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1、【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 1 / 14 2020九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry 课时练 (新版)人教新目标版 编 辑:_ 时 间:_ 教学资料范本 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 2 / 14 【最新】 20 xx年九年级英语全册 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry 课时练 (新版)人教新目标版 . 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的

2、单词或短语填空,有的需要变换 形式。 leave out, friendship, drive sb. crazy, would rather, lately, be friends with 1. The boys have had a long _. They care about each other. 2. If you _ be alone, well all leave here 3. Mike thought the report was too long, so he _ the third paragraph. 4. His words _. I cant stand him

3、 any more. 5. Joan _ Andy. They stay together all the time. 6. Have you seen either of them _? . 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The boring movie makes me _(sleep). I want to leave. 2. _(drink) too much coffee is bad for your health. 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 3 / 14 3.

4、 Jack is _(real) nervous when speaking in front of so many people. 4. I havent been to his house, so I dont know how _(get) there. 5. Father is trying his best to make our life _(good) 6. Its a(n) _(happy) memory. I dont want to mention it again. . 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词( 含缩略形式 ) 。 1. 我工作时别和我说话。 Don t ta

5、lk to me while _ _. 2. 天气如此热,以至于我们不能待在外面。 It is _ _ _ we cant stay outside. 3. 看!孩子们和他们的老师玩得很开心。 Look! The children are _ _ _ their teachers. 4. 你知道得越多,就越会意识到自己知道得多么少。 _ _ you know, _ _ you will realize how little you know. 5. 在我看来,王丁和李辉毫无共同之处。 In my opinion, Wang Ding and Li Hui _ _ _ _. 6. 我姑姑每次来我

6、家,都会给我带来一些书。 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 4 / 14 . 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项 多余。 A: Alan, did you have a good time at Alices birthday party last night? B: Well, yes and no. A: (1)_ B: At first, a girl next to me kept talking loudly when we were eating. (2)_ A: I

7、 agree. Talking loudly while eating isnt polite. (3)_ B: After the meal, I came to another room and began to watch a movie on TV. A: How did you feel about the movie? B: It was scary. (4)_ A: So you stopped watching it, right? B: Yeah, just then Alice came to me and invited me to dance with her. (5)

8、_ I really enjoyed myself in the end. A. What did you do then? B. I d rather stay at home. C. Dancing always makes me excited. D. That made me want to laugh. E. What do you mean? 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 5 / 14 F. Thrillers always make me scared. G. That made m

9、e mad. 答案 Section A (1a2d) . 1. friendship 2. would rather 3. left out 4. drive me crazy 5. is friends with 6. lately . 1. sleepy 2. Drinking 3. really 4. to get 5. better 6. unhappy . 1. Im working 2. so hot that 3. having fun with 4. The more; the more . 1 -5 EGAFC Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.

10、Section A (3a Grammar Focus) 课时练习 . 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. They made him _(国王) of the country. 2. My sister doesnt like _(柠檬 ). She thinks they re too sour. 3. They were all successful _(银行家) at their time. 4. When the telephone rang, the doctor was _(检查) her patient. 5. What do you know about the

11、 _(王后) of England? 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 6 / 14 . 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. Too many worries made her hair turn g . 2. He is a man with great w , but he never lends a cent to others. 3. Are you feeling all right? You look rather p . 4. The ship was helpless

12、against the p of the storm. It sank (下沉) soon. 5. I couldnt sleep because the bed was so u . . 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式。 call in, to start with, feel like, take ones position, be worried about, hand back 1. _ you should prepare some vegetables and fruits, and secondly you should cut them up. 2. T

13、he old man _ his only son, who rows a small boat going fishing on the sea every day. 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 7 / 14 3. The teacher _ the boys and asked them what happened. 4. I m very tired. I _ sleeping. 5. Examination papers were _ after the marks were recor

14、ded. 6. Susan asked for a years leave and Claire _. . 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 1. 我的话让妈妈很生气。 My words made my mom _. 2. 医生让她躺在床上。 The doctor made her _. 3. 那部电影使我感到很兴奋。 That movie made me _. 4. 昨天那里的音乐几乎快让我疯了。 The music there almost made me _ yesterday. 5. 王老师让我们每天读半小时英语。 Mr. Wang made us _ for half an

15、hour every day. 答案 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 8 / 14 Section A (3aGrammar Focus) . 1. king 2. lemons 3. bankers 4. examining 5. queen . 1. grey 2. wealth 3. pale 4. power . 1. To start with 2. is worried about 3. called in 4. feel like 5. handed back 6. took her position . 1. very angry


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