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1、Unit 4 Finding your way,Reading 2,Guess which animal it is.,It is very cute.,It looks like a bear.,It is black and white.,It lies down all day long.,It likes eating bamboo.,panda,It is colourful.,It has two feet.,It has a tail.,It can fly.,It makes beautiful sounds.,bird,It is tall and big.,It has f

2、our feet.,Its nose is long.,It can help people carry heavy things.,It has large ears like open fans.,elephant,It is quite tall.,It has big eyes.,It likes eating grass and leaves.,It has long legs.,It has a long neck.,giraffe,It is clever and funny.,It is good at climbing trees.,It likes eating banan

3、as.,It jumps around.,It makes people laugh.,monkey,It is strong.,It eats meat.,It runs fast.,It is dangerous.,It is the king of the animal world.,lion,Can you say anything about the animals in Sunshine Zoo?,Read and make maps for Sunshine Zoo.,Lions,Monkeys Forest,Elephants,Panda House,South gate,Wo

4、rld of Birds,The bridge,Giraffes,monkeys,birds,giraffes,lions,pandas,elephants,north,west,south,east,north-east,F,F,T,F,T,F,South Gate,like,make beautiful sounds when they sing.,bridge,Complete the dialogue on P44.,animals,cute,visitors,dangerous,sing,funny,giraffes,leaves,Retell the story,Language

5、points:,everybody 每人,人人= everyone 作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。 Everybody knows he sings well.,每个人都喜欢中国餐馆。,Everybody likes chinese restaurants.,2. go straight on 径直走 Go straight along the road and turn left.,3. remember 记得,记住,remember to do sth. 记得去做某事(该事没有做) remember doing sth. 记得曾做过某事(该事已经做了),Remember to r

6、eturn the book to me. 记得把书还给我。,I remember seeing him once.我记得曾经见过他。,你回来的时候记得给我打电话。Remember _ me back when you come back.,我记得离开前关了灯。 I remembered _ the light before I left.,to call,turning off,4. funny 好笑的,滑稽的,fun 多用作名词,是“乐趣,享乐的事”,作形容词是“有趣的,使人开心的”,而funny只作形容词,侧重滑稽,好笑。,5. quite 相当,非常。与形容词一起修饰一个单数名词的时候

7、,要 放在a/an的前面。如:This is a quite big balcony.,一个相当漂亮的女孩:a very pretty girl=,quite a pretty girl,6. make people laugh 使人们大笑,make sb. do 使某人做某事 make sb. adj. 使某人怎么样,妈妈每天让她弹钢琴。Mother makes her _.,不要让老师生气。 Dont make the teacher_.,play the piano,angry,7. to the north of在 的北面,介词in, on, to都可以与方位介词连用,用in表示“在之

8、内”;用on表示“在端/边”,即两个地方接壤;用to表示“在外”。,Exercises:,_(一直走),and_ (你会找到)the post office. Every day, lots of visitors _ (来这里看长颈鹿). The birds always _(发出悦耳的声音) in the World of Birds. Pandas like to_(整天躺着), and the monkeys _ (上蹿下跳). _(在东面) the school is a park.,Go straight on,you will find,make beautiful sounds,come here to see the giraffes,lie down all day long,jump around,To the east of,Homework:,1. Recite the text after class.,2. Remember the importantvocabulary,phrases and sentences.,


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