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1、定 语 从 句,The man who lives next to us sells vegetables.,先行词,放置于名词之_,修饰名词的从句,关系词,连接作用,1.,2.,在从句中充当成分,后,关系词,1.,关系代词,2.,关系副词,1.,指人,2.,指物,3.,指某一情况,that,who,whom,whose,that,which,whose,which,as,不能放于句首,放于句中或句首,“正如”,when,where,why,(主语/宾语),(状语),1、_ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan. (

2、04江苏) A. Which B. When C. What D. As 2、John said hed been working in the office for an hour, _ was true. (01北京春季) Ahe Bthis Cwhich Dwho,1)非限制性定语从句一般采用 which 或 as 来引导。使用这两个词时要注意三点: (1)as 引导的从句可以放在主句之前,而which 引导的从句只能放在主句之后。(2)从意义上讲,which 指前面主句的内容;而 as 指代的是作为一般人都知道的常识性的东西,因此常译成“就象那样、正如所的”。 (3)如果定语从句的内容

3、对主句的内容起消极作用,则用 which,而不用 as,,考点一:关系代词: as,D,C,注意 the same as / such as 的使用问题 当先行词被 the same 所修饰时,关系词既可以用 as,也可以用 that。在表示具体事物时,有时两者有一定的区别。一般说来,表示同一种类多用 as,表示同一事物多用 that。如: This is the same instrument that I used yesterday. 这就是我昨天用过的那台仪器。 This is the same instrument as I used yesterday. 这台仪器跟我昨天用过的那台

4、一样。 在抽象概念上,同种类和同一事物是没有绝对区别的,所以两个词可换用: I have the same opinion as / that you have.,Such as 与such that He is such a good teacher _ we all love and respect. A that B. as C. who D. so,B,他是那样一位好老师,我们大家都热爱和尊敬他,他是一位我们大家都热爱和尊敬的好老师,He is such a good teacher that we all love and respect him.,He is such a good

5、 teacher as we all love and respect.,1.a.It is such an interesting book _ we all want to read twice. b. It is such an interesting book_ we all want to read it twice. A as, as B. that, that C. as, that D. that, as 2.I have never heard such stories _ he tells. A.As B. that C. which D. what,C,A,考点二:分析有

6、无先行词,巧解定语从句试题 先行词是被定语从句所修饰的中心名词,没有它的存在,定语从句就不能成立。,例1: He made another wonderful discovery ,_of great importance to science. A. which I think isB. which I think it is C. which I think itD. I think which is,因为定语从句中不能出现代替先行词的词,故B、C为错误选项,另外关系代词应紧接在先行词后面,所以插入语I think应放在关系代词后面。,A,例2: Is this factory_ you

7、visited yesterday? A. Which B. thatC. where D. the one,不少同学可能会将factory作为先行词而误选A或B,其实将该句还原成陈述句This factory is_you visited yesterday.时,可以清楚地发现该定语从句缺少在从句中作宾语的先行词,所以应填the one。,D,例3: The students in our class study harder than _are in their class. A. who B. those whoC. thatD. which,分析语境含义及句子结构可知,该空缺少先行词和

8、在定语从句中作主语的关系代词,所以应填those who。,B,考点三:有时先行词含义较为抽象,较难看出其属性,应多加思索并认真分析后才能正确解题。,例1: Hes got himself into a dangerous situation _ he is likely to lose control over the plane. A. where B. whichC. whileD. why,析:先行词situation意为“处境”,表抽象地点且在定语从句中作地点状语,所以应用关系副词where引导定语从句。,例2: I can think of many cases_students

9、obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay. A. whyB. whichC. asD. where,析:many cases 意为“场合”,表抽象地点且在定语从句中作地点状语,所以应用关系副词where来引导定语从句。,例3: Her illness will not develop to the point_ no medicine can cure her. A. whereB. whichC. thatD. as,析:point意为“地步”,表抽象地点且在定语从

10、句中作地点状语,所以应用关系副词where来引导定语从句。,考点四: whose指物时可与of which等互换,但应注意与冠词的位置关系。如:,This is the book,the cover of which whose cover,is blue.,1) Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from_effects the people are still suffering. (05天津卷) A. that B. whose C. those D. what 2) George Orwell, _ was

11、 Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays. (04北京) A. the real nameB. what his real name C. his real nameD. whose real name,B,D,“whose +名词中心词”这一结构在定语从句中既能作主语(如题2),又能作宾语(如题1)。whose 的先行词常用来指人(如题2),但有时也可以用来指具体事物或抽象概念(如题1),这时可以与of which 结构互换,词序是:“名词+of which” 。题1可变为:from the effects of which ,

12、考点五:关系代词和关系副词的比较,1、Do you still remember the chicken farm _ we visited three months ago? (05北京春季) A. where B. when C. that D. what 2、There were dirty marks on her trousers _ she had wiped her hands. (04全国II) A. whereB. which C. when D. that,C,A,当先行词是表时间的 time, day 等和表地点的 place, house 等时,一定要注意分析从句的结构

13、。如果缺少主语或宾语,关系词应该用 which 或 that, 缺少时间状语或地点状语时,才能用 when 或 where。题1中的 farm 作 visited 的宾语,故选C;题2中的 trousers 作 wiped 的地点状语,故选A。,考点六:介词加关系代词引导定语从句,1、The place _ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. (05江苏卷) A. which; where B. at which; which C. at which; w

14、here D. which; in which 2、He was educated at a local grammar school, _ he went on to Cambridge. (05山东卷) A. from which B. after that C. after which D. from this,C,C,题1中 the place 在定语从句中作 to be built 的地点状语,此处的 at which 相当于 where; 后面是表语从句,表示建在某地。题2表示读完当地的语法学校后去剑桥深造,故选C。,介词加关系代词引导定语从句是近几年高考中 的热点,复习中需注意以

15、下几个问题:,关系代词作介词宾语,不论是在限制性定语从句中,还是在非限制性定语从句中,当介词前置时,只能用 whom 指人,which 指物;但如果介词后置,则不受这种限制,关系代词还可以省去,特别是在口语中。如: Do you know the boy to whom she was talking? Do you know the boy (that) she was talking to? The pencil (which / that) he was writing with suddenly broke.,2. 要确认关系代词前用什么介词,需根据从句中的动词与先行词的关系来确定。所

16、以解题时需分析从句与主句之间的关系。,解题思路,1。通读全句,首先考虑是不是某种句型,如强调句型。,4。将选项代入句子,看前后是否语意贯通。,2。题干若是疑问句,首先把它恢复为正常语序,3。观察设空的前前后后,确地定从句的性质,回忆相关从句的用法特点。从中作出取舍。,Correct the sentences:,1. Im using the pen which he bought it yesterday. 2. Is that factory which your father once worked in? 3. The man whom I spoke is from Canada. 4. July 1,1999 is the day


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