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1、【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 1 / 12 2020九年级英语下册 Module2Education 综合能力演练含解析新版外研 版 编 辑:_ 时 间:_ 教学资料范本 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 2 / 12 【最新】 20 xx年九级英语下册 Module2Education 综合能力演 练含解析新版外研版 综合能力演练 I. 单项选择。 1 Excuse me, could you tell

2、 me the way _ the nearest supermarket? Go down the street and turn left. Then youll see it. Ato Bof Cin Dat 2The blind man walked across the street _ the help of a boy Aby Bat Cin Dwith 3I m sorry, sir. Ive made a lot of mistakes in the exam Never mind _,the exam is a little difficult AIn all BFirst

3、 of all CAfter all DAbove all 4May I speak to Ms. Lane, please? Sorry, she isnt in right now. I ll tell you as soon as she _ back tomorrow 5Excuse me, is it my turn now? Not yet. Please wait on the chair _ your name is called Aand Buntil Calthough Dsince 6. Would you mind _ quiet for a moment? Im tr

4、ying _ a form. A. keeping ;filling out B. to keep;to fill out C. keeping ;to fill out D. to keep;filling out 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 3 / 12 7It is important for us _ the main idea of the article Aunderstand Bunderstanding Cto understand Dunderstood 8. Is Tara

5、shorter than Tina? Yes, she is _ Tina. A. as tall as B. not as tall as C. taller than D. as taller as 9. How was your trip in Chengdu? Not so good. I stayed there for two days. But it rained on _of the days. A. none B. neither C. both D. all 10. She prefers_ at home alone_ with her friends. A. stay;

6、 play B. staying; playing C. staying; to playing D. to stay; to play I m afraid _ day is possible. A. either B. neither C. some D. any 12Jack spends much money on books _ he is not so rich Athough Bwhen Cif Dbecause 13. All of us find _ necessary to eat healthy food to keep fit. A. it B. that C. one

7、 D. what 14. The new student is _ shy. A. a little bit B. little C. a bit of D. bit 15. I have two cats. One is black, and _ is white. A. another B. some C. other D. the other 【真题链接】 1. Could you tell me _ a moment ago? A. what were they talking about B. what are they talking about 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本

8、人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 4 / 12 C. what they were talking about D. what they are talking about Ais helpful to Bis harmful to Cis good for 3. Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday? _. Its one of the worlds cleanest cities. II. 完形填空。 Monty was the son of a horse trainerWh

9、en he was in his ninth grade, he was asked to write a 1 about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. That night he wrote a seven-page paper saying that someday hed 2 a horse ranch (牧场 )He wrote about his dream in great detail and he 3 drew a picture of a 200-acre ranch with all the buildings.

10、He put a great deal of his 4 into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacherTwo days later he received his paper backOn the front page was a large red “F” 5 a note that read, “See me after class.” The boy went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why did I receive an F?” The t

11、eacher said, “This is an unrealistic(不现实的 ) dream for a young boy like youYour family is not rich Having a horse ranch needs a lot of 6 You have to buy the landYou have to pay for other thingsThere is no 7 you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added, “ 8 you rewrite this paper with a more realisti

12、c goal, I ll reconsider your grade.” The boy went home and thought about it long and hardHe asked his father what he should doHis father said, “Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on thisBut I think it is a very important 9 for you.” Finally, after thinking about it for several days, the bo

13、y handed in the same paper, making 10 changes at 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 5 / 12 all He said to the teacher, “You can keep the F and I ll keep my dream.” 1Aspeech Bnotice Cpaper Ddiary 2Aown Bwin Cpaint Dsell 3Ajust Beven Cever Dalmost 4Adream Bheart C advice D

14、trust 5Aby Bin Cto Dwith 6Atime Bmoney Cspace Dwork 7Away Bwonder Cproblem Dmatter 8AThough BSince CUnless DIf 9Achange Bgift Cdecision Dmessage 10Ano Banything Cany Dnothing III. 阅读理解。 A Some children feel it is very difficult to do their homework, because they can t understand their teacher clearl

15、y, and cant follow their teachers teaching process( 过程). Maybe there is something wrong with their intelligence But some childrens intelligence is normal. They are even cleverer, but they dont listen to the teacher carefully. It is hard for them to sit well and pay attention to anything. It needs to carry on the attention centralized(集中注意 力)training to help the children 【新教材2020 版】 本资料系本人收集整编,以VIP 专享文档的呈现方式与各位同仁分享,欢迎下载收藏,如有侵权,望告知删除! 6 / 12 Some children love their teacher and then they like the subject Their interest depends o


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