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1、书面表达之 议论文 写作模板推荐 Topic Recently we ve had a discussion about _. Our opinions are divided on this topic. Most of the students are in favour of it . Here are the reasons. First, _. Second, _. Finally However, the others are strongly against it.Their reasons are as follows. In the first place, _. Whats

2、 more, _. In addition, _. Personally speaking, _. 标题 导入话题 观点有分歧 正方观点列举 23 个赞成的理由 反方观点列举 23 个反对的理由 个人观点 书面表达之 说明文 写作模板推荐 Topic _ is a most effective _to _. For most people, it s almost impossible to _. _is really _. With the functions of _,it enables us to _. It can even _. Just imagine, all this can

3、 be done with _. A convenient tool can certainly make _, but it doesnt always help _. Too much _. Too many _. Relying too much on _ makes _. 标 题 点明要介绍的事物的必要性 介绍该事物对多数人的重要意义 该事物优势或显著特点该事物的作用 进一步说明该事物的作用 说明该事物的重要性 承上启下,介绍事物的另一方面 该事物的负面影响一 该事物的负面影响二 总结说明过分使用该物品给我们带来的负面影响 书面表达之 记叙文 写作模板推荐 Topic Time is

4、memorable because who had a meaningful experience on that day. In the morning, we _. Upon arrival, we began to _. Some were _. Others were _. After getting the work done, we _.Before leaving, we _.Seeing _, we _. We feel it s our duty to _. 标 题 开篇点明时间、人物及事件 按时间顺序来展开故事的情节 介词 upon 使用准确,表明到达后立即开始行动 介绍部

5、分人的活动介绍其他人的活动 完成任务后进行的活动一 完成任务后进行的活动二 说明看见自己所做的一切,内心的感受 总结全文,谈论对事件的认识 书面表达之 建议信 写作模板推荐 Topic Date Dear _, I m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on _./ I m glad to write the letter to you on _. Here are a few suggestions for your reference. First,it is important to _.As you ll _. Then,

6、it also helps if you _.Besides,it should be a good idea to _. Because _. You can also _. I m sure that _. Please _next time/in the future. Sincerely yours, Signature 标题 日期 称呼 提出写信的原因 过渡句引出建议 提出第一条建议第一条建议的理由 提出第二条建议提出第三条建议 第三条建议的理由提出第四条建议 第四条建议的理由 表达本人的愿望 书面表达之 求职信 写作模板推荐 Topic Dear Sir/Madam, Iam _.

7、 I am glad to learn that _. I m quite interested in _. I think I m fit for the job.As _, I_. I _and do well in _. Besides/What s more, I _. Above all, I _.So I m sure I can do the job well if I get the position. I am looking forward to _. Sincerely yours, Signature 标题 称呼 自我介绍介绍招聘信息 表明对招聘职位感兴趣 过渡句引出胜

8、任理由表明能胜任的理由一 表明能胜任的理由二表明能胜任的理由三 表明能胜任的理由四再次表达可以胜任 期盼早日回复 书面表达之 演讲稿 写作模板推荐 Salutation, everyone/ladies and gentlemen ! It is a great honor for me to stand here and give my speech. Some of us are having problems _. I fully understand _. _to make sure _. They have probably _. Or perhaps they just _.My

9、suggestion is _. If you _, write them _and _. Thank you ! 问候和称呼 礼貌开始,表达自己的心情 点明演讲的主题点明自己的看法 持此看法的原因一 持此看法的原因二持此看法的原因三 提出个人意见具体做法及结果 礼貌结束语 书面表达之 通知 写作模板推荐 Notice 主办单位 will organize _._. This activity aims to _.This activity is arr- anged to last _or so. It is planned to begin on _. The team members w

10、ill be arranged to _. Your main task is to _. Anyone who _is welcomed warmly. Those who are interested can contact _for further information. Looking forward to your active 通 知 交代活动的主办单位和时间 概括描写活动内容交代活动的主要目的 交代活动的持续时间活动的具体时间 描述活动的地点 参加人员的主要任务 说明说动的参加条件交代参加的联系方式 发出呼吁,诚邀参加 participation. 书面表达之 日记 写作模板推

11、荐 Date Weather Today/This morning _. On arriving there, we/sb. _. First, we _. Then, we _.After that, we _. At last, we_. I think _. For _. I ll never for- get the memorable dat ! 日期天气 活动的时间,地点,人物 表明事情开端叙述事情的发展/ 活动内容一 事情进一步发展/ 活动内容二 事情发展的高潮/ 活动内容三 事情的结束表明个人的看法或感受 个人看法的原因 总结全文,再次抒发自己的感情 书面表达之 图标作文 写作

12、模板推荐 说明图标 主题句 +图表说明1+图表说明2+图表说明3。 如 As the bar chart shows, _during the years from _to _. 说明引起变化的原因 主题句 +原因 1+原因 2+原因 3。如 Several factors contribute to _( 原因 1).And _( 原 因2). Furthermore , _( 原 因3). All these result in _. 发表自己的观点。如When it comes to me ,/ As far as I am concerned , 书面表达之 画图作文 写作模板推荐 开

13、头 Look at the picture./ The picture shows that / From this picture , we can see/ As is shown in the picture/ As is seen in the picture 衔接句 As we all know / As is known to all / It is well know that / In my opinion / As far as I am concerned,/ This sight reminds me of something in my daily life. 结尾句 In conclusion/ In brief / On the whole / In short / In a word / Generally speaking / As has been stated/ It is clear that


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