六年级英语上册素材-Module1 课文翻译 外研版(三起)

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1、Module 1more than m:(r) n 超过thousand aznd 一千kilometre klmi:t(r) 千米,公里something sm 某事物,某种东西*million mljn 百万map mp 地图right rat 正确的country kntri 国家Unit1 Its more than twenty thousand kilometers longActivity 1: Listen and chant. 听一听,并说唱This is the Great Wall.这是长城。Its very beautiful.它非常美丽。Its long and ol

2、d.它既长又古老。And we love it all.我们都喜欢它。Activity 2: Listen,read and act out.听一听,读一读,并表演Daming is visiting the US. Hes in New York with his cousin Simon.大明正在游览美国。他和他表哥西蒙在纽约。Simon: These postcards are great!西蒙:这些明信片太棒了!Daming: Yes, they are. And look at this one. Its a picture of the Great Wall.大明:是的,它们很棒。

3、看这一张。它是一张长城的图片。Simon: Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it?西蒙:告诉我更多关于长城的信息。它多长?Daming: Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long.大明:它有两万多公里长。Simon: Wow! Its really long!西蒙:哇!它真长!Daming: Can you tell me something about New York? How big is it?大明:你能告诉我一些关于纽约的事情吗?它多大?Simon: Its very bi

4、g. It has got more than eight million people.西蒙:它非常大。它有八百多万人口。Daming: That is big.大明:那很大。Simon: How big is Beijing?西蒙:北京多大?Daming: Beijing has got about twenty million people.大明:北京大约有两千万人。Simon: Wow! Thats really big!西蒙:哇!那真大!Activity 3: Listen and say 听一听,说一说A: These postcards are great!这些明信片真的太棒了!

5、B: Yes, they are.是的,它们很棒。A: Tell me more about the Great Wall.How long is it?多告诉我一些关于长城的事儿吧。长城有多长?B: Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long.它(长城)有两万多公里长。Unit2 Its in the westActivity 1 :Look,listen and say 看一看,听一听,说一说Simon: Wheres the West Lake?西蒙:西湖在哪里?Daming: Its in the east of China.大明:它在中

6、国的东部。Simon: Its very beautiful.西蒙:它非常漂亮。Daming: Yes, it is.大明:是的,它非常漂亮。Activity 2: Listen and read 听一听,读一读Daming: What a big map of the US! Wheres New York?大明:好大的一张美国地图啊!纽约在哪里?Simon:Its here, in the east.西蒙:它在这里,在东部。Daming: And what about San Francisco?大明:旧金山呢?Simon: Its in the west.西蒙:它在西部。Daming:

7、And Houston is in the south.大明:休斯敦在南部。Simon: Thats right.西蒙:那是对的。Daming: The US is a big country.大明:美国是一个很大的国家。Simon: Yes, it is. And China is a big country too.西蒙:是的,它很大。中国也是一个很大的国家。Activity 4: Listen and learn to say听一听,并学会说Tell me more about the Great Wall.多告诉我一些关于长城的事儿吧。How long is it?它有多长?Its m

8、ore than twenty thousand kilometers long.它有两万多公里长。Beijing has got about twenty million people.北京有大约两千万人。Activity 5 Listen and say.Then chant.活动5 听一听,说一说,并说唱In America, there is lots to see.在美国,可以看到许多事。Many different places很多不同的地方,like New York and Tennessee.比如纽约州和田纳西州。Its flag has got fifty stars.它(美国)的国旗上有50颗星。Its red, blue and white.它(美国国旗)是红色的、蓝色的和白色的。You can see it moving你可以看见它在飘扬,every day and every night.每日每夜


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