will I have a chance to achieve my reams、当副词 only置于句首 ,强调方式、条件、地点、时间状语等状语时 ,句子要用部分倒装。 Eg:Only in this way can we learn English well、当 only后跟的就是主语时 ,不用倒装。Only five men were hurt in the accident、38、keep off关闭 ,阻挡Mobile phone should be kept off

13、during the meeting、三、句型注意以下各组问答句 ,并注意体会其汉语译文:1. Must I come before dawn?我必须天亮前来不? Yes, you must.就是的 ,必须天亮前来。九年级英语第七八单元知识点总结 No, you neednt.不必天亮前就来。 No, you dont have to.不必天亮前就来。2. May I smoke in the room?我可以在这个房间抽烟不? Yes, you may.当然可以。 Of course, you maycan.当然可以。 No, you may notmustnt,cant.不行。 (语气较生硬 ) Youd better notBetter not.最好不要抽。 Id rather you didnt.还就是不抽的好。 Please dont请.不要抽。3. Need I finish it today?我必须今天完成它不? Yes, you must have to,should.就是的 ,今天必须完成它。 (肯定回答不能用 Yes,you need,因为情态动词 need 只用于否定句或疑问句 ,不用于肯定句 ) No, you neednt.不必今天就完成它。 No, you dont have to.不必今天就完成它。4. We should


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