Unit2 Values电子教案

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1、Unit 2 Values,Text A A Life Full of Riches,Warm-up Questions,Do you think rich people must be happier than poor people? Why? Do you think a poor person can have a life full of riches? How? How would you show your value if you were rich enough?,Essays can be divided into several types, including expo

2、sitory essay and narrative essay. Then this text is expository or narrative? Because the essay is meant to explain something, that is, the authors point of view. The central idea of the essay is: One can live a life full of riches without being rich financially.,Part 1 Table Completion,Part 1,Salvat

3、ion Army,A Christian charity and social services organization, organized like a military service. Among its stated objectives are the advancement of education, the relief of poverty, and other charitable objects.,Salvation Armys Bell Ringer Program,First started in San Francisco in 1891, the campaig

4、n, during which volunteers put a red kettle at a prominent place of public gathering such as the entrance to a shopping mall and ring a bell to urge passers-by to drop money into the kettle in the spirit of Christmas, has traditionally been The Salvation Armys most prominent fund-raiser.,confront vt

5、.,(of a problem, difficulty, etc.) face (sb.) threateningly The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable. be confronted with (of a person) face and deal with (a problem, difficulty, etc.) 军人必须面对危险和死亡。 A soldier has to confront danger and death.,Read paragraphs 3 and 4 and answer:,Is the writer

6、 poor or not in terms of material possessions? Give facts to support your conclusion. Yes, economically he is poor. He lives in a small basement apartment. He doesnt even have a color TV. He falls into the lowest income category. And so on.,deny: vt.,say that sth. is not true There is no denying the

7、 fact that Japan began to invade China as early as the early 1930s. refuse to admit or accept He denied knowing anything about their plans.,1040 Form,U.S. individual income tax return (申报表). It is used by taxpayers to report annual financial information to the Internal Revenue Service (美国国内税务署,简称IRS

8、) for calculating taxes owed to the government.,minimal: adj.,very small in size or amount; as small as possible The founder of the company offered to work for a minimal salary of one dollar a year. We try as much as possible to leave minimal impact on the environment.,Read paragraphs 5 and 6 and an

9、swer:,Does the writer feel poor? Why or why not? No, the writer does not feel poor. This is because he has enjoyed good health and creativity which he thinks are much more important than material goods.,And I love the “can do” attitude that follows.,What is the “can do” attitude? Self-confidence. Ho

10、w do you understand this sentence? And I love the feeling of self confidence brought by brisk exercises.,tickle: v.,amuse and interest The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes. move ones fingers on a sensitive part of anothers body in a way that makes them laugh She tickled the boys feet and ma

11、de him laugh.,Read paragraph 7 and answer:,In what situation does the writer feel out of place? He feels out of place among people who are primarily interested in material things.,out of place,feeling uncomfortable or not suitable in a particular situation Your jokes are out of place on such a solem

12、n occasion. 在正式的舞会上,我感到局促不安,很不自在。 At the formal party I felt very awkward and out of place.,Questions for paragraphs 8-9:,What did the girl tell him before her visit to his apartment? And what happened after? She told him that she was interested in whats on the inside. But after he took her to his p

13、oorly furnished apartment, she changed her mind completely. How ought one to understand such “a seemingly abrupt change in her priorities”? It only shows that to her the most important thing was still material goods rather than what she had claimed before.,Shortly after her visit, our relationship w

14、ent straight south.,What was their relationship after her visit? Their relationship went sour. That is to say, they were no longer boyfriend and girlfriend. Why there was such a change in their relationship? Because the girl actually paid much attention to material things although she claimed that s

15、he was interested in what was on the inside, and after she went to the authors apartment, she found he was really poor.,Questions for paragraphs 10-12:,Can we infer from the essay what role commercials can play in society? Commercials can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really nec

16、essary. Why does the writer say “December is the time of year I feel wealthiest?” Because December is the time for him to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.,consequence: n.,a result of sth. that has happened Jimmy experienced severe headache as a consequence of heavy drinking the night before. 这样一种错误可能导致灾难性的后果。 Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences. as a consequen



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