SSS-速度感应式转向系统技术解析Speed-Sensitive Steering speed

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《SSS-速度感应式转向系统技术解析Speed-Sensitive Steering speed》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SSS-速度感应式转向系统技术解析Speed-Sensitive Steering speed(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、SSS-速度感应式转向系统技术解析 Speed-Sensitive Steering speedsensitive steering system, this system is also belongs to improve vehicle active safety, vehicle steering system is the whole of the leading car dealership direction control of the car, so the system is very important for safety, in the collision secur

2、ity door I have for each is presented in this paper can break the telescopic steering column, we will now introduce can enhance the speed of induction type vehicle active safety steering system, the steering system will with the driving speed adjustment power assisted hydraulic, auxiliary larger oil

3、 in low speed, provide auxiliary force is larger than the steering force of light, with the speed upgrade to make driving more and more for the sake of safety, the steering force must be relative improvement, not only because the steering force too light caused when high speed steering too sensitive

4、, to make the car instability phenomenon, and speed sensitive steering can be as the speed changes provide appropriate auxiliary force, make the vehicle steering stability is better, improve driving safety. The power steering system compared with the traditional engine speed type power steering syst

5、em has more precise steering force control, and more appropriate steering force control makes the driving stability is better.Speed-Sensitive Steering速度感应式转向系统, 此套系统亦是属于增进车辆行驶的主动安全, 转向系统是整部车辆的龙头, 控制整部车的车行方向, 因此对安全来说是非常重要的系统, 在碰撞的安全方面我门已为各为介绍了可溃缩式方向机柱, 现在我们再为各位介绍可增进行车主动安全的的速度感应式转向系统, 此种转向系统会随着车行速度调整动

6、力辅助油压, 在低速时有较大的辅助油量, 提供较大的辅助力使转向力较轻巧, 随车速的提升为使行车更为安全起见, 其转向力必须相对的提升, 才不至于由于转向力太轻造成高速时转向太灵敏, 至使车行不稳的现象, 而速度感应式转向系统则可随着车速的变化提供适当的辅助力, 使车辆有更好的操控稳定性, 提升行驶的安全。此种动力转向系统比起传统引擎转速式动力转向系统有更精确的转向力的控制, 而更适当转向力控制使得行驶的安定性更佳。As we all know, when the suspension system is relatively hard, canGain control of very goo

7、d, especially when high speed travel, is conducive to the bodys stability, but when faced with poor road, theComfort is not guaranteed, while the suspension set is relatively soft, although good comfort, but handling andDecline, such as speed up the rise, such as brake nod phenomenon is more obvious

8、. The SSS overcomes the suspension set comfortThe contradiction between the performance and handling, maximum close to the consumers of vehicles in these two requirements.The working mode of traditional suspension system is mainly through the thick body beat, pushing hydraulic oil, through the dampe

9、r suppressionThe vibration body, and is composed of a spiral spring will beat energy absorption, this completely passive mode has many shortcomings. WhileThe SSS system through the wheels and body motion sensing the slightest, before any large body vibration of suspension system in a timely mannerTh

10、e adjustment, to keep the body balance.The SSS system allows the car to control on the roll, pitch, yaw, beating and body height can more quickly, accurately. The carBody roll is small, changes in camber angle of wheels is small, the tire can better maintain the vertical with the ground contact, the

11、 tires on the groundEnhance the adhesion of the driving and braking, to give full play to the role of tire. In addition, the change of vehicles in any case, auto startFinally can maintain a certain body height, so the geometric relationship between the suspension also can ensure the constant. The SS

12、S system can well adapt toVarious road conditions, even in the rugged place, also can maintain superior controllability and comfort and steering stability.Most early proposed the active body control concept is 比如加速抬头、刹车点头等现象就比较明显。而 SSS 的出现克服了悬挂设定舒适性和操控性之间的矛盾,最大限度地接近消费者对车辆在这两方面的要求。传统的悬架系统工作方式主要是通过厚重的

13、车身跳动,推压液压油,通过阻尼减振器抑制车身的振动,并由螺旋弹簧将跳动能量吸收,这种完全被动的方式有许多不足之处。而SSS 系统则通过感应最轻微的车轮及车身动作,在任何大的车身振动之前及时对悬架系统作出调整,保持车身的平衡。SSS 系统使汽车对侧倾、俯仰、横摆、跳动和车身高度的控制都能更加迅速、精确。车身的侧倾小,车轮外倾角度变化也小,轮胎就能较好地保持与地面垂直接触,使轮胎对地面的附着力提高,以充分发挥轮胎的驱动制动作用。此外汽车的载重量无论如何变化,汽车始终能保持一定的车身高度,所以悬架的几何关系也可以确保不变。SSS 系统能够很好地适应各种路面情况,即使在崎岖不平的地方,也能保持优越的操

14、控性、舒适性及方向稳定性。最早提出主动车身控制理念的是 LEXUS,事实上它只是仅仅是把普通悬挂用的螺旋弹簧换成了空气弹簧,增加了一套简单的自动控制单元,相对于复杂的路面情况,仍有它的局限性。LEXUS, in fact it is only is only the ordinary suspension spiral with bombSpring is replaced by the air spring, an increase of a set of automatic control unit is simple, compared with the complex road con

15、ditions, still has its BureauLimited. When the French developed hanging a stronger adaptability, is now the Peugeot 607, Citroen C5 on the use ofHydraulic active suspension, damping force can he adjusted in 5 stages of the shock absorber (i.e., soft hardness), relative LEXUS is a bigProgress. But the real first solve the adaptive problem or a Mercedes Benz SSS, he is adjusting the air pressure air pump to adjust the suspensionHang the damping force, therefore, he can adjust the suspension soft hardness variable level, so as to adapt to various road factors.



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