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1、1 / 7 新部编人教( PEP )版小学六年级英语下册期末检测卷及(听力材料、答案) 班级: _ 姓名: _等级: _ 时间: 60 分钟满分: 100 分 听力部分( 30 分) 一、听录音,选词语。 (10 分) ( ) 1. A. train B. rain C. rainy ( ) 2. A .2:30p.m. B. 3:30p.m. C. 3:30a.m. ( ) 3.A. last weekend B. next weekend C. this weekend ( ) 4.A. played basketball B. read a book C. ate good food (

2、 ) 5.A. Its Sunday. B. Its sunny. C. Its Saturday. 二、听录音,判断下列图片正(T)误( F) 。 (10 分) ( )1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( )4. ( ) 5. 三、听录音,选出正确的答语。 (10 分) ( )1. A . I went to the park. B. My nose hurts. C. I like swimming. ( )2. A. I do my homework at home. B. I go to the park. C. I watched TV at home. ( )3. A. I am

3、going to go fishing. B. I want to be a policeman. C. I am going to be sad. ( )4. A. He is forty years old. B. He is sixty kg. C. He is 172cm. ( )5. A. I went to Yunnan. B. I went there by car. C. I went camping with my friends. 笔试部分( 70 分) 2 / 7 四、找出每组单词中不同类的选项。 (10 分) ( )1. heavy B. big C. smaller

4、( )2. A. ate B. bought C. do ( )3. A. run B. swim C. hall ( )4. A. play B. nose C. leg ( )5. A. him B. us C. mine 五、单项选择。(10 分) ( ) 1.How _ he go to the park yesterday? A. did B. does C. do ( ) 2.- _ is the cinema? -It s next to the post office. A. When B. Where C. What ( ) 3.What did you do _ Sunda

5、y? A. this B. last C. next ( ) 4.-What did he do last Friday ? -_ A. He does his homework. B. He is going to do his homework. C. He did his homework. ( ) 5.What _ she like to do? A. do B. does C. is ( ) 6.Amy is a teacher, she _ English. A. teach B. teaches C. teacher ( ) 7. Yesterday Liu Yun _ a mo

6、untain with her parents. A. climbed B. climb C. climbing ( ) 8. Mike is 13 years old. Im 12 years old. So Im _ than him. A. heavier B. thinner C. younger ( ) 9. Im _ than you. A. strong B. tall C. stronger ( ) 10. There _ a small building in my old school before. A. was B. is C. had 3 / 7 六、读问句,选答语。

7、 (10 分) ( )1. Whats your new English teacher like? ( )2. When are you going to the bookstore? ( )3. How heavy is your father? ( )4. How tall is your brother? ( )5. What did you do last Saturday? 七、补全对话。(10 分) A: Hello, Mary. 1. _? B: I went to Kunming on my holiday. A: 2. _? B: It was warm. A: 3. _?

8、 B: I went there by plane. A: 4. _? B: I saw folk (民族的 ) dances. A: Did you eat any Kunmings snacks? B: 5. _.They re delicious. 八、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误( F) 。 (10 分) My name is Mike. I am 12. I like singing. I am from Nanhai. My friend and I had a long holiday last month. We went on a trip. I went to Hangzh

9、ou A. He s 62kg. B. I went camping with my family. C. This afternoon. D. She s nice. E. He s 1.68m. A. How did you go there? B. What was the weather like? C. Where did you go on your holiday? D. Yes, I did. E. What did you do there? 4 / 7 with my parents by plane. We saw the West Lake(西湖) . John is

10、my cousin. He is one year older than me. He went to Beijing by train. He visited the Great Wall. Alice is my pen pal. She is from Canada. She is in Guangzhou now. She went to Hong Kong by bus. She ate good food and bought some clothes. Tim is Alice s classmate. He is English. He went to Huangshan by

11、 plane. He climbed the mountains. Tim and Alice are one year younger than me. We are all in Grade 6 now. We are going to a new middle school in September. We will be in Grade 7(七年级) . ( )1. Mike went to Tang Shan last month. ( )2. John is one year younger than Mike. ( )3. Tim is Alices classmate (同学

12、) . ( )4. We are in Grade 7 . ( )5. Tim is 13 years old. 九、阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 (10 分) I m Lily. Today was a bad day. I went to the bookstore in the morning. I read a storybook, it was very interesting. Then I wanted to buy some food. I went shopping in a supermarket. When it was turn (轮到我 ) to pay for (付 钱

13、) the food, I couldn t f ind my wallet(钱包). So I went back to the bookstore and looked for my wallet. I asked the salesperson (售货员), but he didnt know. Then I asked a cleaner, she said she saw it on the chair, and someone took it away. I lost the wallet. I was very sad. ( ) 1. What did Lily do in th

14、e supermarket? A. She read a storybook. B. She bought some food. C. She watched TV. ( ) 2. Who saw the wallet? A. A salesperson. B. A cleaner. C. A teacher. ( ) 3. Lily lost her wallet in the _. A. bookstore B. supermarket C. bank ( ) 4. How did Lily feel today? She felt _. A. happy B. sad C. excited 5 / 7 ( ) 5. How many people did Lily ask? She asked _ people. A. one B. two C. three 十、书面表达。(10 分) 你一定很喜欢暑假吧!还记得去年暑假你去了哪里、做了什么吗?请以“Last Summ


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