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1、初中英语同义句归纳初中英语同义句归纳 1Nice to meet you! Nice to see you! Glad to meet you! Glad to see you! 2How old are you? Whats your age? 3Can I help you? What can I do for you? May I help you? 回答: Yes, please. No, thanks. No, thank you. 4Thats all right. Youre welcome. Its my pleasure. My pleasure. Dont mention

2、it. Not at all. Thats OK. 5Bye. See you. Good-bye. Bye-bye. 6Im fine. Im OK. Im all right. 7My name is Green. Im Green. Green. 8 He is my uncle. He is my fathers brother. 9 Li Long and Liu Wen are his parents. Li Long and Liu Wen are his father and mother. 10I have a computer on my table. There is a

3、 computer on my table. 11My parents are at home. My father and mother are at home. 12Jim sits on Marys left. Jim sits next to Mary. 13A week has seven days. There are seven days in a week. 14Im sorry that I am late for class Im sorry to be late for class. 15Our school has twenty classes. There are t

4、wenty classes in our school. 16I can give her my pencil. I can give my pencil to her. 17What time is it? Whats the time? 18Is it a cat or a hat? What is it, a cat or a hat? 19Please give the apple to me. Please give me the apple. 20My shoes are black. The black shoes are mine. 21Those white clothes

5、are hers. Those are her white clothes. 22Li Lei is one of my friends. Li Lei is a friend of mine. 23Are these pears yellow? Are these yellow pears? 24Lin Tao and Li Lei are nine. Lin Tao is nine. Li Lei is nine,too. 25Is everyone here today? Are we all here today? 26Your classroom looks like our cla

6、ssroom. Your classroom and our classroom look the same. 27Whats the cats name? Whats the name of the cat? 28These are Jims picture. These pictures are Jims. 29They are in different schools. They arent in the same school. 30Lin Tao is in Row One. Jim is in Row Three. Lin Tao and Jim arent in the same

7、 row. 31Li Lei is in Class 1. Jim is in Class 1, too. Li Lei and Jim are in the same class. 32These bananas are yellow. These are yellow bananas. 33Bill is my friend. Bill is a friend of mine. 34Its time for school. Its time to go to school. 35Alice is a girl, and she is English. Alice is an English

8、 girl. 36Give me the bottle of orange. Give the bottle of orange to me. 37There is an eraser in Bills hand. Bill has an eraser in his hand. 38Her bedroom isnt big. She has a small bedroom. 39Whats the English for this? Whats this in English? 40What color is the car? Whats the color of the car? 41. T

9、hese are our red sweaters. These red sweaters are ours. 42. Whats your name? May I know your name? 初中英语同义句转换精析 1.同义句转换题是近几年来中考英语试题的常见题型之一。 该题型能够全面考查学生灵活运用 英语的能力,要求学生反应敏捷,联想丰富,能用不同的句子或短语来表达同一意义。本文就同义 句转换题的特点及转换形式进行分析,希望从中帮助同学们找出规律,提高其应试能力。 2. Eg:People were in a hurry to take the sick man to hospital

10、.(写出同义句) People _ _ take the sick man to hospital. People hurries to take the sick man to hospital. 同义句转换的实质就是替代、合并和改写句子。具体分析如下: 一:替代 1、 用一个新的词、短语替代原句中有关部分。 如: I received a letter from Lucy . = I heard from Lucy . (receive a letter from hear from ) I often walk to school every day . = I often go to

11、school on foot . (walk go on foot ) She decided to stop learning English . = She decided to give up English . (stop doing sth. give up doing sth. ) 2、用反义词来替代。如: 3、 We are in different rows . = We arent in the same row . (different same ) 4、 My bike is cheaper than yours . = Your bike is more expensi

12、ve than mine . ( cheap expensive ) 用反义词或反义短语来替换时,一般会有一个否定意义的词,如 not , less , no , never , hardly 等。 二:合并句子 合并句子一般是通过并列连词将两个简单句合并为一句。常见的并列连词有:not only but also , both and , neither nor, either or 等。例如: Mary didnt go to the park . I didnt , either . = Neither Mary nor I went to the park . Wei Hua may

13、go to the cinema , or Ann may because there is only one ticket . = Either Wei Hua or Ann may go to the cinema because there is only one ticket . John has got a penfriend . Mike has got a penfriend , too . = Not only John but also Mike has got a penfriend . = Both John and Mike have got penfriends .

14、三:改写句子 通过能够表达同一意义的不同句型、句式、语态的转换,来达到改写句子的目的。具体可分为 : 1、复合句改为简单句。含宾语从句的复合句变简单句时,可用不定式改写,将宾语从句中的 谓语动词变为不定式。如: We all agree that we should leave at once . = We all agree to leave at once . Could you tell me when we will start ? = Could you tell me when to start ? 含宾语从句的复合句变简单句时,还可用复合宾语,即宾语加宾语补助语来改写。如: 1.

15、 I saw he went into the room just now . = I saw him go into the room just now . 2. Edisons mother found that he was a clever boy . = Edisons mother found him clever . We heard that she was singing in English . = We heard her singing in English . 2、含状语从句的复合句变简单句时,常用以下方法:以 sothat引导的结果状语从句常转 换为too to 或

16、 enough to 结构。如: He is so young that he cant go to school . = He is too young to go to school . = He isnt old enough to go to school . 另外还可通过结构和语态的转换来改写。如: I cant finish the work if you dont help me . = I cant finish the work without your help . = I cant finish the work unless you help me . We use computers in many ways . = Computers are used in many ways . 3、句型间的转换,要求对能够表达同一意义的常用句型结构了解甚透。如: It took me two hours to finish my homework . = I spe


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