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1、1四级语法 -非谓语+比较+ 情态+倒装-精解2008-3-17一、 非谓语动词近几年的语法测试中非谓语动词约占 31.1%,平均每年近 5 道题,可谓是语法项目考查的重点,那么非谓语动词的考查都有哪些特点,解答时又应注意些什么呢?下面我和大家就一起来分析一下:1、非谓语动词考查特点1) 谓语动词与非谓语动词的判断对谓语动词与非谓语动词区别的考查主要集中在独立主格结构,如:All things _ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.(1999.1)A. had been c

2、anceled B. have been canceledC. were canceled D. having been canceled四个选项中有三个是谓语动词,只有 D 是非谓语动词,只要同学们能判断出这里是非谓语动词做状语,则不用考虑时态的问题,答案自明。2) 谓语动词后不定式与动名词的选择谓语动词后接不定式还是接动名词也是四级语法测试中的一个题眼。如: I dont mind _ the decision as long as it is not too late.(2000.1)A. you to delay making B. your delaying makingC. you

3、r delaying to make D. you delay to make Had I remembered _ the windows, the thief would not havegot in.(1996.1)A. to close B. closing C. to have closed D. having closed Your hair wants _ . Youd better have it done tomorrow.A. cut B. to cut C. cutting D. being cut (1997.6)这类题涉及三个方面:谓语动词后应该接不定式还是动名词?即

4、可接不定式又可接动名词时,结构和意思上有何差别?不定式与动名词用主动形式还是用被动形式?3) 做定语的非谓语动词的选择从近几年的考查情况来看,对做定语的非谓语动词的考查有两种情况:(1)对一般概念的考查,而不是固定结构中的非谓语动词做定语。如: The project _ by the end of 2000, will expand the citystelephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.(1999.6)A. accomplished B. being accomplishedC. to be accomplished D. having be

5、en accomplished If I correct someone, I will do it with so much good humorand self-restraint as if I were the one _.(1996.6)A. to correct B. correcting C. having been corrected D. being corrected2同学们只要掌握非谓语动词做定语的一般的规律,就可以判断题答案为 C, 题答案为 D。(2)对固定结构的考查,如: The professor could hardly find sufficient grou

6、nds _ hisarguments in favor of the new theory.(2000.6)A. to be based on B. to base on C. which to base on D. on which to base The pressure _ causes Americans to be energetic, but italso puts them under a constant emotional strain.A. to compete B. competingC. to be competed D. having competed题为不定式做定语

7、的固定形式,答案为 D,题为某些特定名词的定语结构,答案为 A。在英语中有些名词,如动词变来的名词,形容词变来的名词,以及 means,way, time, moment, reason 等要求其后用不定式做定语,不定式没有体的变化。4) 做状语的非谓语动词的选择做状语的非谓语动词主要考查其各种形式的选择,如: _ the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus wouldfall off the edge of the earth.(1996.6)A. Having believed B. Believing C. Believed D. Be

8、ing Believed _ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have atleast a masters degree.(1995.1)A. To become B. Become C. One becomes D. On becoming Realizing that he hadnt enough money and _ to borrow fromhis father, he decided to sell his watch.(1995.1)A. not wanted B. no to want C. not wanting

9、 D. wanting not _ it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientificcircles.(1997.1)A. Believe B. To believe C. Believing D. Believed从以上各题来看,考查的侧重点有:(1)状语类别的判断不同的状语对非谓语动词的要求不同,目的状语要求用不定式,如。(2)非谓语动词与句子属于之间的逻辑关系根据主谓关系或动宾关系的不同来确定用现在分词还是用过去分词。(3)非谓语动词的否定形式not 否定非谓语动词时置于非谓语动词之前,如 。(4) 独立成分有些非谓语动词的

10、使用不受与句子主语关系的限制,称为独立成分,这类成 分只记忆即可。如:generally speaking, judging from., to tell the truth., 等。 5) 做补足语的非谓语动词的选择做宾语补足语的非谓语动词受谓语动词的限制,不同动词后的宾语补足语形式要求不同。近几年对各类宾补都有考查。如: They are going to have the service man _ an electric fan in the officetomorrow.(1998.1)A. install B. to install C. to be installed D. in

11、stalled After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territorydispute _.(1998.6)3A. being settled B. to be settled C. had settled D. as settled You will see this product _ wherever you go.(2000.6)A. to be advertised B. advertised C. advertise D. advertising His remarks left me _ about his re

12、al purpose.(1999.6)A. wondered B. wonder C. to wonder D. wondering When I caught him _ me I stopped buying things there and started dealingwith another shop.(1997.1)A. cheating B. cheat C. to cheat D. to be cheating The sale usually takes place outside the house, with theaudience _ on benches, chair

13、s or boxes.(2000.1)A. having seated B. seating C. seated D. having been seated考查涉及到感官动词后的宾语补足语,如。have, make, let, leave 等特殊单词后的宾语补足语。regard 类后面的宾语补足语with 独立分句后面的常用动词后面的宾语补足语。6) 做表语的非谓语动词的选择表语的考查多侧重于分词做表语形式的选择,很少有动名词的用法的考查,虽然选项中有不定式作为干扰项,只要能看出是做表语的也就不用考虑。如: The house was very quiet, _ as it was on th

14、e side of the mountain.(1999.6)A. isolated B. isolating C. being isolated D. having been isolated These surveys indicate that many crimes go _ by the police,mainly becausenot all victims report them.(2000.6)A. unrecorded B. to be unrecorded C. unrecording D. to have been unrecorded分词做表语可以做系动词 be 的表语

15、,也可以做其它系动词的表语,如 go, feel,seem, look, remain 等等。这些系动词后非谓语动词的饿用法规则是相同的。7) to 作为介词与作为不定式符号的选择to 可以是介词,也可以用来引导不定式,四级考试中对种类用法的考查也比较多。如: I have no objection _ your story again.(2000.6)A. to hear B. to hearing C. to having heard D. to have heard The traditional approach _ with complex problems is to break down intosmaller, more easily managed problems.(1996.6)A. to dealing B. in dealing C. dealing D. to deal The man in the corner confessed to _ a lie to the managerof the company.(1997.6)A.


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