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1、线 2019-2020年度第一学期五年级Unit1-4期中练习卷 (60 分钟内完成)学号学号(Number)(Number)成绩成绩(Mark)(Mark)2020.11 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,听一遍。8 分 ()1.A fridgeB frontC fromD forest ()2 A afraidB friendC againDgreat ()3 A swingB swimC swimming D sing ()4 A hiB highC eightD light ()5 A tailsB eyesC earsD wings ()6 A hobbyB Bo

2、bbyC puppyD happy ()7 A thirstyB thirdC thirtyD thirteen ()8 A horseB houseC hasD have 二、听录音,选出所听句子的答句,听两遍。6 分 ()1. A.Heres a glass of water.B. Heres a hamburger for you. C.You can go to bed now. ()2.A. There are some computers. B. There is only one. C Therere two offices. ()3. A. Yes,they are.B. So

3、me little dogs.C. Yes, there are. ()4. A. There are four.B. I can see four.C. It has four. ()5.A. Its Mikes.B.Hes Liu Tao.C. Helens. ()6.A. I can play football. B. Playing football. C. Football. 三、听对话,选出所给问题的最佳选项,听两遍。6 分 ()1.How many students are there in the class? A.18.B.20.C.38 ()2.Who likes writ

4、ing stories? A. Nancy.B. Nancys brother.C. Both A and B. ()3. What can you see in the tree? A. A bird.B. Two birds.C.There are two birds. ()4. Where are Susan and her friend? A. In the classroom.B. In the park.C. At home. ()5.What is it? A. Its a duck.B: Its a panda.C. Its a bear. ()6. What does Liu

5、 Taos animal friend have? A: Big ears and small eyes.B. Small eyes and long ears. C. Big eyes and small ears. 四、根据所听内容,完成下列短文,听三遍。10 分 It is _today. Jim and his family are at home. Jim _ reading,but his sister _ . She likes _. Their mother likes_ _.And their father likes _ _ _. They all have some _.

6、 1 笔试部分 五、按要求写单词 5 分 1. second(基数词)_2. their(同音词)_ 3. soft(反义词)_4. watch(三单式)_ 5. dance(动名词)_ 六、英汉互译 10 分 1.第二层_2.擅长_ 3.一个动物朋友_4.两条鱼_ 5.喜欢画画_6.打篮球_ 7.害怕 _ 8.带他参观_ 9.a hole in the ice_10. in winter _ 七、 单项选择 20 分 ()1 There is _umbrella behind the door. _ umbrella is nice. A.an;TheB.an; AnC. a ; TheD.

7、 the;An ()2 He cannot see_pies at the snack bar. A.someB.anyC. aD.no ()3 _ is popular in China. A.CoffeeB. TeaC.MilkD. Juice ()4 Mike likes_ table tennis. He can_well. A.playing;playB. .playing;playingC. play;playingD. play;play ()5 The cakes are too_. Do you have any soft ones? A.smallB.softC.hardD

8、.white ()6 His hobby is _. A.reads booksB.reading bookC.read booksD.reading books ()7 It has _legs _arms. A.no;andB. some;orC.no;orD.any;or ()8 There are two cats under the tree. One is fat and _is thin. A.the otherB.otherC. the oneD.one ()9 _ only four years old,but _ animal friend is eight. A.Hes

9、; hisB. Hes; hesC. Shes;shesD. She;her ()10 There _ some rice in the bowl. A.isB.areC.hasD.have ()11 There arent _ table tennis rooms in the building. A. aB. someC. any ()12 The library is on _ floor. A. threeB. thirdC. the third ()13 Liu Tao cant _. A. singB. singsC. singing ()14 A: What does Helen

10、 _? B: She _ a pretty dress. A. have;hasB. has;haveC. has;has 2 ()15 Dont _ the door. A. to openB. openingC. open ()16 There are some trees _ the farm. A. inB. onC. at ()17 Nancys animal friend _ jump and run. A. doB. doesC. can ()18 We have ten _. A. fingerB. fingersC. arms ()19 There _ an English

11、book, two storybooks and four exercise books in the bag. A. areB. isC. have ()20 Let _ go and see. A. weB. usC. our 八、词汇检测 10 分 A)根据句意,在括号中选出最佳选项,填在横线上。 1 Dont push_(he/him)! Its too high. 2 There is a river between the _(hill/hills). 3 Mikes dog _(have/has)eight legs. 4 Look,there is some _(hamburg

12、ers/bread) on the table. 5 Can you _(swim/swimming) in the river? B)根据中文及句意,写出所给单词的正确形式。 1 My brother can swim very_(好). 2 You are _ (这么)heavy. 3 Elephants have big _(身体). 4 The two pictures on the wall are _(都) beautiful. 5 The rabbit _(有) a short tail. 九、完成句子(每空 1 分,满分 15 分) 1. There are some toys

13、 on the bed. (改成否定句) There _ toys on the bed. 2 Nancy has a cute dog.(改为一般疑问句) _ Nancy_ a cute dog? 3 There are some apples on the desk.(改为单数句) _ apple on the desk. 4 My friends like reading picture books. (对划线部分提问) _ your friends like _? 5 Does he skate well?(改为同义句) _ he _ skating? 6 She likes read

14、ing stories.(对划线部分提问) _ _ she like _? 十、阅读理解 10 分 A I have a picture of my school.There is a new building in the middle of (在.中间) 3 the picture.There are many flowers and trees near the building. Therere twelve classrooms in it. Therere twenty-four desks for the students and one desk for the teacher in every classroom. Beside the buildi


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